The Internet in the USA is exactly like China now

The internet in the USA is basically like China. It's a more watered down version, but for people who are targeted by the Deep State it basically gets just as bad here in the USA. One of the big myths in the USA is that you still have a free and open internet. That's all gone now. The surface web is a shit show just like China now. Limited results on Google/Bing searches. Websites can be altered to hide information. It seems to have started with "Internet 2." Whenever that went online is when the shit show began.

The few forums/boards left like Jow Forums are completely infested with Deep State trolls making them virtually unusable to the average person. Access to these forums is only allowed to HIDE this Closed Circuit system that the United States is on. Once you get on these boards/forums you have to deal with Deep State Trolls who can hack your system, pry into your personal life, etc.

It doesn't stop at the internet, either. A person's phone can be on a Closed Circuit, as well. So, if you attempt to contact the Police to deal with harassment from people in the Deep State your call will simply be redirected to their own operatives. They have Call Centers set up all over the US waiting on calls from people who are targeted by the Deep State. The Deep State won't begin messing with you until they have you on this Closed Circuit system. You can't even get in touch with an attorney that will help you because your call will simply redirect to the Call Center where their operative will simply lie to you, or even be Deep State themselves. In that case they'll take your case and deliberately blow the case.

It's a BIG issue that needs to be addressed. There is more than what I've explained here. That'll be discussed in future posts.

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Are Trump supporters being targeted for firing and worse? Should we just leave the country before we all start getting disappeared? How bad is it already?

That’s assuming the people on the ground can close the loop. We were harassed after a death in the family. Some genius tried to split our land line but it ended up going down the street to a little old ladies house. She informed us she was getting our phone calls also. We dropped the land line. AT&T stay away from it.

All good questions. I honestly don't know. It's basically individuals that are targeted. As they are only so many people in the Deep State and it takes A LOT of people to target one individual.

I've been targeted for the past 2 years and the information I've learned based on their harassment towards me. There are plenty of assholes here on Jow Forums who know everything I'm talking about, but those pieces of shit are the ones INVOLVED. They probably take money to help these assholes hack your system and whatnot. That's the good news is that it does require a lot of people to target one individual. However, those individuals have to deal with a lot of bullshit. While plenty of computer programmers out there are pretty much oblivious to how this system works.

If the good experts in Computer Science do figure it out they're pretty forced underground to keep quite about it, or they're arrested and forced to work for the Deep State. That's why you don't see them on here talking about.

I get away with it because I have CIA backing and protection. Plus, a HUGE number of people in my city know who I am and will repremand the authorities should they attempt to do something to me. So, even though I'm targeted, they can only get away with doing so much. However, sadly that's not the case for everyone out there. As many of the people who are victims of this don't even know places like Jow Forums and other forums exist where they can share their information.

Moving to another country likely won't help. As this is probably a GLOBAL system now. This army of programmers the Deep State has at their disposal can likely get into anyone's system anywhere and redirect their internet traffic to their Closed Circuit System.

> As this is probably a GLOBAL system now.

I suspect a country could cut off access from the outside by making the internet entirely hardwired However, that never is the case. As everyone wants to use WIRELESS internet and I suspect that's where the real problem comes into play. As this would give the Deep State access to their internet from the outside. This all speculation, of course. So, take it with a grain of salt. I'm simply trying to figure out how all this works myself.

You likely won't see the experts chime in, either. As the good programmers who want to help and know more about this than me likely won't come forward out of fear.

IF those people DID come forward they would likely be protected just as I am by the proper authorities. It's just a matter of those people trusting that they'll actually be protected as I am if they finally start talking and sharing information. I'm sure the only place you can find solid information on this would be on specific Deep Web forums set up by good people, but the only way you gain access to those is by word of mouth from people on the inside.

It would be nice if some of these programmers would come forward and share what they know. It's just a matter of getting them to understand that they'll be protected if they do. That's the difficult part as they'll simply perceive this thread as a way to bait them out. Which, I don't blame them for, but they need to understand that people on the inside are legitimately trying to help. They just don't have the proper information to get this Closed Circuit System shut down.

Blame Jabba the Hut

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It's time to kill them or kill ourselves. I won't live in a world like this much longer

>I've been targeted
>I have CIA backing and protection

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the absolute state of the council of foreign cucks

When I did collections for an alternative economy it generally took about 20 seconds to drastically alter an individual's behavior in our favour for as long as we wanted.
And the people we were dealing with were a hell of a lot more dangerous then any shitposter.
Similar situations are playing out every second of every day in every city and town around the world where any vices are prohibited.

