White genocide

Will your country take in White South Africans when we get genocided by the negroes?

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first get genocided then we'll talk

It's literally impossible to have a white genocide in South Africa because less than 1% of whites own farms. 99% of whites live in cities.

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forgot to hide your flag

I hope we can eventually

It's frustrating to see whats going on over there

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m.youtube.com/watch?v=hqdyyHJb_SE Russia does

I wish we did. Right-wing media has been trying to raise awareness of the issue here, but the govt. has spoken out yet.

That is just farmers, not regular white people in SA.

its ok man we're just taking back out rightful clay

This jew knows what's up

What good is a city if your starve to death and have no water

I fuckin' hope not. White south africans are some of the most arrogant, rude and self-entitled pieces of shit the world has to offer.

Go to Poland

Its actually pretty easy to get a citezenship here.

only if it happens in the next 5.5 years

I met one some time ago and had a bunch of drinks with him. I told him he would be welcome in the case of reverse apartheid.

I really doubt it

We should. But Dutton isn't immigration minister anymore and I know shit all about the new bloke so fingers crossed

I'm hoping that someone engineers a virus to fix the problem. Suddenly large parts of the Americas and Africa will he free for settlements.

Go to Australia. They already offered to help you goys.

No we will not.

>Will your country take in White South Africans

Considering you pussies still haven't started shooting, I certainly hope not. You faggots would vote away political power to our Bantu here and meekly stand by why they murder torture and rape you.


How pathetic is your life when you have to pretend to be a nigger on Jow Forums for attention?

I heard Russia will welcome you

Doesnt look like it, not until our politicians are hung for treason

I mean we have only 145 millions here and the ratio of girls to boys being born is 3 to 1. I don't want some Chinese and Indians coming here to marry our mermaids so I guess the boers will do

Should the holocaust be considered a genocide now that theres record numbers of you parasites on the earth

Check your lineage sweetie. I bet you'll find a bunch of Jews on both of your parents' sides

I dont think you know what a jew is

Please do enlight me

With the amount of vodka in your bloodstream that wouldn't be so difficult


Ye ye I got the pun but anyways?

My country is already full of niggers


