Am I white?

Serious question. Got into a big fight with my friend over whether or not I am white. I am a Cuban born in Miami both parents are immigrants. I am trying to explain to him that Hispanics are technically of the white race but he doesn't understand this and is saying I'm not white so I figured I'd post on here and you guys could answer and prove my point

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Attached: wut18.gif (390x259, 982K)

Excellent bait friend.

While that makeup off your face and grow a full beard.
Work out and then dress in suits.
You may pass

You can look white or brown. Now you look like a fag


Your skin looks white but your face looks Hispanic. I'd say yes, but only because we need more whites and this borderline case rolls onto the line and stops
>Not here.
Congratulations, your white enough.

Show us those nips. If they are pink you pass