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>I have CIA backing
lmao nice LARP, faggot. sage this garbage.

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And it's not so much the government but the ADL and SPLC are literally telling microsoft, google, faceberg etc what can and cannot be posted on the internet and those companies are listening
it all started with Jared Taylor on jewtube, he was obviously considered the most dangerous because he present topics in a good manner and isn't insane

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You are a larping faggot. If you had CIA backing and protection, you would have answers to some of your somewhat simplistic questions.

Don't get me wrong...

There are ASSHOLES at the CIA and whatnot. However, there are good people, as well. It's just that they're compartmentalized and simply don't understand the nature of these Closed Circuit Systems. While the assholes who work there are well educated in it and understand every aspect of it. The good CIA operatives that are now fighting against the Deep State aren't going to find out the information they need to properly oppose them if good programmers don't start trusting them and coming forward with information.

It's going to take a big leap of faith on the part of Anonymous programmers out there to come forward and understand the CIA is trying to work with them and help them in the fight. Even people at the alphabet agencies can "wake up" and start fighting. It's not just people on the outside that have these epiphanies. These good programmers out there need to understand that.

The CIA has broken up into 2 groups and the side fighting against the Deep State simply isn't equipped with the proper tools to be effective. We need the proper knowledge in order to deal with these assholes at the CIA who understand what we don't.

It's basically a Civil War at the alphabet agencies right now. There have always been good people who hate the Deep State Mafia. It's just that they have ways of comparmentalizing everything to where those operatives are placed at Field Offices and locations where they can hardly be effective in fighting the corruption. They'll stick the good agents at offices where there is very little Deep State activity to investigate and stick the bad agents at the offices where Deep State acitivity is at the highest. That way the bad agents end up working for the Deep State and the good agents never even get a chance due jurisdictional restrictions.

>There are plenty of assholes here on Jow Forums who know everything
I know everything David.

>The Internet in the USA is exactly like China now.
Look at all these China posters

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Do you not understand that every alphabet agency in existence is in a Civil War right now?

The Deep State operatives are much more well informed on Deep State mechanisms than we are right now. They don't exactly teach us their tricks. These alphabet agencies are run by people nobody can identify. Not even the operatives working for the Deep State.

We need help in dealing with these people.

How would that be the case? The good CIA Operatives opposing the Deep State are never educated on these mechanisms. They purposely keep the Boy Scouts they employ focused on things other than their activities.

yeah, but they have big blind spots like:
they're old and don't understand technology
they're compartmentalized and can't see big picture
they're very few in number
they're scared and demotivated

Except soros pays plenty of young assholes to do that job

This is a forum full of HACKERS.

You STILL don't believe that I'm CIA.

Do you understand why the CIA would use me now to help them? They know if they send their own people here you would know right away that they're CIA and never talk to them.

That's the point. This is the new way the CIA does things...they pick up people who aren't in their database and protect them. That way the Deep State never realizes that they're operatives. No matter how much I tell it to people the Deep State will never believe it because I don't show up in their databases. For that matter, good Anonymous hackers will never believe it, either. So, it's a double edge sword that kind of backfires on them, but it's about the only way we can learn about this problem. There's simply no other way.

> they're old and don't understand technology

Hence, the reason they're reaching out through me. To learn about it. If you come forward THEY WILL PROTECT YOU. Just as they are with me.

I've noticed starting about 5-7 years ago that all search results started dating back a decade or more.

The decade before that results were always up to date and much more targeted at the search term.

yes, young assholes like Seth Rich who will turn on them in an instant

They resrictict it by areareagionsector etc
Yes it is its blantly obvious. They remove things and make sure to remove some prematurely if it doesnt fit that certain hostslocation "privledges. Ive seen things removed from the saturn net. Also you can use the way back machine. They remove stuff from there too(I know that not everything gets put there.)
As for these forums they switch databases all the time. And you can locate them everytime but inky during the tranfer process. Anything with java and trackers is obviously prone to some sort of hacking. Just like the ability to give the site access to your storage, but the nsa already has that soo shrug.

I have a 6 minute video of one of these Deep State Cops banging on my door this morning. Over the Satellite Dish that was Illegally installed on my property.

