Blood Transfusions

Any user that has been in an accident or surgery which required blood transfusions is a mutt. There is no way that an user can request blood from a certain race, therefore you might now be infected with kike or nigger DNA. Time for blood transfusion anons to sudoku and make the world a better place.

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>what is RH factor?
>what are blood types?
you're a sad cut-dick mutt with low functioning autism because of genital mutilation

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>Implying it's not only good Samaritan white christcucks who donate blood
>implying jews and nogs donate

My blodtype is really rare, if i was to Get hurt they would probably just give me the blood i donated back.

that's some fucking 4D chess right there


niggers and jews dont donate blood, dumb nigger

This might explain why I love fried chicken and watermelon now. I also keep singing 'Keep their Heads Ringing'. My penis also grew 2" so there's that.

They screen for HIV so I doubt you'd get any black blood.

this, also
>what is sickle cell
GOD Op is such a faggot

Kikes and niggers are too selfish to give blood, same goes for chinks and poos for that matter, and it's against Islamic law.

>britbong is well versed in islamic law
Imagine my shock
Gott strafe London, hope you kill Theresa May

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Why is it against Islamic law?

thats not how DNA works...

Please go donate blood if you can. It only costs you a little sting and you won't even notice a difference in your health. Besides, some centers offer food tickets, days off work/school, transportation tickets or even money for your deed.

>thats not how DNA works
are you actually claiming that DNA is not found in blood?

I won't kill her but I will vote jez again.

Simple answer, Islamic law was written by inbred retards centuries ago.

i'm claiming that dna doesn't transmit to other individuals through blood transfusions

its like saying you will grow a tail if you eat animal meat

>Please go donate blood if you can
Get fucked, cunt. I'm not going to give blood so it can inevitably go to a non-white. If I lived in an ethnostate then yeah, sure, I'd be donating all the time. But there's no fucking way some shitskin is getting my blood (or organs). Sorry to any white brethren that could use my blood. Just can't take the risk.

Inshallah I cannot

>blood transfusion
>blood cells
>containing DNA

jesus fuck if only you had passed high school biology

>Please go donate blood if you can. It only costs you a little sting and you won't even notice a difference in your health
Blood donation is coordinated and provided by companies worldwide who prey on gullible idiots like you and others who think its for just cause. Often you will hear people saying "i got the blood transfusion and it saved my life" etc or exactly what you wrote. The answer is generally no. Single blood donation of average 0.5l is worthless thats why they need industrial amounts of people to donate for it to matter. Those jewish companies were smart enough to fool people to think that they are doing something good so no actual compensation is needed except pat on the back, while they themselves operate international blood banks that trade between themselves for astronomical prices for a product they got for free. Its nice to think you are helping others but get real, there are no charitable companies in this world that will bend their backs for free, and blood donation is at the forefront.

>it could save 53 lives
and a single diseased faggot could contaminate a massive amount of blood and end thousands of lives
guess what the ratio of healthy faggots to diseased faggots is

based mengele, you could sew me to some twins any day

I hope these 2 virgin uneducated paranoid fags will get leukemia. You will get to know how much blood these people need.

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i do that one donation where they spin the blood through a machine for an hour or so. it takes some shit out of it (platelets i think?) and then put it back in

This is stupid, the blood is tested and taken apart. HIV would absolutely be spotted and many countries accept gay donations with 0 reported cases of infection.

LOL. Retards. A transfusion is essentially a tissue transplant. It has to be matched carefully to the recipient or it will be rejected. DNA is how you match the tissue. IOW the donor has to pretty much “look like you.” If you are white no nigger is going to be a match.

The main problem with the gay blood donation is that they end up throwing away a lot of it because so much of it is infected with something. It’s not economically efficient to take it which is why they don’t want it here, but the queers can’t into statistics and get all butthurt about muh oppression.

remember that movie where the racist cop gets a heart transplant from a black criminal he shot and has to go solve the black ghosts murder for god?

It is curious. After all the years I spent on trauma teams there are few occasions where a transfusion during trauma resuscitation was truly “life saving”. To do “open heart” surgery they prime the pump with packed RBCs which requires a bunch of blood. To treat many of the diseases that lead to a deficiency of a number of blood components requires an ocean of blood to extract a significant volume of some rare components. Yet blood drives are often advertised as needed to help victims of some disaster. I would estimate that over 80% of that donated blood never goes to a trauma victim.

By ops logic, and donation rates my race, I've actually bleached hundreds of people.

I've heard donating occasionally is good for your health, is that true?

Stop lying about being a doctor so you can spread your braindead conspiracy theories.
I've been through hospitals since the age of 1 and I'm pretty sure I know more about blood and donations than some fake doctor.

First of all, you can't "operate international blood banks" because blood is not something that you can store for months and then use it whenever you want. You can freeze it but only for a few weeks maximum (which doesn't usually happen because the need is dire and everything gets used fast). Operating a trade internationally is out of the question.

Secondly, any amount of blood is priceless. Donations are pushed and asked for this much not because they need industrial amounts for their mighty international blood banks but because people are growing more selfish and there's an acute need for blood worldwide. I know that because people sit in the fucking hospitals for days and weeks waiting for a fucking blood bag that will let them live.

And then I read posts like this one from retards like you trying to shit on everything. Hope you get in the emergency room barely breathing and then have to wait because there's no blood to keep you alive. Maybe then you will realize how things really are.

That's right goy. People who don't want to give me free assets are evil virgins

If faggots really want to have their blood removed from their bodies that badly I believe they should be accommodated

It is a fucking movie, retard. Do you honestly think such a tissue match has EVER happened? Maybe your family has DNA that is compatible with blacks. Mine does not.


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Retard. The money is in the components. Platelets, clotting factors, you name it.

Meh, my kid had to have a shit ton of them, and platelets. I'll take him alive over worrying about some fucking blood.

no more free blood for you, jew
may your porphyria make the final months of your life the most painful experience ever, you earned it

Components get added or extracted from blood depending on whatever issue the patient has. You trying to say hospitals sell those components to the almighty evil jewish mafia?

Blood is blood, most of it these days is leukocyte reduced to the point that not many cells with active nuclei ever get transfused, and realistically even the very few white cells that end up in a unit of RBCs are going to be past their last division and unable to reproduce themselves. You're more likely to get "infected by DNA" from plasma or granulocyte transfusions than blood.
Anyways the point I'm making for you brainlets is that RBCs don't actually contain DNA.

What type? Or what antibodies do you have?

Most units never get sickle screened, and even if they did a good chunk of black people are sickle negative anyway.

kys kike nigger