ITT: She Won

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Sage sliders guys

Would be a poorfag if she won.

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Literally headcanon

in no parallel universe or vivid dream would shillary ever win

Can anyone really imagine what it would be like if she won

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>six hundred ten thousand euros
damn dude you really went all in

Just came back from my mandatory penis docking with a undocumented tranny (f to m post op) worker.

Bout to listen to some rap music and call it a night.

No because there's no timelines where she does.

5.4 million illegals votes.

Trump’s news station he creates has an hour a day dedicated to /x/ fags hosted by my nigga Giorgio Tsoukalis

I had a dream a few weeks ago where she won and it felt so real

When I woke up I realized how much I took for granted living in a world with trump as president

ITT: a nice herb that goes in the options field

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Wow I really enjoy being respected around the world, my steel being cheap, clean air to breathe, a respected law enforcement, government transparency and accountability, illegals not killing innocent college girls, mass shootings not happening every other day, and the nation being unified. Life is good!

>illegals not killing innocent college girls,
She had it coming desu

Well it wouldn’t have happened if Hillary was president. Literally she and bill racially profiled Mexicans in Arkansas and she voted for the wall in the 2000s.

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if she won.. obsolete white trash would have crawled back under the rocks they came out from. Instead, with the illegal election of Trump, these deplorable obsoletes have become emboldended.

Not the best bait I've seen
You need a memeflag