China has been spamming Jow Forums over the South Africa threads. If you have any other South Africa articles/screencaps of China being in Africa and buying up land/resources and rebels/murders in the same countries China is buying land in Africa. Thanks.
China has been spamming Jow Forums over the South Africa threads...
Even though they have the great firewall that bans and blocks Chinese from foreign websites and access, there are Chinese who have suddenly started to post recently. The only people with outside access are government employees and military.
Plus there are Chinese ex-pats all over the place who work for their govt.
Jow Forums has uncovered the problem and it is a ching chong problem
I remember one guy pretending to be a Saffer saying the genocide wasn’t happening and posted with a British flag, I called him out and he responded within an hour he was on holiday...with an American flag in his post. These chinks glow in the dark
thanks. definitely need to uncover some more.
ex-pats all over. all fucking over
cross referenced the resource map with early 2018 fare attacks too. the Chinese are absolutely looking to colonize South Africa, but they are also a major source of the internal strife and Leftism in the US. They have been extremely effective at confusing the issue and hiding their involvement but I'm fairly certain their shill servers were identified and removed over the weekend.
my woman in SA says that when BEE came out there weren't enough qualified blacks, bad optics so they added the chinks as blacks
thanks. i think starting tonight i am going to make this my pet project and dig everything i can up and compile it into a neat little guidebook to BTFO chinks
In the 50s, 60s, 70s, Whites transferred their industry and technology to Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other Asian shitholes.
As a direct result of shifting White industries to Mongoloids, the US experienced the ‘Long Downturn’ deindustrialization era, which turned the West into the Rust Belt. After, 1973 the growth of output, investment, productivity and wages was 1/3 lower than during the previous quarter century, while unemployment levels were several times higher. The mongoloids who stole White technology were responsible for the decline of White civilization. Economically, the Mongoloids achieved overcapacity and overproduction in the international manufacturing sector, which led, by way of incessant downward pressure on prices, to reduced profitability – and the failure of successive attempts made by traitorous (((corporations))) and White governments successfully to respond to this.
To reiterate, the problem originated in the 60s as a consequence of transferring White industry to Yellows, which led to the intensification of international competition, which itself resulted from the stepped-up entry into the world market of lower-cost producers based in Asia.
Only ever greater doses of Keynesian deficit spending, thru debt-based bubbles inflating assets, prevented the onset of deep depression and societal collapse, but at the cost of runaway inflation, unemployment, immigration, demographic replacement, and declining standard of living.
jesus dude, needs to be easily digestible and connected for retards on social media. ill check it out though
excellent Jow Forums analysis in these threads from yesterday. the shills are gone and the boys are back in town
The west started to decline exactly at the point when we transferred our industry and technology to mongoloids and poos
Since the 70s, the West has been delaying a Great Depression and societal collapse resulting from the transfer of Western industry and technology to Asia, which was a misguided geopolitical blunder to build up a capitalist sphere against a failing USSR.
nice, this is exactly what i am looking for
The Chinese will rule the general African population with an Iron Fist.
I searched a little bit about diamond mining companies in SA and didn't see any Chinese. Mainly bongs (both anglo and hindu).
This is why we don't trust the chink
Lmao its actually funny how every country is falling for the Chink CCP debt trap (not really its actually pretty fucking bad and almost weird to see western nations being this naive).
All I can say is I hope you look to NZ and us as well as all of those other countries that have fallen into government crippling debt.
Learn from our mistakes. Dont trust the mainland chinks.
Good luck. The more people who have this stuff ready to go the better
No point in bothering with SA unless you're prepared for genocide. The Chinks are, so they can benefit from it
The businessmen who were complicit in this must be brought to justice.
That's every single person on Shark Tank, btw.
Mark my words, Anons: the racial conflict in South Africa will spark off a global conflict, that will cause the deaths of at least half of humanity before it is all over.
Things are about to turn ugly. I wish only that I had a safe place to ride this out.
If the chinks prevent this becoming another Rhodesia to redpill people I will be disappointed.
China wants those rare earth minerals because of the possible tech advancements able to be made with them.
They also need the farms due to their own agriculture being polluted into wastes.
