Uh oh

uh oh

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i dont know who this is, but its probably gay

Why should he fight for white people if white people aren't willing to fight for themselves?


We'll burn every bridge that ceases its usefulness.

I don't even really disagree with him, I'm just cataloging the shitstorm.

What a faggot

Still my favorite channel on YouTube, and to be honest within the frame of his new proposed form of nationalism I don't have to feel bad about wishing death on people who oppose me ideologically just because they're white.
Tldr white allies to niggers are enemies to whites and are not allowed in the ideological ethnostate.


This guy had a go at me then rage quit after I defended fascism in his chat. He's going to browbeat everyone that doesn't care for his intellectual masturbation until he's universally hated. This is why I despise intellectuals.

This but unironically.

He was willing to fight for white people because they were waking up, there's 10 times as many woke whites now as there were in 2012
Ryan just got bored because it wasn't happening fast enough, and he got tired of being the only guy making high-quality statistical arguments for our causes

Some were but not enough were and he perceives that whatever it means to be white is irrelevant and can be replaced with 1st worldism which itself has genetic factors that aren't necessarily present in whites however whiteness as an identity can be a proxy for 1st worldism. He still retrains a discord for blacks given their unfortunate pedigree as I understand it and is essentially taking the Ta Nahashi Coates line; "whiteness will evolve to include other groups not defined as white but will probably still be hostile to blacks"

Whiteness is currently the best proxy for 1st worldism and all brown immigrant groups are shit tier, there will never by a cohort of "high-skilled immigrants" that aren't accompanied by piles and piles of human garbage
I think Ryan used to know this pretty well but forgot for some reason. He got caught up in his "we have to follow the Republicanism as the flawed avatar" spiel


It's over for whites
They aren't remotely waking up, no matter what polspastics think in their bubble

Whites can be changed. Pretty much every white race realist currently alive used to be a normie.
I remember telling people a few months ago that race mixing is great, because it's the only way to really solve racial tensions, but today I'd like black-white race mixing illegalized.

My point is that political views aren't as inherent and biological as Ryan seems to imply. They can be changed. Whites are not naturally more cucked than anti-immigration east Asians, it's just that there aren't Jews in east Asia to brainwash them into becoming self-destroying cucks.
"The Jews" is not a cop-out.

>conservatism is just like race
>oh but its genetic inheritibality is only 30% and it's almost entirely environmental!

1st worldism is implicitly white as it'll end up attracting mostly white people, but whiteness itself isn't the ideology and it was never really a "whites only" club. It manifests itself more in the form of Christianity and Enlightenment values.

Can someone link it, please.

>1st Worldism manifests itself in the form of Christianity
I've got a few hundred million Christians south of the Rio Grande who would beg to differ


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He’s an octoroon homosexual, not exactly surprising that someone who could be the NAACP represtative to pride doesn’t want to live in a hypermasculine fascist state

I think he admits as much but at the same time sees that whites have totally and almost absolutely surrendered to a humanist ethos so all that is left with the current mode of white thought is to collect these whites into an political coalition and use them as a bludgeon along with other right wing non-whites to form a cleavage with progressive paternalists and liberals who are racially far more masochistic.

In so far as trying to avoid the "piles of garbage" he would say that we should have very stick systems of immigration that only only bring over skilled human capital regardless of race - unless they are black because that's a special case - and give them an ideological purity test best on androgen levels and facial morphology and other tests for amygdala size which is predictive of right wing values.

I don't even personally buy this line of thinking because i think that you need left and right to maintain a steady state equilibrium and breaking that can cause certain defects and reduce the flexibility of society but at the same time white leftist are so self-hating that they would not only reject ideological purity tests but flirt with maoist 3rd worldism to bring vast quantities of shit-skins out of some humanist duty bound social pathology.

I guess the best case scenario is that societal division keeps accelerating and political theorists like Patrick Deenan and Lillian Mason are right and civility deteriorates resulting in a general loss of social cooperation and a necessary reordering of society.

However as you can see if you maintain fast enough economic growth and prosperity the outflows of that can buffer losses in social cohesion by just making everybody rich.

If massive economic contraction hits though then we might see our the social cohesion rebound in a way that forces racial political coalitions.

The problem is that nobody feels confortable expressing their white nationalist and/or rave realist beliefs because it might offend minorities or get them branded a "racist" (heretic).

It's hard to try to convince people to accept a view that they've been brainwashed from birth into viewing as inherently hateful and ignorant.

On Jow Forums, anonymity and lack of censorship makes it so there is no such social pressure, which is why such potentially offensive ideas can flourish here.

So while hypothetically speaking, the entirety of the (predominantly white) uncensored internet could be converted to white nationalism, I'm not sure how it would make the transition from online to offline.


