Muhammed drawing contest

Hollandic contest on about drawing prophet Muhammad has caused an outrage.

Geert Wilders promised to host a Muhammad drawing contest in Netherlands.

Pakistan heard about this and immediately threatened to take this business to United Nations next meeting.

Drawing Muhammad causes terrible pain to Muslims who make a sizeable minority of worlds population.

In 2005 Danish magazines published Muhammed drawings leading to demonstrations which killed dozens of people and caused Danish products to be eventually boycotted all over the world.

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incoming false flag

I hope they go through with it

I love this wild man

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I dont see why a cartoon would cause sand people to act out like this. Are they scared of the instruments used to draw the picture with?

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If you're going to ask for attacks like this. Why not just go to war.

I don't know the root of this problem but every time they see that Muhammed have been drawn, they go bonkers

>Myöhemmin marraskuussa 2011 ranskalainen satiirilehti Charlie Hebdo julkaisi pilapiirroksia profeetta Muhammedista ja joutui välittömästi ääri-islamilaisten tappolistalle. Tammikuussa 2013 terroristit hyökkäsivät lehden toimitukseen ja tappoivat 12 ihmistä. Saman vuoden marraskuussa islamistiterroristit surmasivat Pariisissa vielä 130 ihmistä lisää.

This sums it up pretty well. Westerners don't "understand the love muslims feel for their prophet" --> kill westerners

religion of peace

Thats the point, bait out a ridiculous reaction from muslims to redpill normies

"Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed at Muhammad Cartoons Magazine in Paris"