Jow Forumss opinion of the Catholic Church

What does Jow Forums think of the Vatican, the Catholic Church, and Pope Francis?

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the catholic church has had a positive effect on human history, which is more than most religions can offer, besides east asian religions about discipline and whatnot

Clearly, he is not a deranged, child trafficking, migrant importing, destroyer of nations. He is the voice of the Lord.

angry and disappointed

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Hello Tribe of DN, cult of Dagon, the Divine Snakes.
Just close down the order and open the vault so that no one gets hurt

Attached: Tribe of DN - Vatican 1.png (1310x1384, 2.43M)

>What does Jow Forums think of the Vatican, the Catholic Church, and Pope Francis
Apostates, the whole lot. John Calvin was right about everything.

who the fuck is catholic? you should have converted 700 years ago losers.

heck off anglo

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Francis has to go.

No it fucking doesn't, the Vatican Hill was where all the shitty oracles and crank soothsayers were in Ancient Rome. That's what the name means, the Hill of the Soothsayers/Fortune tellers.


plugging kids asses since 500 BC!

Math was never your strong suit was it?

Have you looked into Dagon worship and what it means?
Because Catholicism is full of its imagery and the Vatican hall is a reflection of that past

Attached: Dagon the Fish God.png (1540x270, 123K)

It's my Church and home but due to the lukewarmness of my brethren we will have to suffer immensely for a time. Vatican II was a punishment and likewise all of these anti-Popes. It will get much worse, and not only for the Church either. But a Catholic is never hindered from carrying out his duties, so it's all more painful to accept than to endure really.

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open the vault, pedovore

catholics are bullshit
orthodoxy is the one and only true religion

they're just losing followers

>The Vatican
Absolutely beautiful and humbling. There is nothing wrong with artistry, beauty and extravagance if it is all directed towards the glory of God, as long as it doesn't interfere with good works and charity (which the Catholic Church does its fair share of)

>The Catholic Church
The true Church. The lasting presence of Christ on earth, posessing the fullness of faith. I can't farthom how someone could have an understanding of history, theology, and philosophy and still deny this

>Pope Francis

He is not the best Pope for this time. His focus on pastorialism and mercy, while not uncharacteristic of the Catholic faith, does not help the Church in crisis. What we need is a Pope who has a more holistic balance between the emphasis on mercy and the call to holiness.

There's plenty of pagan shit in Catholicism, look at St. Brigid. Dragon worship is retarded because hurr the mitre kinda looks like a fish.

The Dagon shit is a meme from the Renaissance and Papists like to trap people with it to hide the real pagan shit, like how at least half their saints are fake.

The apostate church and the great falling away all in one. We truly are in the end times (the end of the age)

The only real Gospel of JESUS CHRIST:

Visual explaination:

Entire Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg


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I have called it The Childfuckers Church for twenty years. As years pass the name rings more and more true.

To bad it's not full pagan. Cristcucks need to stop destroying Europe already

dbl checked
even in your insulting tone the truth is clear, the religion wasn't from pagan sources, it was a culmination of all the previous religions they created along the way from the Indo-China region as the Sea People's union. One of those lands in the union was called Shekelesh which later founded Rome and now is Sicily. The Tribe of DN or Dan, Den, Snake is also listed in the Torah as a tribe that loved to sail which explains why blood sacrifices and rituals seemed to travel far and wide across the planet. (eg Druids had a blood passover ritual).
Mesopotamia was only the first civilization to be struck by the snake tribe but that's were the legend of Nimrod and Dagon or Oannes started.

Attached: Oannes is Dagon.jpg (303x330, 20K)

I went into a catholic church, couldn't reconcile all the graven images. Sorta like a haunted house with all the chanting in latin. I just didn't get it. My questions were unanswered. Negative waves.

They're evil. I know it first hand. When I was much younger I explored religious life. As a seminarian I was assaulted, humiliated, attacked in bed, shamed, and thrown out because I would not have sex with them. They will mess with your head, make you the damaged one, and lie and scheme to get what they want. They're perverted drunk sex addicts. I have nothing to lose here mentioned what happened 25 years ago. It's tainted and corrupt.
This was the Fatima third letter, that all Catholics are familiar with. Eventually the world will revolt and the church will collapse...and it will happen soon. I will be on the front lines to storm them.

He supports pediphilia. They all do. It will all fall apart and people will be finally free.

Francis seems like scum that needs removal.

he IS the scum.
A sabbatean-frankist living out the dream, being the pope of hundreds of millions of people while wearing shoes made from human skin out in the open, with a smile on his face

The Vatican is irredeemably corrupt and places nothing else above its own interests. It is riven with the politicking of histrionic homosexuals. It accepts idolatry, graven images, Marian Islam, and all manner of heresy, all the while using rhetoric and logic-chopping to persuade its followers of the opposite of what common sense and logic would tell you. Papistry is a hideous vice that John Adams thought incompatible with democracy and therefore freedom. Sane men should abjure it as the work of Satan.

Hate the Pope love the Vatican. loyal Catholic. lololol rare flag, wth!?

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put this guy back in charge pleaaasse

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"pope" hes not the real Pope anyway, Benedict is the true Pope