I regularly browse Jow Forums and am a black man married to a white women of 10 years. I don't agree with your stance user but would fight and die to defend your right to say it. Especially from those jewish fucks

Thanks. You're right, the most important thing right now is the freedom to have a conversation, regardless of how offensive the ideas involved might be to some people.

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Everything comes down to propaganda and power. Pro-whites mostly lack both. Whites only lack a drive to fight for themselves and their people because of that. The current power structure is anti-white, so it's risky/costly to resist the system, and they've all been brainwashed from birth to either hate their society/people or hate the solutions and saviors. So it's mostly out of ignorance and false beliefs, not acceptance of the state of things.

What are you trying to say? the fact that these beliefs are marginalized now shows that they can never grow to be accepted? Sure, it will be hard and there will be martyrs but the only way to lose with the truth on your side is cucking out.

>the only way to lose with the truth on your side is cucking out.
Thanks for that white pill, feels good man.

My views radically changed over the course of a few years as well. I've always had a race realist stance and needed no convincing that blacks were a liability to western civilization but I was rather apathetic toward east asians.

I think the point that Ryan and Sean make is that political views aren' t really going to change even if you dump millions of tons of metric biomass of asians and arabs on top of people as long as they are high SES, the one exception to that is blacks which are going to create that social fissure and that is a hard biological factor that can't really be overcome though blacks, like one of your respondents, may attempt to do this by marrying up. This potentially diminishes or deletes the defects of their offspring genome and piggy-backs on the centuries of human domestication whites performed on themselves in european nations.

Again i think it's really a race against time. If liberal/globalist technocrats can throttle economic growth fast enough in western nations then a Corporatist trans-cultural system that has no loyalty to culture, religion, land language etc and finds such traditions as impediments to consumer based lifestyle values may form. It might classify itself as white and as Coates would point out, exclude blacks or express continued hostility towards them even if it's expression is beaner hybrids and Supreme gentlemen.

Very true, to be honest i don't support race mixing for the most part. I just love that woman regardless of her race. Most whites aren't even attractive to me to be honest.

Because he needs to take the Vanguard Pill.
>All people who have a vanguard, an elitist mentality, are regarded as partly mad by their own groups, because the majority of people do not want to know. The majority of people wish to live their own life in their own way, and they only look at these broader questions when life impinges upon them and comes upon them, and the hand of life grasps them by the collar and they really cannot do any other thing but notice what is in front of them.
>Many of the reasons our people do not seem to have a sense of solidarity amongst themselves in relation to the degree that some other groups could be said to have is because a significant number of them have never been kicked, have never felt what it is as a group to be disprivileged in a society. Unfortunately, in certain areas of British and continental life now and North American life that process for some, and certainly not at the top or middle of the society, is beginning. They’re beginning to realize what it is like to be a minority or what it is like to be culturally disprivileged or what it is like to be dispossessed in a way.
>That spirit will grow, but it will only feed into consciousness in a number of select minds, because the bulk of people are not drawn to be in a vanguard formulation. People will only listen to a vanguard when they are desperate. They will only listen to a vanguard when they think there is no other hope.

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autism was a mistake

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I think that is sorta the thing. It wasn't far right ideas that convinced me, it was far left ideas and exposure to critical whiteness studies in 2 sociology departments that made me realize that anti-racism is a church without salvation and that this ancestral blood on my hands could never be washed off.

I think our best allies are people like SJW types and antifa and people that are so anti-racist they wear their desire for self-annihilation proudly on their sleeves.

If you can energize movements concerned with addressing historic injustices much more aggressively than moderate affirmative action but through deconstruction of every western institution from dating preferences and beauty standards to institutional representation you might be able to catalyze some racial awakening on a large scale.

Because we have no other option

I despise reddit why would i go there?

okay but the "we" is a hollowed out husk, "we" is unwilling to assert it's we-ness.

I don't like it anymore than you do.

We refering to the whites who want to progress humanity and join the ethnostate, not all whites, whites will not be legally forced to join the ethnostate.

Like they point out in their statistical data, there isn't enough of them. The majority of whites don't even support full freedom of association of whites in that they seemingly want minorities to have access to white spaces, they don't want you to be able to shoo away minorities.

Oh ok, since other people don't want us to do it then we shouldn't do it. You really opened my eyes.

i think his main point is that you will achieve your ends far more effectively through civic nationalism

kind of like jews, or mormons. Both have a clear genetic stock which reproduces rapidly, but they also have diverse elements. What matters is that the birthrate of the core group is the highest within the walls of your state, and over time it will win out

Why do you despise reddit? They love da blacks, especially bulls

Look I do hope the tide changes, I do.

