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typical kike, always trying to not pay someone for their services

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Why do you need to pay a police bill? don't you pay taxes for a functioning police force capable of keeping the peace(At a fucking eceleb meeting of all places)

I wouldn't pay it either.

Not in Australia she doesn't

It's aus government / police telling her not to come back
Basically she cant come back unless she pays
This place is a business, sold for the highest bidder, braindead tax farm

Why would you want to pay any money to an anti-white government that is hell-bent on replacing the founding stock of the nation with a brown mass of subhumans? If you can cheat on your taxes without getting in trouble, do it at every opportunity.

I hate this country. It's actually a horrible fucking place but it looks good in comparison to the current state of other jewed-up western countries.
Why the fuck should she pay? She wasn't asking people to come and threaten violence. She didn't hire the police as far as I'm aware? I don't understand

We may have a solution for you if you want to become a braindead corrupt shithole.

Attached: australia___pamant_romanesc__2_by_malburian[1].jpg (900x720, 127K)

Wasn't Laura getting 20k a month from Patreon?

what's going on there chang?

Attached: aus.png (500x520, 65K)

It's the same. If an australian leftist goes to Canada and police is needed to protect the event their participate in, then Lauren will also pays that protection with her taxes.

The SJWs are just using mob tactics now.

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>try to have a speech
>Antifa terrorists shut it down through violence and blackmail
>police just stand there and watch, no one even asked them to
>"no need to thank us m8, that's $68k"

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A general way of exerting political pressure: think of the discussion (at least in Germany) if football clubs should pay for police during large matches. At the moment they don't, eventhough it's their events which attract drunkards, violence etc. and they make millions with it. If you start charging people you force them to act as you wish.

she never made any agreement with these people

They were warned before doing the shit show. Aus government has also charged others. Normal shit.

How the fuck does this not constitute an attempted extortion in an Anglo legal system? Banana Republic tier.

>They were warned before doing the shit show.


doing this to her/conservatives fits the narrative, so its allowed

>insults from a country that hasn’t won a war in 2000 years
>unless you count changing sides in WW2 at the last minute
No wonder your elite troops wore chicken feathers Giuseppe.

Let's stiff the Goyim, if he insists, call him antisemitic then force him to donate for the Shoah


She shouldn't have to pay. The police were simply doing their job and taking care of the rats outside. Not her fault the trash came to protest.

Don't forget WW1. Same story

She could speech fine behind her PC though.

It is over.

Attached: l.webm (404x718, 1.73M)

>Be police
>Be required to protect venue against creditable threat of violent leftist radicals
>expect to be double payed for a service a service i'm already payed to do

Wow i should start demanding to be double payed as well for my expected duties.

Attached: laura_SOUTHERNED.jpg (268x290, 39K)

It isn't normal to bill law abiding people for the actions of radical opponents. If that is the case then anarchy rules and we can shut down the left with threats of violence too. Oh wait, that would get the army involved and drone strikes against us.

I thought Australia was based with that guy wanting to allow white south African refugees! Actually, I didn't and this is fucking ridiculous. They can start charging any event organisers now.

I bet you could speech fine at 2 meters underground too.

I thought the police was a public service.

The issue here is that it wasn't the paying attendees at the event that were the problem. Victoria allows Communists and Anarchists to fester here - they turn up and cause massive disruption. The police are there to "deal" with them - which consists of driving lines of hundreds of police between the mob and the venue.

Vicpol CHOOSE to deploy hundreds of police to do it without violence when 5 guys with the proper non-lethal equipment and the "All Clear to Engage" could clear the streets easily enough.

She has to pay

The legal issues boils down to the fact that she isn't a citizen, neither a tax payer, neither a diplomat but her presence endangered the campus so the campus found a way to push the liability thus this bill on them but they were forewarned not to come in the first place. But they still took the opportunity because the shitshow brings attention. Just like what Milo did, even Lauren's speech was similar to what Milo used to do also there was a plant there yelling "I love refugees" just like when Milo had muslims go fullretard.

Funny thing is that she literally will eventually because how contract law works.

Brilliant way to keep retarded attention seeking political trash out. These idiots know very well what can happen if they cause trouble by stirring up people.

Highly likely this.

she never made a contract with the australian government nor any law enforcement apparatus thereof

I hope so. Shes a kike.

>but her presence endangered the campus

no, the protestors endangered things
not her

not seeing any arguments

If you get warned "your presence will incite violence" and then violence occurs you will be held responsible, not those committing violence.

