Mister Metokur just got banned from YouTube, and was banned from Twitter earlier today. >Suspects include: >Mundane Matt >Kraut >Joan Donovan (a female incel with a PHD). Donovan is on the boards of YouTube and Twitter This is why we needed to defend Alex Jones. They're going to do these co-ordinated attacks on everyone. They're attempting to cut off our contacts with people who go against the MSM narratives, and even people who satirize the MSM (like Metokur). We need to come up with a plan to combat this, or it's going to keep happening.
This land whale is on the Council on Foreign Relations, which holds a lot of (((sway))) and she talked specifically at a public forum about kicking Jow Forums-tier content off the internet using their Jewish tech monopoly tricks.
Apparently Metokur’s cuck joke triggered this lard-ass so badly that she decided he doesn’t deserve to have free speech. Judaism 101 in action, and just about everyone else at the Council on Foreign Relations is a like.
Skinhead MAGAts are dropping like flies, and the best part is, it's only begun.
We will unironically work ourselves all the way up the chain to gagging Hannity and Rush.
Jones was just the beginning.
Go ahead and try to spread your far right fuckshit hate speech when you have no platform.
No, seriously - TRY. :)
You own all three branches for government for the next two months and it doesn't matter worth a shit because the media is ours, babydicks.
Just fucking wait and see how quick things flip Blue forever when the hate speech laws come and Google, Amazon, and Facebook literally ban alt right bullshit on sight.
The Metokur moniker wasn't going to last much longer anyway. He'll be back in a month or two.
Oliver Robinson
Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, websites such as Facebook and Twitter are not treated as publishers of “information provided by another” — which would subject them to libel laws and other headaches publishers have to deal with — because they “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.”
This means social media platforms are not merely private companies who can censor whomever they wish — They are considered, by law, to be public forums that allow free and open debate.
Yet, they’re doing the exact opposite. They are stifling online speech, warping the national discourse, and obstructing the free flow of ideas. Big Tech is not just biased against conservatives — it is actively trying to silence them and deprive them of online platforms.
Well of Jim was ever going to stand for something and try to lead now would be the time
Daniel Jackson
my god could that description be any more slimey. promoting civil unrest and yellow journalism...
Mason Flores
But, um, first you have to actually get people to risk their lives fighting for a literal lying adulterer Russian compromised shitfuck of a President with record shattering low approvals.
Sane people could ban far right screamers and drag your cunt of a President away in handcuffs on live TV tomorrow and jack shit would happen.
President Pelosi will be sworn in without more than a little bellyache from far right grumbles before Daddy Facebook and Ma Twitter deletes your fucking comments.
Piss on your free speech!
We are NOT your boomer dad's Democrats.
We are pissed off, we are coming in November, we are the media, we are the true patriots, and we are never, ever going to let this evil shit happen again once we take this country back.
We will slaughter your sacred cow in front of you and bring in ball crushing hate speech laws and open coordination by tech giants to kill skinhead fuckery online, and you won't do shit.
You really should have just let Her win. Republicans would still have Congress and we might not be planning to go full Stalin on your asses in a couple months after Congress flips, but hey, it's not like anyone held a gun to your greasy white head and made you vote for a retarded sex offender.
Hi. Don't you have some nasty big black porn to jack off to, skinhead?
Aaron Rivera
Lead us Jim! Lead us to the glorious future! He's just a content creator on youtube laughing at retards shitting themselves in fur costumes.
David Moore
jim shat all over the furries of late,check the YIFF pages for them claiming victory,furfags are mad at him for him ripping on them
Joshua Gomez
a hit
Colton Perez
do try,you see son you are pushing alot of people off your platform
so alt media is born,gab,bitchute etc
but now mastercard and internet providers are leaning on them.....all you are doing is alienating people and forcing them to work together to build a new system :)
and our system will be much less restrictive you are kicking us out of town and forcing us to build a new town that will be better than yours in a decade
no matter how hard you try,the masses dont want your cuck shit
Bentley Taylor
I'm waiting for the next BLACKED video to come out and I'll be watching it with my wife's son and boyfriend then I'll be sucking their dicks while sieg heiling, how are you doing today shill? Still sucking the dead left nut of Roosevelt?
Bitchute actaully looks pretty good but I believe it could turn into another vidme debacle and the site would shut down, it's a young site and if survives a year or two, then maybe it could be a good alternative media outlet.
Blake Morgan
Yeah, just keep taking away their voices, sooner or later their guns will have to do all the talking for them.
Gabriel Turner
does anyone have the latest video?
Evan Rogers
she's not on the CFR, just part of some panel they hosted.
Xavier Cooper
Would it be possible to play Spot the Jew with this not-so-fine lady?
You know it's not "algorithms", because if it was... I never would have been able to reupload it.
Jonathan Hughes
Is metokur on bitchute yet?
Ayden Nguyen
You’re chumming in shallow water, friend :)
Jason Watson
Cooper Williams
Can you feel it, lads? They're coming for your freedoms. Slowly but surely until there's no one left to complain.