South Africa's ANC party sees the chinese communist party (CCP) as a model to strive for.
read the above yesterday and it was quality af. good work on from many posters in the Asian menace.
>$14.7 Billion investment
With a 30% and above interest rate. Standard One Belt One Road procedure.
Also you guys should support this channel called China Uncensored. Hes done more to fight CCP influence than any western government since say Trump. Its gotten to the point that hes been banned from the PRC, Hong Kong and Macau.
>If the chinks prevent this becoming another Rhodesia to redpill people I will be disappointed.
They won't, the chinks are in with the jews in destroying the white race. What they don't get, is that they are next on the jew hit list, aka useful idiots being useful, which is pretty much standard jew practice. Divide and conquer, then use your strongest ally as the next scape goat because they are the biggest threat after the elimination of the last one.
>Chink CCP debt trap
isnt this just using the same model the jews have used for the past 50 years
probably would raise too many eyebrows if they explained it
Yeah but on steroids. The Jews are subtle and sneaky about it. The CCP just doesnt give a fuck.
This. I am unsure how this has gone unnoticed, except for shills pushing swastikas and jews as the culprits to the point of excluding anyone else. They are coconspirators but the people who have truly subverted our institutions are the Chinese. Think about the Maoist cultural revolution going on in Academia, the ChiCom censorship happening in the Tech industry, the anti western propaganda in Hollywood, and the raw traitorous activity in the Intelligence Community. These are the forces that have aligned with China to overthrow our free market system, poison our youth with Marxist propaganda, and weaken our national resolve to prevent our resistance.
China is a true ENEMY of the United States.
This guy is a fucking legend. But can be obnoxious as well.
what I hate the most... the very fuckin most.. is when you run into these dipshits that know its China in their heart and get a psycho grin on their face when talking about how China is the future and they cant wait til China owns the world. Hear me now:
>they get the rope first.
I predict a Zulu rebellion. The King will not stand for Chinese Dominion.
>I predict a Zulu rebellion. The King will not stand for Chinese Dominion.
Yeah. By the time they realise that, the CCP wouldve already built a military base and will claim full owenership due to the massive debt.
This is the exact thing that happened in Pakistan and Malaysia. Though Malaysia's in the process of dismantling the investment completely.
US (like a good goy) was rebuilding Europe and Asia after ww2.
First Taiwan, HK, Korea, Japan and then China to contain USSR.
It was truly the most retarded geopolitical move ever orchestrated.
The demise of US and rise of Asia is a direct result of this incredibly misguided policy.
We should have culled them instead!
Instead of quarantining the locusts and transferring White industries back to the West, in the early 1980s, led by Thatcher and Reagan, the US and the other advanced capitalist states introduced high interest rates and deep austerity in order to encourage the shedding of redundant production of Western goods that were now produced in Asia, as well as to raise unemployment (suicide, homelessness) in order to reduce wage growth. But the immediate result was the outbreak of debt crisis in the Third World, accompanied by the threat of depression in the US. Keynesianism was reintroduced to keep the international economy turning over. The advanced capitalist states were clearly unwilling to sustain a severe depression of the sort that, in the past, served to eliminate superfluous means of production and labour and to provide the foundation for an upturn. But the price of economic stability was a rise of immigration and asset inflation to record-breaking levels, which, in combination with still reduced profit rates, reined in capital accumulation and economic growth, which remained heavily dependent on government deficits.
Trust me they will sack any Chinese base encroaching on their territory.
These people are fucking worms and ducks. They are easily controlled by telling them so to their faces. Never forget who said it though, as they reveal themselves to you as soon as they turn on the US even in casual speech.
its possible the jews are the useful idiots in this case. from a christian perspective, satan doesnt give a fuck about the jews. they will be thrown under the bus if need be. jews dominating or chinks dominating still bring about the same end goal: the end of christianity and the christianized white genome.
unless the jews are starting to inbreed with chinks real fucking quick (i know zuckercuck has) they wont be fast enough to infiltrate as look-a-likes by the time whites are gone.
jewish satanism or chink atheism, take your pick.
With what? Spears? Also the CCP Chinks arent Rhodesians. They dont give a fuck about genociding a population or poisoning a water supply to get their way.
what the hell are the jews gona do to china?
