Left wing jews hate Israel

Doesn't this kind of fuck up Jow Forums's narrative?

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my narrative is that i think its good that they are attempting to practice what they preach, although i know members of the israeli government have other ideas

wait for the pushback from Israel... this will be a total dumpster fire and a ton of fun to observe

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A handful of Jews flounder needlessly by "fighting to bring African Refugees to Israel", which won't ever happen no matter how hard they "fight".

Israel is clearly right wing. The left has always hated Israel.

Jow Forums's narrative is retarded

Jews are split between nationalists and leftists and while the nationalists can be scheming it's realpolitik for them and not coming from the same place as the leftist viral corruption.

if they demand it of me i will demand it of them, all things being equal

The problem is diasporans like silverman. Jow Forums should not hate Israel, it's the homeland of the jews and any diasporan who doesn't take them up on their very generous right of return offer is an international parasite.

revolting kikesses

>bolshevik jews infighting with zionist jews
Jow Forums was right again

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Based Hollywood Jews doing full auto friendly fire...

Jow Forums narrative is never choose between two jews

This is going to disappear very fast, but we got a foot in the door, we should never let them forget about this.

>Doesn't this kind of fuck up Jow Forums's narrative?

The left is
Destroying Europe, killing white people
Bringing in billions of niggers
Destroying the family, allowing muslims to kill everyone

Lefties just hate white-ish jews

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except for all the zionists in our government and the immensely disproportionate influence of their lobby compared to any other group
jews are all filth

wtf i love sarah silverman now

Jewesses love nigger dicks

>Doesn't this kind of fuck up Jow Forums's narrative?
We want the eradication of all Jews.

>Based Hollywood Jews
gtfo norway ypu socialist sandnigger

Much like "Moderate" muslims, these only pretend to behave in a way to distract from what the others are doing.

This senpai

>be sure to keep the divide and conquer going, animals!
doesn't this mean you're a shit eating shill?
yes it does

Wait until it happens (hint: it won’t) then tell me about our narrative being fucked up

And right wing Israelis hate jews

Funny how things work

When will you retards understand that kikes have always played on both sides to disguise their true intentions. It's the art of deception.

Read an article about divide between Israely jews and their posh liberal us cousins.
World looks different from different places.

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No they don't. This is just propaganda to "show" that Jews want to help niggers too, but of course they won't do that.

No, because the two main factions of Jews are Zionist Jews and Marxist Jews - they don't like each other but both are still evil.

The diaspora Jews hate the zionists.

It's always been lefties and their fucking terrorist mud-slides against everyone else.

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it'll die quietly and without a lot of fanfare

This. They are just spinning their wheels so that they can deflect when someone criticizes kikes for flooding the world with rapefugies but not pissrael.

Ahhh yes! I came

nah, it just proves that theyre acting purely on instinct

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I heard that they import able-bodied African workers and then sterilize them.

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That empowered women destroy nations, even Jewish ones?

>horse face and cow

Women really are the niggers of the world.

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not at all. they eat their own. classic parasitic cancerous behavior

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Without kike money magic leftists are incapable of doing anything

>Jews =/= ZIONISTS

ZIONISTS are the problem -- not Jew

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>Woman rabbi
Wtf, jews completely jewed themselves.

It's already happened. There's tons of Ethiopians living in Israel right now.

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contextual leftism

read about it, Israel demanded castration of the females if they were going to stay
seems kind of based
lefties went total haywire about it

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ZIONISTS are the problem, not Jews

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Globalist commie Jews have always hated Nationalist Zionist Jews

Anyone who can not tell the difference is a fucking retard, muslim or stormfag

progressivism is the new smallpox
white people are the new native americans
jews are the new white people
smallpox isn't good for anyone, but they have better developed resistance
they didn't create smallpox, but they are glad to see it is destroying us more quickly than them

>Left wing jews
Wasn't that orthodox jews? Because god forbidden them to go to the Holy Land

Zionism means jews hold Israel. Why the FUCK would we care who steal fucking sandnigger land?

WTF has they ever done for us except mass immigrate, murder and rape out women, steal benefits and fuck over the entire west. Can't say I'm sorry about their shitty homeland being fucked, I wish all of the middle east was glassed. Fucking vermin!!!

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>Doesn't this kind of fuck up Jow Forums's narrative?

I'll wait for CNN, Buzzfeed, the New York Times and other jewish media outlets to back this with same vigor they back mass immigration into white countries.