This condo I'm living in is OWNED, not rented. So, I'm not simply a tenant. These AT&T assholes keep installing Dishes without my permission right in the middle of my walking path.

When this Cop showed up today he threatened to kick my door in and then never did it. He was trying to scare me into opening the door so he could give me an illegal ticket for destroying corporate property that was illegally installed on my property. You can tell what is doing is totally FAKE because he showed up doing that joke knock....

You know....


The guy was obviously fucking around. No ticket he gave me would've been real. I could've just taken it and never paid it. That's how these Deep State Cops do things. They'll do illegal shit like this. Guy was threatening to KICK MY DOOR IN and never did it.

Why is that? Because he was bullshitting around. It's a joke.

>I have a 6 minute video of one of these Deep State Cops banging on my door this morning
post that shit bruh


It was obviously a CIA nigger trying to seduce you with lolis. You must bite their dick offs and run them over! Remember: they glow in the dark. USA!

the scariest thing about these "targeted individual" rants is that the trend is toward ubiquitous identification, making everyone a potential "target individual"

for some reason, nobody would think twice about how the consumer actually interpreted the largely bullshit media that appears on their bill

who is David Leakey

Funny thing is...

A couple hours later the old lady upstairs came outside and started yelling out, "You're gonna go to fuckin jail. You hear me? There's a warrant out for your arrest from the STATE POLICE." So, the not from the police that were here. The "State Police." As if these Cops that were here couldn't serve a warrant. They have to bring in the "state police."

This is how bad these people attempt to fuck with me and play jokes. It's because they know I'm fucking CIA and they can't do anything. If they had a warrant they would've kicked my door in TODAY when they were here. There's no reason they would need to bring in the "state police." AT&T Deep State people are desperate to fuck with me. They're the people calling the State Police.

The locals can't get a warrant. So, they're contacting the State Police in attempt to bring in people from outside of my county to arrest me. It's fucking comedic.

I'm trying man. I really am.

I made a mistake because I could've filmed it to Facebook and it would be up. Every time I plug my phone into my laptop I can't even get it to show up.

alphabets are staffed with dipshit liberal milennials now, it's not like congress where geriatrics still have a monopoly on representation. the "revolving door" opened wider to include silicon valley alongside the usual suspects, which is absolutely filled with bourgeois democrat milennials.

FUD thread

What if kikes are the puppets of chinks?

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pretty possible seeing as cuckerberg thought he could get on their good side by having a hapa mongrel baby.

post vid or larp

i dont care if it makes you chubby keep taking your pills you bipolar schitzo boogeyman fearing retards

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Please add more adjectives and pronouns.
you bipolar incel cis gender schitzo boogeyman fearing neckbeard retards
Also i dont know where you get fear from maybe ignorance brings fear?

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Ey man, depending on the group they just use an ai system to fuck with you now

Interesting. And, different groups have different methods. Or, is it all the same AI system?

Different groups have different ai systems and methods
Not always used maliciously either, sometimes they just take interest and lurk on/follow someone for various reasons.

What about the phone shit. Them redirecting calls. Do you know anything about that?

I called the same attorney 2 days in a row and a different guy answered each day claiming to be the same guy. They each gave me 2 different answers to the exact same question, too. That's when I started to realize my calls were being redirected to some kind of a call center. That's what got me focused on the internet possibly doing the same type of shit.

Automated Zersetzung. Neat!

Have you been tested for schizophrenia? I've seen a lot of these threads, both here and on /x/, and this exact type of paranoia is one of the most common and shared symptoms. I know you probably think I'm "one of them," but I'm honestly just trying to help you. There's no doubt records of everything posted here are kept in numerous places and they could easily unmask your isp. There's also AI algorithms that have high, like 90 something % accuracy, finding all your posts just based on the way you type. However, you are still showing classic symptoms here.

Not only that, but the guy the 2nd day seemed like he had no fucking clue what he was talking about. He answered, "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Then, answered." It was as if he had to Google the fucking answer, or something.

You're experiencing apophenia, OP is legit.

t. one of "them".

I've been committed 3 times. Each time the staff at the Hospital was INVOLVED. They made threats towards me on behalf of the Mafia.

That's how corrupt Dallas is in reality.

No idea about the phone thing, the call centers make a lot of sense.
I can tell you though I get anywhere between 5 to 15 calls a day from completely random numbers, usually different numbers each time from varying states as well.
A couple are usually just spam or the typical run of the mill scam attempt but most are just blank/very low white noise tone on the other end and will hang up when said hello to.

