Afs Sweden

How do we get Alternative for Sweden into the Swedish Riksdag? Them getting over 4% would be a larger political earth quake then SD 2010. And Afs is needed to push SD even further now that they've become mainstream

Attached: afs gurra.jpg (660x330, 89K)

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Good luck on SWE/pol/.

Most of the Swedish posters on here are SDfags and they believe voting for AfS is a waste.

Attached: 1600128255.png (300x250, 22K)

you vote SD this election, then shill for AFS for the next four years. Then maybe they have a chance

How many representatives does 4% get? What happens if you get PETRY'd?

Better for them to get representation today. AfS in the mix will drag SD rightward.

Why? SD can't reach 50% anyways. Vote AfS instead to get them in the parliament.

I've noticed, its sad tho, Afs have a real shot at 4 % in 2 weeks

Some polls give them close to 3 % right now

The parlament is 349 seats, so 4 % is 13 seats, if that was your question

Why risk not getting 4% and wasting votes that could have gone to SD? In the next election AfS will be more popular and it will get into the Riksdag easy, right now it's a new party and no one has really heard of it outside of Jow Forums.