I remember every single one and all the people I used to count as pals. I never thought standing up for the US or whit culture was even a thing I has to think about until I started seeing all these whites apologizing for being born in the west. Talking about communism like capitalism didn't give them all the dumb nick nacks in their house. But I saw it. I saw the tide take them under and when they came up they were baptized in hate for the west. Its so hard to see people you have known for years do that.
Youre telling me. My own brother told me to fuck off. Im not even a hard core right winger. Im a fucking centrist.
Like even his own wife is shocked.
I was insinuating that chinks are the next biggest threat after whites. Chinks at least have a form of racial solidarity that they unabashedly try to protect while half of the white whores in the west buy into the jew product of fucking a sub par specimen results in above average children. Which has been shown to not be scientifically true. Whites and Asians are the master races when it comes to intellect, any Lebron James claiming otherwise is a brainwashed fucking fool. If the opposite was true black would seek out black females as the most sought after rather than black females mating with whites and azns as being the most sought after with the nigger literally landing in last place.
Weird thing just happened, got bad gateway message, anyway the Israelis/Americans will arm the Zulus.
Funny you say that, been seeing someone with a chink flag posting with a name that's something like "Dude Child Porn LMAO" or something along those lines. Wish I screen capped it. Seen him more than once. Thought it was odd because of the great firewall.
>Israelis/Americans will arm the Zulus.
Did you miss the bit where I stated they dont fucking care? The PLA will slaughter ON camera IN uniform and will not budge an eye. Meanwhile every politician in Israel and the US would be paying millions to PR companies so that it seems they arent funding a proxy war.
That's a Vietnamese Poster. I think he's a Pedophile expat.
Here have a narrative. .it even ends with zog .
Here have a investigation confirmation based on the narrative .
You will notice much of the narrative has been peddled by multiple sources yet we heard about the king shit chair shuffle in Saudi Arabia and china tariffs has got everyone up in roar ...
Obviously a complete Uturn means chaos and confusion will be the norm for a while. .
A post truth world as they say
How do we get students to protest in china again Jow Forums?
i was disowned by most of my centrist-liberal family for 6 months for making the case for race realism a while back while home for Christmas. I think they anger was mostly because I was right and they had no defense against what I was saying. Luckily, they all eventually came around, although they haven't ever admitted they were wrong.
The point is that the conditioning is very very strong given the ChiCom's penetration into academia. It is a very emotional experience to have everything you thought you knew turn out to be a lie. Think about how stressful your own redialing was, and that was when you were seeking answer to questions you were asking. You were primed for it. Most of these people in no way have the intellectual background, curiosity, or emotional preparedness to received a red pilling which is why they react so viciously and emotionally.
Luckily, it is easier to convince them that the Chinese are a problem than Blacks or Jews since you don't have to cross the CivNat barrier.
Just FYI china never banned Jow Forums or blocked it with the great firewall the only reason most chinks cant post is because the re-captcha doesnt load for them as they are hosted on google's servers which is banned in China.
Using a Jow Forums pass bypasses this ban
Are you saying I have been shitposting AT the chinese gov't this hole time?
The PLA are poorly trained. If they steamroll through South Africa it will lead to a World War.
I see Chinese flag posters sometimes and they usually mock the idea of them being behind a firewall.
Funny side note, if you suspect a Chinese shill, just post the following:
It's Mandarin for "June 4th Tianenman Square Mssacre", and their internet is automatically shut down for a few hours
Never trust a Chink.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Chinese.
Everything wrong with supporting, following and accepting CCP rule.
Had to delete my social network because of my friends and family. They’re pathetic and some of the first who are going to the camps.
Let's hope China deals with South Africa's black people problem swiftly.
They’ll give them some dollars and think it will help it’s aleays the same mistake.
Glad to know I'm not the only one with family members who are willfully ignorant.
I assume their goal is to exterminate whites and then lord over Africa themselves. No?
>Whites transferred their industry and technology to Korea, Japan, Taiwan
>The mongoloids who stole White technology
that dissonant feeling
>There is literally nothing wrong with being Chinese.
