Brit/pol/: London is £22.50 per pint edition

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I bet they don't pay that around by gold's menswear on Golders green road. Open Sunday through Thursday, Half day Friday closed on Saturday


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Nikolas Cruz looks like he's enjoying that.

Someone should set this to 'Kill The Boer'

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>the guardian

Nope. Not gonna click. It's too early to be as angry as I know that will make me.

it's time to murder this Bolshevik cunt

>tfw been here since 3 AM

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Most of that is the jizyah


London, say no more, fucking idiots the lot of them.

Nothing she does even looks natural

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Which Thread is the Real Thread?

So lads does anyone have any critiques or questions so far? Been injured from work so I have time if anyone does.

That's why cunts shouldn't be in politics in the first place.

What part of London is this?

the big red building on petticoat lane!

I live in Portland Oregon, a city full of soiboys and soibeer, its $5-7 for a imperial pint

Just another day in richly diverse Lahndahn innit


so diverse, so multicultural.

What is going on in Germany? BBC radio 4 said there were clashes with anti fascist protesters and didn’t give any reason why it happened other than it started over a scuffle

who tf would buy this shit?

Nonces that vote for corbyn

Yeah cuz i wanna go have a pint in a surveillance state.

I would just save that money to gtfo of britain.

Is it true that you can move to anywhere in the commonwealth ie. Canada, australia etc.?

sad that Corbyn cucked so hard to kikes recently, it was fun to have someone calling out Israel from time to time
now he's just going to focus on muh racism and shiet, what a fucking bitch

No it’s difficult now, there are lots of controls on it, ironically Africans find it easier to get into Britain than an Australian

Probably because of when we cucked out of the commonwealth to join the EU back in the 60s

Didn't know she was on a working visit to Nigeria

Just watched May dancing with niglets and I feel like a part of my soul has left my body

How do you gtfo of there then?

I would have been planning to bail out of there anyway i could.

Might as well just move to turkey.

A willy on the end of your balls

It’s honestly easier to go to a Far East country than former colonies as you can just work in marketing or education literally at the drop of a hat, especially if you’re English and white with blue eyes.

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And a lot of the countries in the Far East love Britain and British produce, it’s seen as a sign of quality, but our country squanders any opportunity for trade or investment in economies that are booming just to piss money away on niggers in shitholes that attack whites. It’s unbelievable to be honest

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What happened to the immortals and their torchlit marches and rallies?

This seems likely to be Catford

does this pint come with a free handy or what?


Is that including sales tax lad? That really pisses me off about the states how they don't include sales tax it's not that hard surely


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Owen Jones: I'm more optimistic. Hope is what drives a lot of my beliefs.

Peter Hitchens: You poor thing. What a miserable life you must lead.

I love that man.

Hitchens is a fucking retard lmfao

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Our government is giving money to people murdering whites.

How can you possibly say that with a straight face? Have you never entertained him?

In what way is he a retard? What evidence do you have to suggest this?

The culture of social media has become the government of England.

He plays up contrarianism

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Our government is encouraging the widespread replacement of whites in towns and cities across England

I'm glad you asked

>I am enslaved by machines. But, like most slaves, I know deep down that I chose my fate. I calculated long ago that I preferred a life with mobile phones and computers to one without them. The price is high. It includes the loss of privacy, the unceasing availability to outsiders, the time wasted on the internet, the books unread, the conversations which never happened, the views from train windows that I completely missed as I checked my Twitter feed. I am sorry, but I am not that sorry.

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And the sad thing most communities welcome it.

Due to decades of propaganda


I've noticed, they keep tempting me with that Arab booty

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Hitchens also regularly appears on Question time

he should boycott that out of principle or go mental on stage but he doesn't because he's a twat and a brainlet LARPtard

There's some pretty based comments from normies on the conservatives latest post about SA on goybook if any of you have accounts

How does this indicate retardation? Is he wrong in what he's saying or do you just disagree with his choice to accept it? I've never said he's not blackpilled as all hell, but I do find his blackpilledness always supported by sound reasoning.

>them wongas innit, rippin of r poor peeple

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Is the user around that posted this: ?

Great work, user. I think it was section 114 though that had a word missing/grammatical error. Other than that, I found nothing wrong. Absolutely spiffing work, my good man. I shall be following this guide in the near future.

oh, there you are. section 114 has a word missing.