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You don't need to wait, think guardian wrote a piece about how terrible it was when Israel demanded castration for some niggers if they wanted to stay..

Seems logical enough tho.

Correct. Good fences make good neighbours. Also american jews are just riding the trend as some kind of survival tactic. They fail to realize multiculturalism is a meme.

Difference is they chemically castrate theirs

Another fake article even Soros killed femen the moment they protested in Israel. It's almost as ridiculous as saying the UN hates Israel when the UN's first act was to create Israel and it gave the five most kike infested countries permanent seats.

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''Trust no one, not even jewself''

The Jews are two factions nationalist/Zionist or rootless people who embed them self as a narrative shaper

In Canada it was a jew that sued for abortion and a jew that gave us affirmative action. Jews have led the open borders movement in Britain and Sweden as well.

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The Ben Shapiro types would side with their globalist tribesmen over a goy nationalist every day of the week.

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I've been saying this for ages, the Jews jew themselves.

Israel has an aging population and the court system there sends men to jail on the weak testimony of women who cry abuse.

It's not a jewish conspiracy, it's jewish stupidity. They drink their own poison.


fuck that, and fuck your pathetic attempt to divert the attention
if they're so hated, why haven't they been CRUSHED by the juggernaut that is the israel US lobby?
two sides of the same coin

Thing is, Soros is hated in Israel



t. Jew

its all a minstrel show, they know that it will never happen

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this, a million times
we're just cogs on their globalist machines
when the moment of truth comes, the backstabbing will come, guaranteed


you fucking inbred viking, the only one responsible for flooding us with migrants is the mutt and its military industrial complex keeping it cooking for military mutt welfare you braindead homo peasant

And with good cause. Gas yourself.

The left-right narrative is retarded.

This user gets it. All these shills from Big League Politics should be buried alive in unmarked mass graves.

you can just google it, they hate him. I did a google and this popped up. Countless articles about how much they hate him. Israel is conservative and Soros is a globalist lefty faggot.


thanks, hope you can make it happen one day

a jew is never bound to his host nation

>mutt and its military industrial complex
>military industrial complex
>tyt talking point

fucking inbred niggerloving homosexual cuck.

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The real red pill is progressive atheist Jews actually believe the stupid shit they promote.

Jewish double bluff.

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It's like you've not a single clue of how the jew operates. To them the end justifies the means. They play both sides in order to achieve their objective.

Can't stand Silverman's personality or politics but damn i'd love to bang her rawdog.

fair enough
again, two sides of the same coin. good cop, bad cop
all words, but no real action against him
and the proof is in the wording
> Soros was the victim over the summer of an anti-immigrant billboard campaign sponsored by the Hungarian government, which many in the Jewish community there believed had antisemitic overtones. Soros called on Hungary to allow refugees into Hungary and the EU.

> victim

even a supposedly conservative paper paints him as a victim. and then there's this

> Soros, who is Jewish, is a strident critic of Israel and has supported a number of NGOs with radical left-wing agendas, such as Breaking the Silence, B’Tselem, Yesh Din and al-Haq.

> A source close to Netanyahu said the prime minister was referring to the fact Soros contributes to the New Israel Fund, a left-leaning clearinghouse for Israeli civil rights groups, which in turn funds organizations that oppose the deportations.

so, nah, doesn't seem like israel hates him. more like the left flank of the offensive. nice try, though

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Jesus Christ she doesnt look like people anymore
khazar milkers ftw

>again, two sides of the same coin. good cop, bad cop
Yeah, but the thing is Lefty Politicians should not, i repeat SHOULD NOT Escape their responsibility in this.

I DONT CARE about other proponents, they are adult enough to not allow NIGGER migration to the west, in that regard they have failed. Same goes for the Literal terrorists brought in by these Fucking cucks!

They can scream jew all they want, but Justice MUST be served!!!!!!!!

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40'000 is nothing, try 4 million nigger jews.

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not in the slightest, why do you suppose they hate Israel?
Why do our leftists hate our countrys?
Why do we all here hate leftists? and does it even matter

>this most likely

>Why do our leftists hate our countrys?

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>Jow Forums should not hate Israel

Do you know why we hate Israel? Let me tell you. We hate Israel because millions of our people died so that it can exist. We hate Israel because it relentlessly tries to manipulate in endless wars that are in their interest, and their interest alone. We hate Israel because 'nationalism for me but not for thee'. We hate Israel because they are the scorpion on the amphibious back of our race.

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i take back the milker part
full goblina

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