*concern trolls your party to death*

*concern trolls your party to death*

Attached: ben_shapiro_show.jpg (900x900, 81K)

Nobody takes him seriously.

But he is the largest, fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation *guitar riff*

Bots shills and biased algorithms don't mean shit and he's funded by billionaires in the shadows. I bet he gets indicted soon.

Why the hell would he ever get indicted

How does he actually have sponsors? He's so fucking bad at advertising...it's cringe-worthy. He might as well flat out say "GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY GOYIM"

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You don't because you're an inbred incapable of following logical debate and conversation. Shapiro is a mega-dose red pill.

They're sponsors in the sense that they give him money as a way of bribing him

More like concern trolling the country

Used to be antifa at Unite the right now. This jew redpilled me.

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>this fucker would rather have dipshits like Rubio, Corker, Sasse, Ryan, or Romney leading the way.

This is a ll you need to know about the little faggot.

>identity politics is bad mkay
>oy vey we must make sure israel remains a jewish state

is he in prison for what he did to those kids yet or what ?

you know this guy is a child porn producer / filmer right ?


Fox news does

That's a neocon run company and not a person retard.

>manlet Jew
you. oven. now.

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>sophistry and semantic nitpicking intensifies

child porn, just look at him.

Ignore the libtards, their "feelings" get in the way of having actual thought.

"Dur hur, Let's take all the rich people's money and spend it on everyone else. Then no-one will be poor!"

Ten mins later...

Where's all the money? What do you mean it's all gone? But our feelz!!!!1!!

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>Hated even by the Civ-Nationalists
Who the fuck listens to or watches this guy?
The left?
Seriously think everything he does is bumped by bot farms.

My Leftist Tears mug just filled up because you made that post. So salty.

Did the little Jew hurt your feelings?

Good, you little cuck pussy. Go man up, do something constructive, and stop whining about other people actually doing something.


Mark Levin even thinks Ben is a filthy kike with no standards.

It's time for "Bunny" Shapiro to get the Hogg treatment

Yeah voodoo economics is a better idea. It's literally never worked a single time we've tried it but goddamn it we're gonna keep doing it until it does work!

his voice is enough to kill me

He's backed by the Wilks brothers

it's bad