Devils Advocate for McCain

I know McCain is really hated here, but I wanted offer a defense of him.

Also want to mention, I live in Arizona and am somewhat known by some of the Republicans in the State. I have volunteered for campaigns and go to events. Only picture I have of him i took my self is blurry.

#1 A lot of people wanted him to step down when he got brain cancer. I feel he actually did the party a favor by not stepping down hanging on till recently, because our governor will appoint a replacement that will last till 2020. If McCain had stepped down just a few weeks ago or died then the election would have been this November which is not the best environment for Republicans.

#2 I think a lot of people get hung up on loyalty and language, but actions matter a lot. Trump is pretty shitty with language and controversy, unless you enjoy trolling. But he has mostly delivered in terms of policy. Reagan said its a policy victory if you get 70-80% of what you want. McCain had mostly been a pain in the ass to Trump, and his life time voting record score from the American Conservative Union was 80.91, although it was 57 for 2017. My point being, although he was retarded sometimes on policy, its annoying when I see people call him a Democrat.

#3 As for his Military record, I have heard people say stuff like that he was shitty and blow off his torture. I am willing to concede to people that his accomplishments are not great, but I can say from actually seeing him, that the torture he went through is definitely not fake.I saw him in 2012 and most noticeable thing was his shoulders were really fucked up and he cant lift his arms very high.

I mostly think people should have a sense of perspective about McCain. He was not great, but he wasn't Ron Wyden "My Butthole" , or John Kerry who was way more of a colluder of an enemy then Trump ever will be.

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>I know McCain is really hated here.
>#1 he got brain cancer.
>#2 McCain had mostly been a pain in the ass... he was retarded sometimes.
>#3 he was shitty... his accomplishments are not great... really fucked up... and he cant lift.
>He was not great... more of a colluder of an enemy.


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Getting 80.91 from ACU is saying that he was 80.91% cuck.

McCain was a uniparty faggot who gave use 8 years of Obama then stuck us with Obamacare.

Imagine the level of faggot you would have to be to defend that warmongering piece of shit

I think all your points are valid other than the last one.

I guess you spent a bunch of time to find quotes to remind me he died of a tumor? Which makes me think you got the impression I really liked McCain. I was pretty clear I felt he was a shitty Republican, but still far better than a Democrat.

Well what Metric would you have used over 30+ year to judge if he was a Left winger or not? His career and the U.S. existed before Trump, so using Trump loyalty as a test is kind shitty.
Regardless of ACU or some other organization his lifetime score mostly was not Left wing. You can pick another organization, I dont give a shit, he usually gets a mostly right wing score. NRA gave him a B+. My point being its fine to call him shitty, but dont put him on the level as a Democrat in terms of voting.

McCain was a left leaning neocon, neoliberal faggot his entire life.

Trump was the first vaguely populist nationalist in decades so naturally McCain hated him.

Do you hear yourself speak, you say he is a uniparty asshole, but then say he works with Democrats.

Personally I was really pissed with what he did with Obamacare, I have gotten fucked over by it. But I will still defend the point that he was less bad than a Democrat.

Im sure you changed your flag, how is the wifi in those caves Mohammed

You are pointing out the obvious that their personality and their ideology didn't jive. I think its somewhat fair to call McCain a Neocon, not Neoliberal though. He fought Bush on Gitmo, and he was big on government regulation, especially financial regulation and campaign regulations, all not small government Neoliberal. He was constantly annoying me with his apprehension of free market policy.

The problem with him is that he was a Democrat disguised as a Republican who hid behind his military background, white male visage, and wife's money to keep himself from being pegged for the Democrat he was.

He suppressed conservative power. Kept Arizona represented by guys to the left of the general Arizona population.

Arizona Democrats are to the right of the national platform. Sinema hides her green party past. The other Democrat Rep is a blue dog white male.

Arizona has been a far right state that the uniparty has worked over time to contain.