Fuck off Chang. Chinks aren't as unconsciously destructive as niggers and spics, but they are a foreign civilization whose ultimately at odds with Western civilization.
They lack souls.
I love the Chinese people, they are very great and good.
Have you even read any of my posts? There arent just mainland chinks.
Hong Kong still wants independence from the CCP. Too bad the UK abandoned them like fucking pussies. There is also Taiwan who dont do the CCP bullshit and your country just closed the only embassy in favor of expanding the Beijing one.
Fucking amerifats I swear. Thats why you failed in China.
It's not just Goldstein, it's also Wang.
We must stop this (((Deadly Alliance)))
>I posted it again
100% THIS
You fucking mutts are increasingly loosing control here. Once the One China Policy gets enacted in 2020, its all fucking over. Asia will become a CCP super colony.
>Thats why you failed in China.
"Our" political and business elite are doing very well with China, exporting our technology and importing their tyranny, thank you very much.
>Just FYI china never banned Jow Forums or blocked it
Spoken like a true traitor, you don't have to believe anyone, you can test for yourself the sensitivity of the chinese firewall.
If you have ever seen muttposting here you know why they are losing badly.
Damn nigga chill lol
He has every right to be nervous.
>Asia will become a CCP super colony.
No fuck you. You pulled out Taiwan then you'll pull out Australia. All that'll be left are Guam and Japan (also getting infiltrated by the CCP).
That wont mean shit once your faggot government signs a trade deal with the CCP. Which is looking more likely. Whether its May or Corbyn.
Le Mort.
Like this?
exactly like that
>No fuck you. You pulled out Taiwan then you'll pull out Australia. All that'll be left are Guam and Japan (also getting infiltrated by the CCP).
Source ? Taiwan is the kingpin in relations when it comes to China. Hong Kong is on the verge of ready made revolt at the wests whims ( They have become quite accustomed to having rights the gov cannot violate with severe repercussions)
Hong Kong is already lost. It's a fraction of its power from the 90s, they're being outcompeted hard by neighboring cities. Birthright citizenship has already given the communists de-facto control over the electoral system, which has reserved seats for special interest groups btw.
Taiwan is just weird. Their militant party KMT is for reunification somehow. But their independence party is pacifist? I don't even fucking understand.
>Whites globally achieve their racial awakening and learn to see nonwhites as "others" and learn of demographics and their consequences
>Africans have jobs and order under a new overlord who will handle them with the firm hand they need
>Chinese obtain the resources they need for their industries and cheap labour to continue supplying the world with goods
Tell me this isn't a winning deal for every part involved.
Just try.
>Taiwan is just weird. Their militant party KMT is for reunification somehow. But their independence party is pacifist? I don't even fucking understand.
You need to learn to play the game by their dialect and rules ( See Alinksy) What Taiwan and Hong Kong share in the mutual benefit category would be not collapsing to Xin
Jinping dynasty and telling him to go fuck himself while owning the majority of prosperity that laughs in Xin's face while deposing of him harshly like so many other communist tyrants before him.
there are chink agents in several countries, make sure your eyes are always wide open
>To reiterate, the problem originated in the 60s as a consequence of transferring White industry to Yellows
just say it like it is. It all came from the fiasco of the 30's and the financiers covering their own asses despite their burning of America. Strange that several decades of seeming prosperity was created through the accrued debt of good goys like JFK after FDR. All they want is death.
Any farmers ITT: they coming for you next.
What site is that tho, it's literally not blocked
Double nigger
Can't wait to kill both niggers and chinks in the upcoming race war
Fuck off ching chong chang this website is bad luck for you being number 4 so kindly stop being so boring and go eat rats and chink baby flesh you inhuman monsters.
There isn't going to be a conflict between the chinks and the niggers. The chink plan is to have the niggers seize the mines and farmland to continue their growth. The crumbs they throw to the ANC chimps is enough bribe money to make it all happen. If the whites becomes a problem crates of chinese sks's and AK's are going to mysteriously start showing up.
Actually correction. I apologize. You guys recently reopened it. Nice move. And no. Taiwan fucking hates the mainland.
Breh not even Chinese, I just study the language and have a gf here
The less you "people" know the better.