How can we co-opt the left?

If we could take over the democratic party, which is currently a weak entity with a power vacuum just waiting to be filled, I think we could get a lot done. Stuff like eco-fascism, helping workers (not handouts, just fixing the economy and crating jobs), and telling anti-finance types (((who))) controls the money might make some bankers very scared indeed.


Attached: 1523950698823.jpg (900x1024, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A real Holocaust is a start.

Wut? I'm not sure what you mean. Also there was a reason it was called the Final Solution, not the First Option (inb4 Managascar).

also pic related is a good redpill if you're interested

Attached: antifainfiltration.png (1273x1236, 339K)

Except Jews are, have been and always will be a pillar of resistance for any plan involving human progress. They earn money from breaking things down, suppressing technology to keep things inefficient, blame everything on whites and so on.

You cannot reason or debate with a Jew. They only listen when you're knocking on your door with a squadron right behind you. You're naive.

I know user.

I'm not really even talking about the Judeo-left here, but young, angry, disaffected white males that do stupid shit like join antifa and espouse Marxist talking points because they are told that having a culture and an identity is racist.

If we can redpill these people about the identity of the bankers that they hate so much, and on the ineffectual nature of their fight against them (see: the fall of the occupy movement, soros and antifa connections), we might find ourselves with some very angry shock troops on our hands. After we teach them to lift and not eat onions of course.

Yes eat onions. Dom't eat s o y

push for killing the 1% hard the lefties will bite and be reviealed later as anti semetic

You cannot preach to the deaf and dance for the blind. Also a union of hatred is a fragile alliance at best.

He, I tried to get past the word filter with a zero instead of an o. Didn't know that didn't work.

And yes, onions are delicious. Especially caramelized.

That's a very eloquent way of putting it. Maybe we can just leave it to the rapidly declining public opinion on

But what do you propose we do then?

Nazis were and are left wing socialists. Period

>telling anti-finance types (((who))) controls the money might make some bankers very scared indeed.

If that meme said we are forced to us debt-based currency issued by a private bank that makes around 500 bill in interest, it would be more accurate.

Attached: Rothschild.jpg (720x893, 78K)

I think it would be great to get people out of doors, hiking and picking up trash and whatnot.

The question is, do we go for a bi-partisan "horseshoe theory" approach, or create a whole new value system that appeals to certain principled people only?

Attached: ecofash.jpg (540x720, 56K)

Most libertarians have mixed feelings about some of those. They think that some government is necessary for a whole bunch of things, such as the military.

Thanks for the clarification. Precision is important in dealing with disseminating information.

Do you have any good redpills on finance that you could share?

Also saved, nice meme.

The first step is censorship, the next is exclusivity of information, then war.

Do whatever you can when you can do it.

What is it that we can do now, realistically speaking?

Attached: basedinspirobot.jpg (650x650, 107K)

I'm learning another language, am in the military. I expected more time. I honestly have no idea. That's why I said do what you can. Ben Garrison was just taken down too. The censorship has started, war won't be far behind. Just off the top of my head, guns and tons of ammo. Learn to farm something, how to trap.

I expect another world war scenario. Iodine drops, and more extreme things to our enemies, use your imagination.

I'll dump all my fiance-related stuff here.

Attached: historyoffinanceinfographic.jpg (8000x5583, 3.87M)

This will help

Good luck

Thank you for this. Solid stuff.

What language are you learning?

Attached: banking1.png (979x8109, 2.56M)

I love these redpill infographics. Good stuff.

Attached: banking2.png (960x7950, 1.42M)

Southern European but I can't say which one. If I were to study any more it would be Swedish, Czech or Tagalog. Countries where they can become self sufficient if SHTF but only enough to not be invaded or nuked.

Attached: banking3.png (960x8190, 1.72M)

That's cool. Languages are fun and great skills to learn. Don't laugh but I know Japanese. At least I can read Mishima in his original language. Dude was based.

I'm planning on studying German with my Dad in the future as well. He likes languages too.

Japanese is nice, never heard of Mishima or if I did I forgot. My oldest relatives were from the family name Yatogo but we only know of them in old family dialogue. Losing the war made my family discontinue the language though, unfortunately.

I wanted to start an esperanto general here on Jow Forums so we could all communicate in case of times like these. It's an easy man crafted romance language made to be universally useful.

That's pretty cool. I think you would probably like Mishima. He earned himself the name "the last samurai",and committed Seppuku in front of a garrison that he forcibly assembled with his young group of radical nationalists. Look up "Mishima Jiken". Crazy stuff.

As for the Esperanto general thread, I think that's an excellent idea. Imagine Nationalists from all across the world communicating seamlessly and creating their own publications. Maybe we can realize the dream of Esperanto's founder in this age of the internet by doing this. I'm willing to help with a general like that.

We'll see how this week ends first. I remember him now yeah.

Do you have any experience in running a general thread? Like with pastebin and stuff? I could probably get it started up if you gave me a few tips or pointed me in the right direction with links. I know a thing or two about Esperanto and could have probably round up some resources.

Also totally off-topic but related: "Uncleftish Beholding" is an interesting experiment in what English would sound like as a purely Germanic language.

And I'm glad you remembered him.

My plan was to use Duolingo as the main contributor, with regular OP updates on levels gained. It was going to be called "Esperanto General" and kept up as much as possible similar to Trump General. Strawpolls would be made every so often on our collective cause. I didn't have a plan for pastebin, more so relying on organic thread bumps. It would need to be considered a movement though I don't know the name it could take on. Possibly Esperanto for Europe or something of that nature.

Hmm, the only thing I can think of is incorporating "hope" into the name. That's what Esperanto means, after all. Also it would be kind of a slap in the face to those who think that hope means no-borders communism.

These are all good ideas for a general thread/movement. I don't know a lot about how to operate a general thread unfortunately, but I suppose it might not hurt to just do it and try my best.

Everything in life is a process. Perhaps the general images could be relating to hope.

I think, that with that in mind, I'll start posting these tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Part of the ethos of the threads could be the idea of "inter-nationalism",not globalism as we know it of course, but a pro-nationalist umbrella platform for all countries.

Maybe /etg/ or /espg/ would be a good abbreviation. "Vox Europa", "voice of Europe" might be a good name for the movement.

I like it, I might have time to help tomorrow too.

Cool, we'll see where this goes. We can both keep on the lookout on this board and/or check the archives to see when the other has posted. I think /espg/ sounds good.

Identify as a group. Identify as trans, "a person of color", convert to Islam or Judaism, and use those cards against them.

If you aren't converting to Judaism to deal with them from the inside, you're not on my level.