Some days the calls get very aggressive, hardly anyone else I know gets these calls and no one else gets them as aggressively.

>dipshit liberal milennials
yes, good point
the idiots are more useful as unquestioning cogs, and because of the compartmentalization, they can never put two and two together
but they also are less efficient
who wins, 50 Jack Ryans or 500 Reality Winners?

The staff at the Mental Health hospital was receiving threats from the Mexican Mafia on their phones. They tried to tell the police about it and they just told them there was nothing they could do.

This is common in Dallas. When the Mexican Mafia threatens people if you report it to the Police the WILL COMMITT YOU.

That's how Dallas works.

Funny you mention that... I GET THE SAME CALLS.

Only about 4-5 day, but from various states just like you. I had a guy call today asking for someone named "Billy."

you ever seen that movie the truman show with jim carrey? If not give it a watch

The staff at the Mental Health hospital argued over my situation. The nurses just wanted the doctor to sign off as me being totally sane. Just so they could get me out of there. One of them, "We have to do this. It's all part of the counter intelligence."

This is how stupid these Mexican Mafia guys are in Dallas. They think that gives them a right to fuck with me forever now because of that diagnosis.

I crack one of their fuckin skulls they're gonna understand that's not the case.

>A couple are usually just spam or the typical run of the mill scam attempt but most are just blank/very low white noise tone on the other end and will hang up when said hello to.
that's not deep state stuff, that's just the way the phone scam people operate. they have an autodialer call a bunch of numbers, and whatever numbers pick up get added to a list for more aggressive spam attempts later.

Yea, dipshit. I get it.

Cameras on phones, laptop, television... I get how it works dumbass.

The calls picked up in regularity for me.

I think it's on Netflix right now

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Cool. How do I get off the Closed Circuit? Any solutions to it?

If not, then fuck off and get the fuck out of thread doucher.

You're nuts. You know that right?

I'm sane and you know that. You're just a doucher with a Child Porn addiction.

oddly aggressive response but okay, its an incredibly relevant movie to the phenomenon youve been describing.

Thats what I figured was going on, just some of them are really fucking weird at times. Ive experienced the inverse to what you said, it gets more aggressive the less I pick up and simmers down the more I pick up. Still though, I think youre right because Im pretty sure the blank calls are trying to record your voice saying "yes"

I think it is still actually, good movie.

I've heard they hang up in hopes you call them back and thats when they fuck you over with charges to your phone bill

This is that old Gangstalking faggotry, which actually does go on.
Christcucks, Masons, 12-Steppers, police and municipal worker families...
They're all rolled into one big mash.
They are trying to kill the White Race, that's why the cops kill more Whites than any other race.

To get off the circuit you need to make your own phone so it doesnt have any backdoor bullshit in it.
Your own network doesnt neccessarily hurt to have either.

Very plausible, bit naive/too optimistic on their part though thinking that I'd go out of my way to call back a random number, it's rare I even answer my phone when I do know the number.
But yeah, this is probably right, I think its chinese and poos who set those bots up.
Ive answered a couple before where it's just some chink trynna speak gook at me, usually I just yell silverware noises back at them with a few ni haos in there before hanging up.

I've made this claim before on Jow Forums and I know the CIA and FBI are here.
I killed one of my gangstalkers. Did it under a bridge. He was a 20-something college student. I stuck a screwdriver in the back of his head like Goodfellas and wiggled it around. He dropped like a rock. I rolled him into the river and with his backpack on he sank like a stone.
I paid attention to the news and there was no murder investigation or anything, so I don't think his body was ever found. It is probably buried under several feet of river mud, they opened up a dam just above that spot shortly afterward and a huge amount of silt washed down.
I've literally killed a Gangstalker. He coughed at me while I was homeless (because of gangstalking) and gave me that knowing look they do, like a smirk. I ignored him (he thought) passed by, and turned around after that and did it. He didn't hear me probably because of street traffic.
The cops have never contacted me or anything.

Cops are Gangstalking me right now.

I went out to get UFO footage and they drove by my complex. So, I had to go back inside.


Tempted to go smash the fuckin Dish up right now. They installed a new one today. I like to use that as a way to fuck with them back.

As it's on my property and installed illegally. meaning it's fair game. It pisses them off when I do it and they can't do anything about it.

