ITT we strategize how to stop anti-white racism

ITT we strategize how to stop anti-white racism.

What are your most effective strategies for exposing the envious hatred that browns, blacks, and (((others))) have for the white race?

Attached: end racism.png (480x320, 228K)

Just give them a microphone. Next issue?

Ah don’t reason with lying begging pieces of shit, just go vote for your interests. Seriously go vote. Like trump or hate but whatever but paying attention even a little should keep you from voting Democrat again for a long time.

make them turn on their "white allies" and theyll be helpless

You can't be racist against white people. You're confusing prejudice and racism. You can hate white people or have believe unfair stereotypes about them but systemically the system isn't rigged against white people and whatever you do isn't backed up by society, its seen merely as your individual prejudice.

discrimination based on class is classism
discrimination based on sex (gender) is sexism
discrimination based upon race is racism

why do you need to mental gymnastic a bunch of bullshit into what should be a very simple concept?

those two poor colt pythons

Race mixing is the only way...if you can't beat them join them

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Semantics. The way leftists use the worst racism, sexism and classism you have to be backed up by society wide bias, otherwise you're just being individually prejudiced.

Wait for leftist cucks to die out

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why are you spreading and bowing down to leftist semantics? someone is a racist, call them a racist. they decide it's not racism thats their fucking decision, but you keep treating it as racism and calling it such

never repeat lefty bullshit unless also condemning it

>you have to be backed up by society wide bias
you mean the way that anti-white racism in Canada is backed up by section 22 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Leave. Seriously, go to Venezuela or Mexico or some shit. Just get out of Canada.

You know this is the shit is what retarded white people repeat to POC to get them to vote right for them right? It’s complete word mush, nonsensical but enough bite that low IQs can remember the premise and throw it at people.

what the fuck is YOUR problem? racism is racism and thats that.

Its not an argument its a definition. You can't disagree on how a word is defined, I define it one way you define it another. Neither is true because its just a word that can describe different concepts when used in different ways. The image suggests it is hypocritical to say "end racism" and "fuck white people". What I was saying is that according to the leftist definition of racism there is not conflict between these two statements.

I no longer "help out" "women of color" at work on a random basis such as I will make a point of doing for white males. I'd certainly never hire a "WOC" or "POC" and would hire a man over the woman even if she's a bit better. I don't assist or help POC in any way anymore in general and always make a point to favor a white male whenever I can. It's the least we can do.

You gotta ignore most of it. It's just noise at the end of the day. White people probably can't wake up in time to stop their self-extinction

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why would you want it to stop? how else do you think people will get redpilled?

Fine, inside their definition is a premise that argues “whiteys system is stacked against us”. I reject that definition it confuses a mostly horseshit statement about institutional power to justify them saying foul shit openly about white people or to your face. Retarded people take to that definition.

Thats a separate argument. My point still stands.

This. We just give the most ardent ones a loud microphone
>Talcum X
And then we just let them talk. Their bullshit drives up numbers on the right like crazy.

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Tell Hispanic's and Black's in San Fransisco that it is legal to squat in white-owned homes because "Whites stole the land" and that they "owe reparations."

what about all the support they get when they talk shit on the mic?

Spread what the leftists actually think to as many normies as possible. Most normies don't understand that this really is the leftist point of view and not just a fringe minority.

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Red pill time
The solution to stop anti-white racism IS anti-white racism. Whites will always solve their problems. Most don't believe there is a problem. What will they do when they collectively believe?

Not a bad idea.


You guys worry too much. We’ll all be okay.
They’re running out of time.


quit making up fake definitions for words, j'wanqueese.

VERY good stuff. This is what I was after. Lean into it. Thank you.

I love racism

I've discovered that if you show other people a little respect, they tend to show it back. Best way to dispel racism, IMHO. Of course there's going to be a few punks who respect doesn't work on, but overall, just don't be a dick and you'll be fine.

>you should earn the respect of all these BASED black men and sexy blacqueeshas!


Use the term anti-white
Not racism
Not reverse racism
Use it.

A definition can't be fake.

I dunno man, that one sounds pretty fuckin' fake. You're just making up shit to justify your inferiority complex. Maybe leave English to the gifted?

And don't forget, you can't convert them back, they have to get their shit kicked in on their own.

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The main reason the right has seen a growth surge of late is the left giving the mic to opinionated retards based on a hierarchy of racial preference, and not on the merit and content of their speech or ideas.

Basically, multiculti retardation, like all political ideologies, manufactures the circumstance of it's own downfall

Like I explained, language is subjective and when the left uses the word racism they don't mean the same thing that the right means.

All you have to do is pretend to be a black person on Twitter and tell Sonia she is an: illegal, spic, beaner, deserves to be deported and that she has no right to live in black communities.

Anti-white racism will stop once antisemitism from white people stops.

That support isn't nearly as widespread as they'd like you to think. It really just serves to further enrage people.

I think you can guide them towards getting their shit kicked. You have to teach them with experience, not with argument. They trust what they go through, not what you tell them.

their love of dogs

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>oh, le everyone has le different definitions! we are all equal!
permacucked. NEXT.

capitalism is naturally set up so that "a rising tide raises all boats"

it was corrupted after the windfalls of the Reagan administration tax cuts and has been sliding downward since

we now have someone in office that will make the playing field more equal for all income levels

it's the American way

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i'd like to see data on that. seems at times like the more shit they talk, the more white cucks bend the knee.

I disagree. The thing is the word judo doesn’t have to make sense. This Anti-White movement is based off an entirely made up civil rights crisis, it’s all just made the fuck up, nothing anyone says really has to ‘make sense’ in that environment. The only people I’ve encountered retarded enough to say this shit IRL was a white woman and her bitched husband which I found hilarious. Retards haven’t figured out how to do racism right, get that shit out of white peoples faces we gotta work for a living.

this is bullshit designed to divide the proletariat

No data, sorry. However, the cucks tend to bend the knee publicly so that everyone can see how "virtuous" they are. Those who don't bend the knee tend to do so silently unless they are thrust into the spotlight (e.g. James Damore).

Hate is hate no matter what way to try to disguise it. Sounds like an excuse to openly say vile things about and to Whites, and also as an excuse to use violence against Whites. I find it hilarious non-whites think we have some magical power over them when we are just normal people trying to live our lives in peace.

Get on we are organizing to become the twitter of the right. Right now it’s mostly people calling each other kike and nigger but we are making progress with weaponized memes.



What does it say about the eternal Jew?

>a rap battle breaks out

Honestly, this is great bait. this is from the show "dear white people"

Dean Fairbanks: Your show is racist.

Sam White: Black people can't be racist. Prejudice, yes, but not racist. Racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race. Black people can't be racist since we don't stand to benefit from such a system.

I want to meme "white allies" livestreaming their the oppression their very existence causes. They can read a will leaving all their assets to oppressed POC so the shitskins will demand more kill themselves for the gibs. Those who refuse are of course racist.

Fuck man, i didnt think nonwhites had the taste or money to get colt pythons

Just kill all shitskins


Whites don't pursue identity politics because they don't believe that the darkies want to hurt them or take their futures away. Let the darkies tell the truth far and wide.