Camden Wright
>literally says the reason the second video has a strike >'oh well I guess that making fun of a spree killer isn't allowed'
I like metokur's videos plenty but he's only thinly removed from being a lolcow himself
Jace Johnson
Hell, you don't even need that argument. If these companies are receiving regular government funding (which they are), then they should be held to the same free speech standards that we hold the government to. After all, that is our tax money.
Eli Lee
When they take the voices of the people away, the only voices the people will have have left will come from the barrel of a gun.
Austin Richardson
So then why aren't they striked/removed on my channel? BOTH of them...
...granted if they ever even so much as twitched the wrong way at one of my uploads I'd sue them over their one sided contract of adhesion which holds too many non mutual terms and, as such, falls foul of the US doctrine of Unconscionability... but still... supposedly this shit is all "algorithm" based, meaning their automated censor shit shouldn't even allow a direct reupload... and it does.
Ryan Wilson
welcome to the new mormal, this this only accelerates and we are literally powerless to stop them, the only weapon we have is to stop using their platforms and there are a million normies for every one of us, even if we all boycotted google and twitter it would be like flicking a grain of rice at a herd of elephants
Nathaniel Moore
I've missed you.
Josiah Peterson
Gonna miss Metokur. Some of his content was pretty meh, but I enjoyed his streams.
William Edwards
>spam and deceptive practices
What? I listened to the video yesterday, I don't remember anything like that.
Austin Jones
Gavin Gonzalez
'I'll sue youtube even though their TOS says 'we can do what we want get fucked nerd'
lol, kys
Jayden Thomas
for him to get banned like this and simultaneously there was definitely a degree of cooperation and planning involved
he was likely report/flag bombed using a botfarm, Youtube and Twitter are extremely easy to game like this, never mind the fact that both will routinely pretend not to notice that it was a coordinated bot attack if the target is nonconformant to leftist doctrine
Xavier Fisher
Based Wayne LamBright.
Or whoever the fuck you are.
Benjamin Anderson
the cancerous Jow Forums e-celeb threads have returned, therefore I have returned with them
A ToS is not a magical get out of jail free card you stupid sped, a fact Second Life learned the hard way a number of years back when ~literal~ game hackers sued them into cucked submission...
You don't get it... you can't just do whatever you want when you own a business, or did you somehow miss the multi-BILLION dollar fines that Google/YouTube has been hit with by the EU in the past year or so?
INB4 massive US government anti-trust suit! :D
It was great when it happened to Microsoft, it'll be even better when it happens to Twitter/YouTube/FaceBook... or do you not comprehend the point of the little upcoming "meet and greet" on the 5th of next month?
First they had Zuck in, now it's Jack's turn... trust me... this shit is gonna get good!
*makes popcorn*
Gavin Collins
>for him to get banned like this and simultaneously there was definitely a degree of cooperation and planning involved
That's what's so nefarious about this. These huge companies are obviously colluding on some level. They got away with the Alex Jones things, and now they're going after other dissenting voices. Metokur just got locked out of his Facebook account for 3 days, and he'll probably be banned very soon. So that's three platforms. There are also rumours that Kraut was talking about going after Metokur's Patreon account on discord, and getting that shut down. So that makes 4 platforms.
It's time to come up with a serious backup plan, or a counter attack of some kind. Someone should get this thread in front of PewDiePie, because he's probably the only YouTuber who is too big to take down with these methods.
Colton Hill
This is the beginning of a new meme war. When you poke a hornets nest, don't be surprised when you get stung.
The idea of there being a rich Jew who just sends orders about who gets banned next from on-high literally fits Occam's Razor better than your theory. You can assume that stuff which happens to Molyneyx or Prager U are all a part of the same shakedown, also.
>A ToS is not a magical get out of jail free card you stupid sped Facebook and Google can probably get away with committing actual crimes.
This has been going on since at least Charlottesville. Anyone under the impression that this started with Alex Jones or it hasn't been projected for a long time is sadly mistaken.
Can you explain the meme to me?
Andrew Martinez
I didn't mean to imply a ((())) actor being responsible, just savvy socjus/libshit tools with resources, or connections in high places. aka the actually dangerous ones
Brandon Baker
His youtube’s back, and he’s up by 300$ on Patreon. He’s actually gained from this
Aaron Russell
Right and I'm suggesting that illuminati is more likely (literally).
Cameron Gonzalez
>A female incel What's that?
John Sanchez
Oh so they're "too big to fail", eh kiddo?
FaceBook, earlier this month, lost 130 BILLION DOLLARS in market value in just TWO HOURS!
...I'm guessing you're VERY young and weren't around during the first big tech crash of 2000. When it comes to tech companies... the bigger they are, the harder they come tumbling down.
Tyler Jones
Who gives a shit some edgelord hipster faggots. He sure wasn't WN, just riding the wave.