Fuck off and die, McCain was the biggest supporter of terrorists especially in Libya and Syria

McCain was one of the biggest supporters of deregulating Wall Street, you are full of shit. after the 2008 housing bubble collapsed he did everything he could to shill for the banks and deregulation.

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McCain was also a bitter bitch because newcomer Trump won the office he tried for twice and failed.


Ok let me unpack this. Just so you know. I hung out with Jeff Dial, former Republican state senate majority leader John McCormish on a local level. Met Govoner Jan Brewer, and worked on David Schweikerts campaign. Brewer is Pro Trump and Schweikert is member of the Freedom caucus.

I have been over that McCain was factually not a Democrat despite how he acted, or his major covered votes the Main stream media liked. Pick just about any analysis organization that gives out score cards for congress and he is on the lower end of Republican, but no where near 50/50 as a whole.

If you pay attention to elections in AZ, it has not been moderate Democrats this year. Each state parties often play things diffrently than as a whole. Republicans are moderate in Blue states, and Dems act moderate in Red States. McCain was a moderate, when we often didnt need one, but he was still better than a Democrat.

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I have a feeling that the was really jealous of Trump winning the presidency in such a controversial way, which is why he blocked him in 2017. He was mainly pro american hegemony which i agreed with.

Wong on part 2, he helped make Dodd Frank Happen, along with Glass / Steagall although he ultimately voted against it.

the true American people, MAGA populists, rate him D for Democrat
don't be such a statist bootlicker

>supported the weakest, most toothless wall street regulation in history
>ultimately voted against it anyway signaling his undying support for the banks and wall street

You just proved my point.

Well part of problem now is people care a lot less about policy, more about loyalty and we had a weird, chaotic and destructive Republican primary. Trump pounded a lot of people in the ground and the loosers were supposed to pledge support to him. But about a third of the people Trump shat all over resisted because their dignity was hurt. McCain had a big enough ego that he wasnt going to back down and it kept low tier tensions going.

Mccain wasn't tortured, he failed to keep his arms at his side when ejecting his jet, in fact he speaks very highly of his captors as seen in the treasonous Tokyo Rose Broadcast.

I have been over that McCain was factually not a Democrat despite how he acted, on his major covered votes the Main stream media liked. Pick just about any analysis organization that gives out score cards for congress and he is on the lower end of Republican, but no where near 50/50 as a whole. Using how much a party member is tonguing Trumps asshole for Loyalty is a shitty measurement, because our county existed before the 2016 election.

Dude, I have seen him in person. I only mentioned his shoulders because they were most noticeable. Anyone who has a small sense of body language skills can tell he was really fucked up physically and mentally. Its suck a lame conspiracy

True, and i hope they'll continue to move further to the libertarian side. Some of the Republicans really need to be primaried for more party unity though.

>Literal quotes from Mccain
"eh it's just a conspiracy, I can tell the difference between a torture induced injury and a jackass stunt wound."

Pretty sure his own fellow pilots shot his ass down over the forestall disaster and its been white washed the entire time. He was a hack spoiled brat daddies nightmare fuckup.should have NEVER had wings.

>defending warmongering Neocon John "Israel First" McCain

Pic related.

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He's finally dead let him be dead. I'm ready to forget him but you faggots keep posting about him.

>If McCain had stepped down just a few weeks ago or died then the election would have been this November which is not the best environment for Republicans.
If he knew that, he would've stepped down.

Here is your reminder that McCain was the worst pilot ever allowed to fly, thanks to his dad and granddad being admirals. He crashed twice in training before even going overseas, managed to blow up another plane before even taking off of the aircraft carrier (killing over a hundred sailors in the process). Then was shot down because he took no evasive action like he was trained to do, and broke both arms ejecting because he did not pay attention during training on how to eject. Also the character Launchpad McQuack from ducktails was based on him. (a pilot who famously was unable to land planes so he always just crashed them instead)