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Fourteen million Germans were expelled and lost their homes, which meant that, at the end of the war, one quarter of all surviving Germans were victims of expulsion. My Grandmother told me about the warcrimes the russian soldiers and polish partisans did when they pillaged her city Stolp near Danzig. She told me how this savages butchered all their cattle and that they raped her mother infront of her eyes. We Germans are the real victims of WW2, we lost a quarter of our country and a big part of history with it. It is only fair to give Germany its old territories back.
>Unrecht verjährt nicht
> We Germans are the real victims of WW2
Hans playing the victim, planning to ruin europe for the mth time
you just made a Schleswig-Holstein thread half an hour ago, piss off
fuck off turkroach
Deine Ahnen rotieren im Grabe, schäm dich und befrei erst mal die Länderein der BRD bevor du hier irgendwelche Gebitsansprüche stellst.
This is not about hate.
This is not about war.
Under international law, the demand for the return of the eastern territories is perfectly legal. Germany must regain its eastern territories Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia. For the German population, a state subsidy should then be set up to make the eastern territories more attractive again.
You'd just shit the place up with niggers and dune coons, Hans.
You lost the war, faggot. Get over it.
>give us the land we lost in a war
You think this applies to everyone? And how far back? Do you count lwów as polish or ukranian? Those lands switched sides many times over the past 500 years
>give us gibs
Oh nevermind, eternal kraut strikes again
We fought for Europe.
Why did you have to betray us? Us Germans never wanted to do any harm to the Polish people.
Hitler admired Pilsudski and always talked highly of the Polish. All you had to do was give back Danzig (not even Silesia and all the others, JUST DANZIG), and then Germany and Poland could've peacefully coexisted side by side.
Then, we could've fought and destroyed Bolshevism with our European brothers, as one.
>Do you count lwów as polish or ukranian?
Lemburg is rightful German clay too
You know that is not true. You would exterminate us.
OP is still right tho
Yes, territories often change their owner, so it should be possible to reclaim Danzig, Schlesien, Stettin, etc
And Gdańsk was is and will be ours.
>With broomsticks
You're drunk kraut.
>mean no harm
Apart from the whole mass execution thing. And why on earth should poland give gdansk? It was a majority polish city far before krauts came along and claimed it.
>territories often changed owner
>now i can go back to that one point i time where the territory was mine and claim it as the one true moment that should be defined by law
You krauts ruin everything you touch. You would just fill it with sub-70 iq negroes
Go back to cleaning toilets, Piotr.
>You krauts ruin everything you touch. You would just fill it with sub-70 iq
This. G*rmans, stay in your enriched third world containment zone and stop trying to ruin Europe AGAIN
Poland is basically the Haiti of Europe
Your signed the Hitler-Stalin-Pakt. So f**l you.
And now you give your away to rocket science doctor engineers ... merkel goldstuecke ... in 50 years you will be outbreeded out of existence.
Tell me , how long till your crush protesters ,like in Chemnitz, with tanks because they racists ? I guess goes around comes around Germans.
Also Germans
In every age,
In every place,
the ooga booga of niggers remain the same
>we could've fought and destroyed Bolshevism
You trie
You lost
And a German-Anglo-Polish Coalition with help of the Dutch, Scandinavians and Spain?
We would have ANNIHILATED you.
Communism would've been destroyed.
>real victims
Are you sure you not a Jew, Hanz?
This is just embarrassing, stop
Seems like that was the case.
Still lost.
won`t happen- we will crush freemasons and their lodges, there is no eastern front - Putin is our guy .
LMAO, I almost hope that Germany can chimp out again so we finally can make this happen:
Imagine how much whiter this continent would be if the war had turned out like this.
Don't start shit if you can't win.
And the Czech part, the Sudetenland, was NEVER German.
The German settlers were invited by the Czech kings to populate that area - but it always was a part of the Czech kingdom.
So, no - you're not getting that back.
>Putin is our guy
oh boy
>Us Germans never wanted to do any harm to the Polish people.
Germany wanted an Empire and Germans thought of themselves as Kulturtrager who are supposed to civilize savages of EE. Not that there isn't some truth to this, but this was a basis for violence
>Netherlands - 86% European
>Germany - 93% European
Any more questions?
Then why was Danzig 99% ethnically German?
t Upper Silesian
> Germany
> 93% European
Pick one.
Because borders move all the time in Europe, there used to be Polish land until Berlin, then it shifted back and forth for centuries. Doubt the Burger education taught you the details of European history.
Look at the statistics Mustafa.
>80,8% Germans
>3,5% German repatriates
>8,6% European migrants
Now do the math.
fuck, normally i would argue, but this is just pathetic
I can personally guarantee the independence of Poland.
Its very sad what happened to germany, but it was no one elses fault but the nazis, honestly.Hitler should never have invaded poland, it's a shame he did.
I mean look at this, the world would be a better place if germany looked like this
Actually you should also give them east-Germany
Yes lad, we aught to put past wrongs right and do justices- let's play the polaks up.
Its no secret that the original german nation had large numbers of slavs, they were perfectly seen as germans nonetheless, and they saw themselves as germans too. Remember that a nation state is a mythologically constructed thing. anyways, pomeranians arent even slavs, they are core germans since the middle ages.
Polak diaspora JIDF detected
Germans lived there, for hundreds of years. Together with Czechs.
Germans lived there, NOT because they conquered that territory but because they were INVITED there by various Czech Kings (starting in the 12th century).
That's the only reason why Germans lived there.
Other nationalities also settled that area over the centuries, French, Swiss, Dutch etc.
So NO - you have no historical claim over Sudetenland.