Does that McAfee work? He always claimed it was "unhackable." It seems this situation is why he developed that phone.

McAfee Phone*

This schizophrenia problem, I'm tired of it, I feel bad for seeing countless anons like this one posting random stuff here and on /x/ and they don't even realize it. What causes it? I hate this mental illness more than any other disease, there must be a way to fight it other than chem pills that kill your liver.

In all honesty a suspected Cartel Guy drove by and asked me for directions to a building that simply does not exist. He seemed like Cartel.

So, in all fairness, the Cop could be driving by as back up because of that Cartel guy.

no, he probably backdoored it himself

The Child Porn addiction creates posts like this one...

The funny thing is..

One of us is actually saying something that's TRUE. LOL!

I don't even do that, hope that you'll get better one day

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Why don't you put up a sign about trespassers being shot and shoot them when they trespass?

nice work, post webm

These same niggers want us to give them our tax dollars so they can build build a wireless grid and force our minds to connect to it. I dont want to believe that 5G puts us at that point but lets be honest with ourselves, its damn close if not already here

I still hold optimism tho. There is still a chance that Trump could get the upper hand on the deep state and we the people will inherit the technology brought about from these black military projects.

Roundabout is fair play, the deep stat doesnt have a monopoly on psychic spies. The good guys are watching and have always been watching.

If we play our cards right we can win!

>an alternative economy

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I've seen questionable videos of Trump in the past couple of months. I can't help but think the guy has been replaced by a CLONE.

I don't know have a legal right to shoot somebody for a satellite Dish. Maybe, I do, but I'm not going to take it that far.

There was a great Image I saw years ago that showed diversity of websites is dropping significantly as normies boarded the net.

Please don't use that term man. That will only deter people from coming here and we don't need that on this board.

Obama 2008 Inauguration...

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Obama 2012 Inauguration...

Looks like they replaced him with a CLONE.

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A BIG thing I notice with this "New Internet" is the lack of information when it comes to Reptilians and the complete horseshit information when it comes to Pleiadeans.

I can't find ANYTHING I found on the internet regarding these subject back in 2007.

Travel around the country, youll notice that the only control "pockets" of areas, each of these "jurisdictions" are controlled differently with different tactics, some areas relying on police officers but other areas are more "free" where they rely more on citizens to do the grunt work.

The tv show "Fringe" helped me put things into perspective for me. The reason these people are so evil is because in their minds they are at war with us. So you arent dealing with cops who just to make the streets safe and go home to their wife and kids, youre dealing with soldiers on a warpath, and any little thing that gets in their way is considered a threat like blaspemy against god.

I don't think that's the issue man. I can't find so much shit on the net that was there 10 years ago. It's insane.

It all started when Internet 2 went online. Before Internet 2 showed up Alex Jones was talking about how this was about to happen. I remember him discussing this on Austin Public Access in 2007...fake Google Search Results, controlling what a targeted individual can see, etc. He KNEW this was coming.

Alex just focuses on so many damn subjects it got lost in the mix. I wish he would've more attention to that one subject, though. As it's far more important than most of the shit he discusses. Who am I to criticize, though. He's done a lot more at spreading information than any of us.

Look up ongoing Operation Earnest Voice. US Gov is running propaganda campaigns on the net.

These people are Adrenochrome addicts, I think. That's why they can't give it up. They'll die if the information causes a mass awakening. Drug addictions can cause a person to die if they quit their habit cold turkey.

These Adrenochrome addicts will die no matter what. I believe the cure is consciousness and accepting the habit as "wrong." These people don't want to believe that, though. It's a problem. They think they're in the right and every one telling them not to do it is some stuck up asshole who shouldn't tell them to live their life a certain way. Even though their habit entails torturing people to support their habit.

That's interesting.

What im saying is basically its as if army soldiers from an interdimensional world just like ours were dispatched to come here to our world, but even though they are"human" or seem human they completely lack any empathy whatsoever for us, even though they look just like us. And they are one track minded, their only goal is to advance their cause, they eat sleep and breathe their mission, obsessively carrying out orders no matter how alien or fucked up it seems. Setting up the spy grid, assasinating politicians and presidents who get in their way, bombarding you with media to demoralize the population to everyone weak and effeminate.

They are at war with us and we keep second guessing them because they look so similar to us

Next up is microchipping everyone and official open season on Trump supporters