Nice fag-flag by they way

I honestly agree with the video. Just retard commenters not realizing that the end point of his view is almost exactly the same as it was before. Except now he's using the inheritability of political views as a filter, because it is more socially acceptable and likely to succeed, as opposed to purely race. The end result is still a right-wing nation with a massive white majority.

From the comments:

>It sounds like what you're saying is, instead of the "whites only" rule, you'll just let in anybody who agrees with your newfound constitution. So really, it's not about race anymore. But rather, you're going to welcome people of a certain "personality type." Since personality type is genetic, what you want to test for is not "racial genetic clustering," but genetic attributes for other traits--like personality, IQ, political opinions and notions regarding individualism, free speech, and liberty. So really, your state is just like America 1.0, except you have a better (gene-based) vetting process.

That vetting process might be possible in 100 years and even then you probably won't know how changes in culture and increased diversity will affect peoples beliefs. I mean sure, have a go at it, but I would not expect them to succeed.

The options aren't just
>fight for every single white person on the face of the earth
>forfeit the continued existence of your people
He already mentioned the option to prevent libshits/self hating whites from being accepted in the ethnostate, so all this stuff he's been pumping out recently is just autistic faggotry.

That's why, that cuck behavior is degenerate nonsense. Also why would i care if a place dislikes blacks? Ill still support a group who's ideals i believe in even if the group doesn't like me. My skin is thick enough not to be offended over the truth of my people or being called a nigger. To be honest my people should either be culled, segregated or sent back to africa. A majority are subhumans and the decent ones who act like normal people are far too few to have to deal with the horrid majority just to have a normal experience that you could easily have with another white man. I guess im an uncle tom, that's what I'm called usually, that and an oreo.

The vetting process is possible today. Face shape, hormone levels, geographic location where the individual came from, IQ test, personality tests, etc. There are more but the point is that vetting would be possible. He went into it in more detail but he took down the video where he did. It would be about 95% accurate but still who even says that there would be massive amounts of leftists trying to legally gain entrance anyway?

if you think about it, this is also how the environment selects individuals.

So for example, 5000 years ago you probably had some nomads from the steppes who wandered into Scandanavia. Although they could survive at first and marry local girls, they weren't as well matched for the environment as the native Scandanavians.

So over time, their genes faded away, and the Scandanavian phenotype simply absorbed what it could from them and advanced onward. This kind of selection pressure over time can mold humans into practically anything

Thanks fren. People on the comment section seem pissed.

>Face shape, hormone levels
I need sources for these. How is face shape and hotmone levels supposed to predict personality and temperament accurately?

>geographic location where the individual came from, IQ test
I guess, to a degree. Estonians in Estonia are pretty great, but Estonians in Finland commit most crimes out of all ethnic groups.

>personality tests
I doubt the accuracy of those tests. People would just lie to get in like the Afghans and Hazars do in Sweden.

Higher levels of testosterone tend to suggest someone is right-leaning and higher levels of testosterone tend to produce a person with a wider face and bigger cheekbones. Just like how men who are physically strong are more likely to have right-wing political views

The genes and biochemistry of people influence how we think and therefore it can give you an idea of what sort of political leaning you have. It isn't a 100% thing but this in combination with other tests gives good results. You can find this kind of stuff with a quick search.

By geographic location, I meant to help decide their political stance. If an area is 85% Republican voting, then that means they have a high chance of also voting Republican.

They are meant to be used in conjunction with other tests to see if they support results from another test.

Again, no single test is 100%. Using them all together is what gives confidence. Plus, like I said, the number of people trying to legally cross into this new country which doesn't meet these criteria would likely be very small. Why would these leftists purposefully want to come to such a country?

>The genes and biochemistry of people influence how we think and therefore it can give you an idea of what sort of political leaning you have.
I don't think any genes have been identified yet.

Honestly, without gene screening you are going get bamboozled hard. Gibsgetters are going to want to get into the country, just like what is happening all over Europe.

>the tide changes
You don't think it's changing? you don't think whites are waking up?

The problem is ideologies are more environmental and therefore easier to be corrupted and less robust over time than a more strict basic gene differentiation. We need both, ideological similiarity (which would largely be present in whites who WANT to move to/stay in an ethnostate anyway) and strict gene identification, his simple tests for beliefs (and therefore genetics) are not simple enough.

Sure, his hypothetical is 'better' but it's far less realistic for a long term solution, in my opinion. Obviously his counter is using strict laws/constitution to prevent this corruption but i'm not buying it.

>Plus, like I said, the number of people trying to legally cross into this new country which doesn't meet these criteria would likely be very small. Why would these leftists purposefully want to come to such a country?
The same thing could be said about his hypothetical genetically predetermined self hating white man not wanting to come into the ethnostate.

>like I said
No, you mean like Ryan said.

