What's stopping Trump from nationalizing the entire social media industry? Why doesn't he just straight up go to Google...

What's stopping Trump from nationalizing the entire social media industry? Why doesn't he just straight up go to Google, Twitter, Faceback, etc. and say "my niggas.... mine now" They're undermining America's constitution at this point. How would you feel if Trump declared social media outlets as property of the US govt?

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I'd feel whatever the media told me to feel because that's what I pay them to do.

>What's stopping Trump from nationalizing the entire social media industry?

The fact that the office of president doesn't mean "dictator for 4 years". I can't tell if this is just incredibly low quality bait or if people are really this stupid.

Social media is treated all the same, such as christian bakers or telecom companies. Why do they get a free pass on stepping on all the amendments? Where does it say that we can't do this? If you're a US business, you follow US rules. Simple.

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How is he a dictator for doing what our founding fathers would have wanted? Putting the country first over (((profit)))

laws for regulation are in place you just need to enforce them on the tech giants to treat the people equally

why no one is really doing it despite senate giving zuck a slap on the wrist? because they give these senators millions

its not a exactly a free speech issue
there are CDA and antitrust regulations that they violate, they can censor anything they they like - but then they become a 'publisher' and lose CDA protection

>mfw someone that drives on highways thinks we can't nationalize shit.

you can deem them public utilities and enforce common carrier regulations

that would probably take years of courts

It's quite simple really. If any of these social media companies accepts any federal funding for any purpose - they must be bound by all federal laws including the constitution permanently. Take taxpayer money, follow taxpayer rules. I guarantee that kikes would think twice before trying their "muh pricate business" bullshit while leeching from the tax system if this was the norm.

>a free pass on stepping on all the amendments?
Which amendments? Have you ever read the constitution?

>what our founding fathers would have wanted?

Still not sure if this is bait. Do people really believe that laws in this country are created by presidential proclamation?

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> What's stopping Trump from nationalizing
Because he isn't a flaming communist like you. Property rights are important, unless you want to end up like Venezuela.

You mean like net neutrality?


>>mfw someone that drives on highways thinks we can't nationalize shit.
What part of the constitution gives the president power to nationalize privately held companies?

Dear God I'm beginning to think you guys really are this fucking stupid.

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>How would you feel if Trump declared social media outlets as property of the US govt?

Think about this for a second.
You're worried Corporate censorship is going too far? Just imagine what it'd be like if the government had TOTAL control. Censorship and information control would be worse, much worse than it is now.

>This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!

his latest tweet. I think he's going to do exactly what you're saying

Attached: fake news will be addressed.jpg (880x509, 82K)

same as killing off every news outlet but fox isn't exactly healthy

>will be adressed by several bipolar sperg tweets

>comparing a public infrastructure project undertaken over 50 years ago to nationalizing privately owned, Jew infested, social media companies.

Shouldn’t you be in school or something

Social media firms need gas, not nationalization

No, nationalization is the commie solution, which ends up making the problem worse. There's a better, American precedent for dealing with overly powerful companies. Pic related.

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Meh, desperate times calls for desperate measures

It would serve the fucking libtards right. After all, they are the ones constantly yammering about “The Founding Fathers had no way of anticipating...” bullshit.

We need to anti trust these tech companies not nationalize them what the fuck are you niggers smoking? That's socialism you niggers.

Agreed. Pic related is $14 at Home Depot.

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>Why doesn't he just straight up go to Google, Twitter, Faceback, etc. and say "my niggas.... mine now"
no thank you

>I can't tell if this is just incredibly low quality bait or if people are really this stupid.
probably both

>laws for regulation are in place you just need to enforce them on the tech giants to treat the people equally
>why no one is really doing it despite senate giving zuck a slap on the wrist? because they give these senators millions
This is why Trump needs to bypass congress on this issue
Thanks for the goncern leafbro but we'll take our chances

cause it would be against american spirit

in fact he champions the idea that americans are smart enough to see fake news for what it is
and boasts that the fake new media outlets are desperate for income as they aren't getting the audiences they need for $

All companies on US soil need to adhere to constitutional law

That's one way to put it.

I like to say that the entire social media is under the CIA command.

If they won't respect the US Constitution then they can get BTFOed.

>cause it would be against american spirit
>He thinks the current perverted idea of america is the true american spirit
Cringe... nigger what are you doing here

Nationalizing social media is the wet dreams of google, twitter, etc. Once the taxpayer is paying for their business, then concessions like allowing Alex Jonestein back on their platforms are insignificant relative to the bigger picture.

actually being ruled over by hook noses and living among third worlders is what our founding fathers would have wanted so OP is a retard

Wasn't Mark in government payroll for a decent chunk of the platform existence?

Joan Donovan's cunt looks like a cow shot with a cannon

Yes, and nationalizing it is a step further in that direction. I really can't understand the logic of some here.
>kikes run our gov
>let's nationalize social media

It's like you want to subsidize your own enslavement.

You Drumpftards get more retarded by the day

doesn't matter because they would have to allow all users to speak freely

What matters is that these companies get millions, if not billions (if you count tax breaks), of our money as it currently stands. We should be pushing to stop this, but instead we have shills and ecelebs like Sargon pushing for even more gov money to go to these parasites.

why would zuck, page, dorsey get a cut when it becomes state property? i could see a one time payment to "buy" the platforms but fuck anything other than that


>why would zuck, page, dorsey get a cut when it becomes state property?
Just like the land grabs currently in South Africa, business gets spooked when government starts seizing property. The only way to do so without triggering a massive market downturn would be pay them way more then they are worth, while likely keeping everyone currently employed onboard (because who better to run the company, but now they've become bureaucrats instead of employees at a company).

I see no winning in nationalizing these scum, only making them more legitimized and profitable at the expense of people who can't opt out.


shill harder

pajeet must resist monster energy edition of bobs n vagene

>All companies on US soil need to adhere to constitutional law
>If they won't respect the US Constitution

I'll wager no more than 6 people on this board right now have ever read the constitution.

Which part of the constitution applies here? Citations needed.

no sauce?

>private corporations
Not sure there's much of a difference anymore, now that there are more non-official and, dare I say it, social networks between them that are frankly far more important than their official duties.

>business gets spooked when government starts seizing property
They should be fearing for their every next breath.
Oh well, that means the government can buy them for pennies on the dollar with money only it can print. Eminent domain just became a sweet deal.

bump for more monster qt

>nationalizing the entire social media industry
Rise up with me comrade!

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Nice filename you got there, mrs.Smith


>File name

Thread discarded.

So long as we have niggers, spics and kikes within our borders, we're going to require a pro-white authoritarian government. Sorry, Libertardians. Remedial authoritarianism>degenerative liberty until we're white country. Then we can let markets regulate our resource allocation like intelligent lifeforms are keen to do.

>intelliegnt lifeforms beg numbers for permission to do things
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Without a welfare state 98% of non-whites starve or leave for better gibs elsewhere quickly. Abolishing the (((Federal Reserve))) removes all Jew power. Simple fix without resorting to making you Fuhrer over some collectivist dystopia.

Proofs or kill yourself.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Imaginary friends aren't people.

I have no idea what you're talking about.