I meant more to say that it's just a petty 'raid' and that's it, anyone can rent a botfarm to do this kind of thing and you can bet some socjus tools run their own for the express purpose of raids like this.
sorry if I'm dense and not getting what you're trying to say, it's been a long ass day and the heat is melting my brain.
I hate his content and he'd be way more entertaining/useful having to whine about freezed peaches on the retard retort and being the new Alex Jones than he is making reaction videos about furries.
>Rich corporations piss away money
Wow, woah.
The dot com crash was a market consolidation. Same with 2008 recession.
SilVal is pretty much impossible for us to truly defeat through state regulation without addressing the Federal Reserve, mark my words on that. I genuinely believe all of this goes all the way to the top. Good luck antitrust'ing the tech sector when they'd sooner invoke the sampson option and nuke New York and Los Angeles rather than let cheeto mussolini audit the Fed.
>I meant more to say that it's just a petty 'raid' I disagree. Their AI "fuckups" are pretty random and strange in the timing if that is true.
Make no mistake, these people don't want anything other than to punish you for daring to not follow the national narrative. You need to be silenced and removed from our society because you refuse to cooperate. They can't legislate it, they can't get it through the courts, so they're going to do it through corporations. They're going to stop your payment processing, they're going to silence you on every social platform, they're going to get providers to shut down your websites, they're not going to tolerate your presence in their utopian vision of a Democratic society.
Alexander Flores
a girl so unappealing and gross that no man would touch them willingly or man hating feminist or complete shut in who isn't necessarily ugly or repulsive in looks or personality but just doesn't have an interest in relationships, probably mentally ill in some manner [spoiler]where did it all go wrong for me I wonder[/spoiler]
Yeah I guess there's no real way to know for sure is there. Fact of the matter is that a voice is being silenced and that's really not okay. Doesn't matter if it's liberal or conservative, or whether it was da joos, a salty rival or a SJW raid.
Juan Lee
Jesus christ what is that nasty thing
I'm with Nasim on this whole subject. No, glowniggers, I don't even own weapons and I'm a peacenik. But realistically I have to prognosticate that only batshit crazy kamikaze-esque direct assaults will ever make these evil people back the fuck down. It really is war. I hope I'm wrong and different pressures can be applied to help us come back and achieve victory here.
>They can't legislate it, they can't get it through the courts, so they're going to do it through corporations. They're going to stop your payment processing, they're going to silence you on every social platform, they're going to get providers to shut down your websites, they're not going to tolerate your presence in their utopian vision of a Democratic society. And then they're going to turn around and run as Democratic Socialists.
Eli Rodriguez
Yeah, he posted a rant entitled "TEN REASONS NOT TO MOURN JOHN MCCAIN" and his webhost told him to fuck off. I guess he's gonna find a new one. Hopefully. Sick of this shit.
Kayden Myers
Schindler, go kill yourself. BTW you are one to talk about babydicks, LOL.
Grayson Cruz
he's not showing as taken down for me, the thumbnails just arent showing is all
Christopher Edwards
CHECKED and this is the truth. You are gonna be lurking around your heavily censored platform a few years from now wondering where more than 50% of your revenue has gone. (And your power, and your influence.) We're creating a new world. It's high time. And you can't stop us no matter how hard you try.
Joseph Carter
look at those dead, demon eyes what a fucking monster
No surprise here, it’s remarkable it took (((them))) so long to do it. However (((they))) have absolutely no reason to do so, Jim only dished out shit to wannabe youtube celebrities, and another thing, what a coincidence that skeptic faggot makes a comeback on the very same day Jim is banned.
That's what I keep warning them, but they won't listen. I've predicted literally everything that happened since 2014 correctly, the only person I know who KNEW Trump would win, and still....they won't listen. It's madness. Suicidal madness.
Whats the problem ? Involuntary celibate is involuntary celibate.
Kevin Mitchell
It's so weird how Trump tweets this out and Metokur's channel gets instantly restored. The only explanation for this is that Metokur is Q.
Adrian Smith
nice bait post you fart sniffing degenerate, you’ve generated a couple of (you’s) you can screenshot and masturbate to.
Kevin Rodriguez
Samuel Carter
Gavin Wright
Is anyone else feeling all nostalgic over this shit? I mean I know a lot of people are all worried and they think this is all some "new" thing, but... God damn I miss this! :D
Remember when those stupid Harvard spergs tried this shit and we BURNED THE FUCKING INTERNET TO THE GROUND...
Oh I've got the tingles! I can't even begin to imagine the sheer torrent of terminally fucked these people would be with the resources and numbers available today!
>you fart sniffing degenerate Not all fart sniffers are degenerates. For example I sniff the farts of my girlfriend exclusively. I'm very faithful to her and her wind. My fart sniffing is confined to a faithful and steady relationship. She likes farting and I like sniffing them, it brings us closer and livens our sex life immensely. I can also find her in the dark when she gets nervous when the power goes out. Stop kink shaming you judgmental shitbag