>he doesn't understand!
One paragraph from the based Theodore Kaczynski explains this

>50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

All Hitchens' life writing about this and he never figured it out, blackpilled his readers and mislead them because he's a fucking prick

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Next paragraph
>51. The breakdown of traditional values to some extent implies the breakdown of the bonds that hold together traditional small-scale social groups. The disintegration of small-scale social groups is also promoted by the fact that modern conditions often require or tempt individuals to move to new locations, separating themselves from their communities. Beyond that, a technological society HAS TO weaken family ties and local communities if it is to function efficiently. In modern society an individual’s loyalty must be first to the system and only secondarily to a small-scale community, because if the internal loyalties of small-scale communities were stronger than loyalty to the system, such communities would pursue their own advantage at the expense of the system.

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Without having read the entire manifesto in a long while, I will grant you the assumption that he was correct in diagnosing the problem.

What was his solution?

Someone post the anime one, never fails to crack me up

Eliminate all modern technology

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this one?

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I don't often spoon feed but the only remaining solution is a revolution against the industrial-technological system globally to destroy it. A lot of people will die. There's nothing else we can do mate.

kek I played this last year and I took his ending

Yeah ha

Who did Tracer Tongs ending here?

This will put an end to the haram consumption of the devil of alcohol inshallah!

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I did because he was right.

>I don't often spoon feed
Well I thank you for that
>only remaining solution is a revolution against the industrial-technological system globally to destroy it
and will deeply think about this and consider this idea when I have the time.

If nothing else, you are selling me on at least taking the time to read the manifesto which at this point from being here over the last little while is pretty much a forgone conclusion.

Based burgerfriend

I like how she can't hide her disgust.
>oh, this is what multiculturalism actually is?

That's all we can ask of you

You won't regret it, but taking the Tedpill can be disruptive to your life I must warn you

so what? its a gimmick in 1 place that may get them some shekels. who cares

what ending did you take Nadiya I know you've played it

There is no reason you can't have technological progress and traditional values see the islamic world.
>because if the internal loyalties of small-scale communities were stronger than loyalty to the system, such communities would pursue their own advantage at the expense of the system.
People often do work at the expense of the system in the modern world for the sake of their small scale communities.

>The disintegration of small-scale social groups is also promoted by the fact that modern conditions often require or tempt individuals to move to new locations, separating themselves from their communities.
You can be separated from and still a member of a small scale community. What was his point here? People, en masse, have to move for work or study and that weakens small scale communities? Small scale communities form where they move to aswell. It's not like you are assigned one community and that's it.

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Was that photo taken in South Africa or somewhere in London? Genuinely can't tell.

shake that ass

Our government is absolutely fucking loathsome. If there's any justice in this universe, they'll all suffer horribly.

Whites are apathetic to the survival of their group and lack group interests because they don't see themselves as a group. This is because of individualism, the rise of Protestantism and capitalism. Also has its roots in white aversion to cousin marriage and clannishness compared to other races. Because whites tended to outbreed into other families far more often than other races (partly for religious and moral reasons, partly for capitalistic reasons i.e dowry), there's less of a "core" white population, with an innate feeling of a shared familial bond among whites, as compared to say Indians, Arabs, Jews or Africans, who all heavily practiced cousin marriage and clannishness

I gave up half way through due to studying and never went back to it

>There is no reason you can't have technological progress and traditional values see the islamic world.
they have retained their tradition longer than we have because they have a different culture and were exposed to the industrial-technological system later than we, where it originated. they are also losing their traditional values slowly over time and they will end up similar to us eventually. This doesn't affect every culture in the exact same way at the exact same time

>People often do work at the expense of the system in the modern world for the sake of their small scale communities.
but it's on the decline and there is no denying that the system makes everyone conform more or less. Gangs, some strong families and some religious groups are all that's left and most of those are integrated into the system now in one way or another

>You can be separated from and still a member of a small scale community. What was his point here? People, en masse, have to move for work or study and that weakens small scale communities? Small scale communities form where they move to aswell. It's not like you are assigned one community and that's it.

Why does Bono have to be such a cunt lads?

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He's a taig.

who gives a fuck about Bono?

kek you fucking mess YKTD came back to pray for you that's how bad of a state you're in

>and some religious groups
So wouldn't you say that Peter Hitchens is right in his critique of the state replacing religion?

I meant to bring this up, isn't it entirely possible that both Ted and Peter are both right? While Peter is describing the cultural problems Ted described technologies role in it or perhaps as the cause of it, either way it doesn't negate Peter's own conclusions as well.

Send me back to 2010