Unless those comitting violence are right wing white males.

ad hominem

Nope, but she did with campus and campus told them if you come you will pay for the protection the campus is forced to use because of your presence.
Their tax laws and constitution is possibly different than the American.

Mr. winner of the moron of the month cpt. braindead.

>sui generis

>If you get warned "your presence will incite violence"

she did not cause violence nor danger, the protestors did

warnings and ultimatums and extortion does not and cannot change responsibility

Yes but tourists don't come when people send them death threats online, inb4 Antifa.
Their tax laws and constitution is possibly different than the American.

I was hoping for a kike free first post

posted this
before i read this:
>Unless those comitting violence are right wing white males.

>campus told them

that is not a contract nor any manner of consent

Are you an Australian lawyer?

I believe you 100%

No she is not. Why are you lying?

Attached: LSisnotjewish.png (639x1290, 478K)

nothing has changed
she was peaceful and orderly of conduct, polite and civil

the protestors were the only ones not

why do her boobs have straps

Except there's still local attention seeking trash?

let me see:
ah yes
*appeal to accomplishment
*appeal to authority

the protestors screeching that blame lies elsewhere does not change responsibility

>the law is paramount
>the narrative

Leftists don't need police protection. They aren't in danger because right wingers have jobs and families.

waiting for footage of her being uncivil/violent/threatening

Those football fans pay a lot in taxes as well. Should they pay extra? Should people that like to go out in the weekends pay more because of the amount of incidents that happen there with drunkards?

Lauren: I want to give a speech
campus: these are our terms
Lauren: okay
*Antifa autism intesifies*
campus: we changed our terms if you go you pay this protection fee it is the law here
Lauren: silence
*Lauren gives speech*
*Lauren gets billed*

are you ignorant of the narrative?
or actually believe any around here would suppose it is imaginary?
that the australian legal system applies itself evenly to whites/conservatives and liberals alike?

yeah, i dont LARP
and certainly not regarding that

Are you a lawyer or a gas station worker?

Well those are locals, I'd be fucked if my taxmoney went to pay for the protection for some Canadian giving some stupid speech in my country.

>oy vey don't express controversial opinions goyim only kosher thoughts allowed

Hold my pálinka.

Attached: a-h.jpg (1080x925, 174K)

all she has to do not is play the liberal game and regret such a thing and or feign ignorance or misunderstanding and play the blame game to set things right

but wait
>campus: we changed our terms if you go you pay this protection fee it is the law here

>changed our terms
>after agreeing
>roman law

now you add:
*appeal to ridicule

are you god, or a human?
yeah thought so

>defending the victoria police
fucking Malbourners I swear, you cunts can't event say Melbourne properly


Okay Pablo.

ate mostly what? Is that some Jewish dish?

Probably this. It's a dish in Germany too.

Attached: bread42.jpg (680x500, 68K)

Are you retarded?

i had no idea australia was like this. now im literaly never going to kangaroo land. your country is definitely triple gay now. sad!

She is a Jew, retard, like 90% of the alt-right.

How much do you get paid to spread these lies? Does it ever bother you when going to sleep at night, knowing that you're a servant to the most evil organisms to ever inhabit this planet?

You know the jews who pay you to spread this disinformation would harvest your organs the second they needed them, right?

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HAHA, overe there they don't pay police toll for kikes to be allowed to cause unrest. Every country should take example from Australia in that department. There will be no more Pamela geller and scum like that if they had to pay for the damage they caused

> Cute face (which jews aren't)
> Extremely approachable (which jews aren't).
> Openly disavows any jewish roots
> Openly pro-white
> Quintessential Danish cheekbones
"B-b-but she must be a jew for not worshipping Hitler!!"

Fucking Finnkinght get off the VPN.

Attached: j.webm (404x720, 1.89M)


>Yes but tourists don't come when people send them death threats online,
>can't into law

Yeah, here comes the Tommy Robinson supporter.
Fuck you, fuck him, and fuck all the kikes.

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Why? Do you even know what the circumstances are? Antifa should pay desu

Explain to me the Australian constitution then.

I would pay to see her speak live. That should be answer enough

You can also explain to me the Australian constitution.

Didn't they not even let her speak any way? Why would you pay it?

Invite her. She's in Europe. But first donate to her patreon.

Attached: h.webm (608x1080, 2.94M)

I don't support that kike. I'd have shot him dead long ago if we had guns here.

Explain to me the Australian tax code.


I want to gently lick her armpit if it doesen't smell gross.

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>19 posts by this autist

Holy crap get some help