Everytime I have some hope for our nation, I lose it after traveling a bit. I'm not sure if the rest of the world is like this, but it just seems like nearly every person you meet is severely fucked up in multiple ways
>Go to city area >an ocean of feminized cuckolds and butch women >leave city and go to rural area >everyone is severely obese >women are blubbering cows by the age of 20 >men have pot-bellies and are limping by the age of 40 >everyone has 1-3 divorces >most people seem to believe they are the main character of their own movie >it seems like everyone is suffering from a minor case of narcissism at best >tons of people on anti-depressants >so many people are SO fucking angry, rude, bitter, or arrogant >general civility is rapidly diminishing >churches have turned into a total fucking joke, a literal cuckfest >MK Ultra-tier music pumping through the radio at all moments of the day >the average person absolutely does not understand politics at all despite having the ability to vote >Kids literally snapping and shooting up schools for whatever reason >most parents absolutely shit >a weird worship of black people in pop culture >average white person is completely apathetic as their entire country collapses in front of them >average person has absolute shit-taste in absolutely everything
Sometimes I meet someone who kinda restores my faith in humanity, but then I learn they have some gigantic flaw.
I just don't get why people are so fucking weird in this country. It's frustrating and lonely when you think about it.
After thinking about it, I have just come to the conclusion that people will indulge in the highest level of hedonism as they are physically and socially allowed to.
People will go as low as they can. They will be high-functioning alcoholics if they think they can get away with it. They will fuck everything that moves if they think it will turn out okay.
It seems like the only thing that could change all of this is some gigantic disaster, and that's probably not going to happen. Because despite all of this shit, we're still a somewhat wealthy country. People can be degenerates and still have their material needs met.
We really need some sort of authoritarianism in public life again. Why the fuck is Porn legal? Seriously just think about that for a second. ANYBODY is 10 seconds away from watching porn stars shoot pool balls out of their ass holes on the internet. HOW ON EARTH could that not be HORRIBLE for society?
I almost feel like the ability to self-govern is gone. It's too hard with the internet, that's why literally EVERYBODY jerks off to porn every day. Even women are flicking the bean to it now, tons of women tell me they watch porn. Your pastor is beating off to it too.
My old pastor literally died while jerking off to porn, and they found him like that. That's a great fucking metaphor for the modern world