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Post trap dick
Id be your friend if you weren't underaged and a faggot.
sounds like a typical scandinavian coming of age story
tell me more
Fake and 200% gay
Heretic. You get the stake.
Why not give them the snake?
Im Dutch you dummy -3-
Yess pls
What kind of face is that? Like, the lips and the eyes, i like it.
Am I having a stroke?
The original nazis were raving homosexuals.
Then Hitler forgot to say no homo and got so embarrassed he divided poland. You should’ve seen the look on their faces
Funny thing, he, my sweetie, identifies as a Nazi. He’s bi too. It’s just I used to be a full on commie then got redpilled.
Now I can award you the title of
>True Dutchfag
Serious question here would it be illegal to ask for nipple pics of a 17 year old trap?
Wtf is wrong with you? You are mentally ill and such people can never be considered to be our equals. Im here in vacation and i go walking into the mountains with my family, i see beautiful couples with 3 children climbing up and is so cosy, and here you aretalking about the most degenerate shit iv heard.
Well I mean if you’re looking at trap tits then chances are you prolly won’t mind dropping the soap
I know
>can I spend years of my life being a stupid fucking faggot who can never stop thinking about having cock up my ass and still be forgiven?
Well, actually yes. You need to stop being a stupid faggot and repent of your sins, but you will absolutely be forgiven.
it is unnatural bud it is not good for you. listen to your conscience. the scriptures are particularly stern on sexual perversions. many modern lefties dont understand why, how it sps and decays a civilization.
this trap stuff is devilry. people see the best passing and cute looking traps. most men catch the best edited videos where they look totally feminine. the sexual attraction morphs to the penis, and some masculine features slowly raise attraction.
this shit has made guys without a homo thought in the world masturbate to fucking men. this is the most ingenious way of feminizing men and actually boosting bisexuality in men. id people canmot see the work of clever demons in this, i dont know what will convince you
>being christian
miss me with that kike shit
just join a dionysus cult or something, it would fit you much better
Ishtar had plenty of trap priests and sexual devotees
do not reduce the quality of your life by adhering to jewish restrictions
Absolute God is Love, not fear. Do not enslave yourself to the demiurge of YHWH
I'm glad you two nazis made a love connection.
This is an ugly Astolfo.
Pls use only cute Astolfo.
your flag is wrong
so how are we supposed to take you seriously?
>lie about trying to suicide
how are we to know your entire post isnt a lie if youre an admitted liar
Would have read but pic is degenerate, please kill yourself
>turning 18 this September
Underage b&
Requesting CP v&
dit geloof ik niet
Hehe thanks
daily reminder that Greeks were massively sexual and built the foundations of western civilisation
they loved twinks and traps
>Question is can I still be a Jew hating, God fearing Christian after all this?
No, but the fact that you want to be makes you a cunt as well as a faggot
Pretty good b8, i love the ironic wrong usage of meme arrows.
But they were also very philosophical. Modern westerners are far more sexual than the greeks would dream of being and we're hardly great.
I like Nazbol stuff. My bae is the Nazi.
And you got me there. Well I USED to be a pathological liar but I’ve changed since.
Traps are mentally ill and need help, a straight redpilled alpha chad like me need to brutally rape your every orifice until you learn the error of your degenerate ways.
This picture was the only one in Mordred cosplay which is relevant to me.
You have to analyze how did you trigger that in yourself. Were you always gay? Do you watch porn? What kind? etc. if you get to the root of the problem you might save your peepee
Post boipucci.
Astolfo is cute, but real life traps can't be as cute as anime so stop it.
Idk. Never liked guys until meeting him and he introduced me to liking traps and girly boys.
The holocaust was a lie!
Or at least partially.
I think he's from the double channel, the inverted arrows give pink text there
before christianity sexual rites were widespread across the world
today such a thing is unthinkable and 'evil' despite their use and role in civilised society
you wouldn't have incels if you had what the Babylonians had, women being required to fuck a stranger from the temple of ishtar once in theor loves, providing desperate men guilt free socially acceptable release from sexual fustration
Me me me me... attention whore galore.
you are a faggot who lied his way into relationship and now wants to exploit his partner, who is also a faggot, into copming into his country which has screening for legal migrants which wouldn't let you pass otherwise. You also watch degenerate japanese cartoons.
>Question is can I still be a Jew hating, God fearing Christian after all this?
Verdict: no
>turning 18 this september
means you're underage
You're just super lonely, so lonely you'd be sexually attracted to anyone that shows you love. I'd think long and hard about whether you really want to leave your native country to go to Arizona.
Maybe. I don’t have any friends irl.
What’s wrong with wanting to be with someone who loves you?
Enjoy your ban underage.
report as underage
no, they weren't until they degenerated. Most of them for a long time were martial, patriarchal, and homophobic.
Sounds to me like you met some random older gay dude on the internet who is literally praying on you, a socially isolated minor, by perverting your mind with this homosexual filth.
>b- but muh true love
more please
Suck my nuts Abbo
Gas yourself
I said showed you love, not loves you, I can't comment one way or another without knowing the fella. In any case, when you're desperate, you get easily suckered, don't think about what you're going to do with your life. What are you going to do in Arizona? Do you even know? If you don't, that is the degeneracy inside you. In any case, you shouldn't make drastic decisions like this when mentally unbalanced, which is what you are if you have no IRL friends. I'd advise on trying to make some irl friends first, and then decide if you're still interested in this guy.
nek jezelf sukkel
Also, if you're into anime, trying watching Evangelion sometime. You'll probably find a lot of parallels between you and the main character, it might give you some perspective on yourself and what you can do.
It’s good to know there are more traps being born everyday, the future rules
Lol “DICS”
he's underaged, you retard
i'm a trap too, it's surprising how many right wing traps there are these days