>autistic gay 1/16th negro who couldn't handle the bantz and wouldn't sleep in the bed he made
Fuck off Ryan.


No I think ideologies can be even more effective than environment

The environment produces huge variations in phenotype by simply adjusting the average birth of the population over time. So for example, person with trait A has 2.2 kids, person without it has 1.9.

But an ideology can give you far more rapid results. Person with trait A has 8 kids, person without it has 1. That's just because of the nature of morality.

According to his data set not really as whites are largely waking up due to massive amounts of low SES shitskins, much of the reason for the problem could have been avoided and white nations could still have been open to non-whites given they are high-ability and representatives of braindrain from their respective 3rd world shithole origin points.

Technocrats could have avoided this if they maintained a more meritocratic system of immigration.

White nationalist have always been retarded. Just look at how hard their position has failed since their control 60 years ago.
The best way to expose people has always been the left going nuts. I can't name a single racialist person who's ever convinced me of anything. It has always been a reaction to the left that's pushed me further right.

Retarded 13 y.o youtube commenters always want to Larp like their part of some secret society shit. The people who unironically say "read culture of critique"

Mr. Metokur and Jow Forums ilk have always been the biggest creator of racist on the internet through propagandizing the left's faults.

Redpills are never particularly sweet when they're inconvenient or gore sacred cows, so it's no surprise that there's a lot of butthurt in response, but so far (~10 minutes in) it's pretty reasonable.

Fertility levels are affected by genes and culture. And how are you supposed to specifically target group for increasing their birthrate in a civic-nationalist society?

its a reactionary ideology in a sense so we need something to react to but without people like Ryan and Sean we won't have any follow through. Now is the time to capitalize and push our own stuff while the left still look retarded

>how are you supposed to specifically target group for increasing their birthrate
by setting the culture

Keep in mind this is a solution being applied to America. Sweden is obviously in a far different situation. I would hate to see the most beautiful people in the world merge with fucking somalians

> Finally comes to terms with the fact that pan-European identity doesn't exist
> Some whites are better than others
> "White race" is a meaningless identity outside of America
> Many European ethnicities are just as prone to the ideological traits he hates as the brown races

You said nothing at all, but still managed think of yourself as smarter than the rest. Good job.

I rest my case.

>by setting the culture
People set the culture, unless you want to go full authoritarian.

And the trend continues. Not surprising at all.

no, you set the culture and attract people to it. And you set up various filters

I understand how you feel. It would feel like we are just moving in circles if we don't use this opportunity.

A lot of people think charlotsville really fucked us over. A lot of people are extremely disappointed in trump and spencer.

We need good leadership before we can make moves and we don't have any. We have plenty of intellectual type but no one who can effect change and not fuck things up.
Wait 10 years and you will get it. If we can hold out for 10 years, prevent this shit from spreading and just being a reactionary force we will win. Once reactionary Z gens grow up and enter management positions we win. Just like how the SJWs grew up and got jobs in management.

It will be tough but if we hold and keep radicalizing we will win.

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Those filters you guys talk about are not good enough yet. You can't screen for clannishness, you can't screen against lies, etc.

It will eventually reach an equilibrium where environment can pull ideology more than it can continue pulling itself. In other words the ideology has become so threatening to the success of the rest of the world that the rest of the world is willing to invest enough resources in corruption the ideology. It will only go so far without strict incorruptible defenses, the more strict the defenses are the better. You can say his hypothetical tests are more strict than just simply judging based on race and in an ideal world I would agree, my issue though is people are too far from accepting all the 'complicated' beliefs that go along with his combination of political tests and genetic/environmental screening let alone the practicality of it. Therefore, I think his solution is more corruptible and we should be taking smaller but more robust steps towards progress.

He isn't part black. He took a DNA test and confirmed it was a family myth he was told by his grandmother.

He means Protestantism and Reformists rather than the cucks who support a puppet of the demiurge

That's a very good point. I would argue that atleast partially the reason for this 'corruption' was that caring about race is primal (sure not in everyone but some people), so even if you let in non whites of high merit some of them will have (ironically) unconscious bias to their own race and slightly corrupt the meritocratic system of immigration more than the whites with equivalent merit scores.

We would need a system that looks like affirmative action for whites to factor in these complicated effects (such as inability to adapt to culture and their lower regression to the mean) for immigrants, this is clearly incredibly complex and a much simpler system for everyone to understand and act on is 'whites only of high merit'.

This isn't the best system but it's the most practical, sure in the short run you will miss out on some very skilled immigrants but it's still better than our current system. Trying to get people to accept unconscious bias towards whites is harder to get people to let whites have their own secluded place in my opinion.

I would also point out that the waking up/race fighting itself is an issue that is draining resources and distracting from other issues we could be focusing on right now.