>Unrecht verjährt nicht
Germans, what got to you today?
t. genius
the literal definition of germany is "wherever there are germans"
Hitler liked Poles so much that he gave us the privilege of being the 1st slavic nation that was marked for extermination
Everything east of Veleti is polish today, which is a shame because Pomeranians for example are a core german population
Instead of Poland expanding left into Germany, why not expand rightward into Ukraine? That is closer to the historical Polish lands afterall. And Ukraine is a total basket case that does better under Polish rule anyway.
The only reason for this is to artificially weaken Germany
While it is a shame Prussian lands are now under Russians I don't think they would be better back under Germans either.
As no rightful Prussians nor their descendants exist, it should just be turned into a natural reservoir for elks and stuff.
Germans did right thing to (((polaks))), they need to have been exterminated for real, not, just hololohoax, unfortunately our kikes made promises and fucked everything up, by getting our imperial narrative to stop Reich achieving good for Europe.
All they meant to do is to take, what is their clay back, to clean up Europe of commies, jews, gypsies and other criminals - nothing wrong with that
hey imbecile
you do realise that Polans united western slavic tribes and founded Poland?
That's why there are so many different accents and sub-cultures in modern day Poland
> Anyone who criticizes Germany or the UK is Polish diaspora.
Your government just supported the land reform in SA. Your government supports genocide of whites, with your tacit complicit consent.
Germany ruins Europe with refugees and started two world wars, literally killed nationalism and caused the issues we have with immigration today.
The UK has more crime and acid attacks per capita than any other European nation. Yet you sit here and laarp that you need to take over other countiries. You can't even run your own country. In my opinion Poland does a much better job than any of you fuckers, why would anyone give you more land? So you can import more shitskins and mistreat out more whites?
Forget women's right to vote. Whoever gave the eternal Anglo and German the right to vote...
It's not the first time one tribe gave its name to the culturally similar people they ended up dominating.
The english aren't all angles
original Pomeranians were Polish
Hell, even the ruling dynasty of Pomerania used polish names and surnames ( Gryf )
however, most of them were assimilated into Germany
Even that, they stole from Old Prussian pagans.
Then I guess all of pic related is rightful Lithuanian land.
communism was literally German kys faggot,
Russia was commie but Moscow is white unlike Berlin.
Plenty of prussian descendants are alive my dude. One of my teachers was a descendant of an east prussian fifer in the frederickean army. If Königsberg was given back to its rightful owners, prussians would be able to return to their old lands
he is not british, dude
He is shilling under british flag and he is trying to make other people hate brits
don't listen to him or his posts
he is, unironically, a paki
We can give you Suwałki, but first we will take Wilno
Exactly, they became a core part of the german nation. ethnicity didnt matter
with your dying population?
good luck
Jesus those stats are scary.
How do you go from this...
You aren't even aware of the fact that Baltoids are the illegal immigrants and invader scum living in a former Finno-Urgic land and mixed with mogol population?
Posting such maps won't change reality. You have to go back.
wow wow wow
I think you have mistaken something here, friend.
Every single person you mentioned,
is a filthy, Teutonic invader, whose rightful place is at the bottom of lake Peipus.
As I said in my original posts,
every person claiming to be a "descendant of Prussians" in this day and age, is no different then Arabs in Germany and France claiming to be Germans or French.
None of these "Prussians" had spoken a Prussian word in centuries if even at that.
Way to go to completely miss the point.
fair deal desu
they're all moving to America
the place I live is practically a Swedish colony. I talk to them and they say that huge amounts of young people leave because there's little opportunity in Sweden's socialist job market
tf did I just saw
my eyes are bleeding
Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians =/= Sweds
But from what I have heard on Jow Forums, Lithuanian population is dropping because many young Lithuanians keep migrating to UK
EU killed Lithuania and Lithuanian government is not doing anything about it, sadly
fucking polish cucks, not getting anything yet, already giving up on shit
you should all belong to krauts desu
There is no prussian language lol, they all spoke german, including my teacher whose last name was pfeifer, from the fifer in the army.
That's why I said first Wilno
these imbeciles do not represent everyone in our nation
every polish nationalist would rather take Vilnius by force than give up Suwałki
yeah great
got backlashed for supporting sb's opinion
like fuck off
So you advocate for doing literally what germany did to you in ww2?
fucking nice dude
don't worry German, you'll be able to take your Eastern lands back when all the poles end up migrating to the UK
Soon you will forget your history
>The absolute state of Teutonic apologists
I don't
I only said that people would, if they had to
that being said, we have little to no claims on Lithuania
Sure, there are some Poles here and there but it is not enough
You mean Minnesota. And isn’t it strange how once the Swedes took over govt they started importing Somalis and other sand niggers. Gets the almonds jogging
Love me some morning banter
>original Pomeranians were Polish
1046 last native ruler ZemuSzyl and his negotiations with Danish crown were about aggression from polak migrants.
You know, Im actually on your side on this issue, what happened to the prussian balts was a shame. The teutons genocided them, and i wish it didnt happen. However, it is what happened, and Prussia was then german for almost a thousand years until ww2. Im no Teutonic apologist, if i was alive then i could have fought them in a baltic army myself, but the pagan balts are gone.
Pommern back now. We still own that house by the lake, or what's left of it.
>Yes, territories often change their owner, so it should be possible to reclaim Danzig, Schlesien, Stettin, etc
Się bojownik znalazł
Geez, good. Because the reason ww2 started is literally because germany asked for danzig and poland said no.
jokes aside, poles are coming back from UK
>inb4 because of brexit
Nope, Theresa May said that all Poles will be allowed to stay