Police brutality in America

Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality? Here in the UK the police tries to get involved with the local community to stop young people from becoming criminals, i.e. solving the root of the problem. Why isn't the American police doing that?

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>we live in a police state
>the police are hilariously incompetent

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>uk flag
sorry your opinion is automatically irrelevant

>They are bad at their job
>They are bad at their job
Hmmm, looks the same to me

why does america have such a big problem with the brutality of law breaking?

American police brutality is deserved, UK needs more.

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>UK police heavily involved in everyone's lives
>US is the police state
What did he mean by this?


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There are tons of community outreach programs here with the police. We've had our fair share of high profile cases here but overall the police forces aren't bad here. In most communities they're actually pretty good. I would say they are a little overequipped with military hardware, and sometimes police are a little too paranoid and trigger happy.

Why do your cops get the shit beat out of them by migrants? Police in America might be brutal but they get results.

Why do your cops get the shit beat out of them by migrants? Police in America might be brutal but they get results.

We have a nigger problem. Unsurprisingly the introduction of body cams drastically reduced the claims of police abuse.

Putting kids in sex rings isnt “solving the root of the problem” bong.

How can people honestly have a problem with this? It's harmless fun.

>Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality?

Because American police have to deal with Americans.

>Why do your cops get the shit beat out of them by migrants?

pic related

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There is no problem with police brutality. There is only a problem with niggers claming police brutality.
Now that the cops have body cameras, everyone can see that the blacks all but force the police to harm them
>watching police video
>3 cops approach nig, nig acting suspicious
>nig keeps reaching for wasteband, cops tell him to keep hands visible
>3 cops with guns drawn and aimed directly at the nig
>the fucking nig tries to quickdraw on the cops
>cops shoot nig before he can get off a shot
>nig survives, claims police brutality
>police release body cam footage
>claims cease

So how is that working out for you. You know with all the mass stabbings 'n shiet.
How can a kaffir police cop get involved with muslim youth without getting laughed at or worse?
Fuckin bongs I swear you are almost as bad as us.

Just yesterday there was a shooting in the next county over from mine, an unusual occurrence.
The guy shot a cop, wounding him, and the officer returned fire with a single shot killing him.
All over now people here are screaming about police brutality with idiots claiming the officer pumped 20 rounds into him, crying "he dindu nuffin, they din hafta kill him!"
Before you ask no, everyone involved is white.

Maybe if mentally ill psychopaths weren't able to buy guns at Walmart you wouldn't have cops who were constantly on edge 24/7.

here's another funny story
>nig in hospital bed in bad shape
>several broken bones, eyes swollen shut, jaw wired shut, cant even feed himself
>nig's family claims on social media that the cops beat him
>police release footage
>traffic stop, police just talking to the nog out of his car, not even cuffed yet
>nog flees and leaps off of a 25 foot bridge
>cops then retrieve him and save his life

Are you even a real person?

What does that even mean?

UK, I.....

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That's exactly what I wanted to ask you but I wasn't convinced you weren't a bot designed for irrelevant shitposting.

wtf is this an actual cop?

>Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality?
masonic occultism basically

at least they aren't as flagrant with the pedopphilia as your cops

At least we have free speech, Mr. Lawman can't kick in my door for speaking out against Islam ;)

That's a new one for my UK folder, by far the most pathetic of all.

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I see you're not too bright... This is Jow Forums after all so I shouldn't be surprised.

Let me explain it in simple terms for you then.

If you make guns readily available to the millions of disenfranchised and mentally ill scumbags that inhabit your country, a natural consequence of this is that your own police force begin to fear for their lives during even the most routine traffic stops. This is why they're so trigger happy.

Comprende amigo?

>such a big problem
This is what you think when you do zero research and only listen to the media. Police brutality is not a MASSIVE epidemic like people want you to think. Sure, there are bad cops who do bad things, but there are far more decent cops doing decent things.

Britbong police need to be gassed

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must be a buzzfeed employee

Your posts are so disconnected from the story I shared that you might as well not link my post when you rant like this.

>mentally ill psychopaths buying guns at walmart
These aren't the people who have made cops jumpy. It's the street thugs who buy and sell guns on the streets, not the ones who buy guns legally. Cops run in to more problems with illegal gun owners than legal gun owners.

The problem is we don't have enough of it.
>Catch nigglet stealing from store
>Take him into back alley
>Crack him over the head with a nightstick
>Criminal tendencies possibly ended for life

There are plenty of old city dwellers that will tell you a police beating straightened their ass out at a young age, but sjw media will never tell you that.

The cop in the story I relayed wasn't even jumpy until the bullet hit him. I'm assuming that UK user is just 'taking the piss' as those limey fucks say.

i'll take that over a police force who can't even prevent little girls of their own kin being turned into rape slaves by foreign invaders. You have to be fucking retarded to get killed by police. If your not a complete dindu mogoloid your more likely to get struck by lighting than killed by police.

Its two things.
>certain demographics have a tendency to break the law and resist arrest, and the media like to sensationalize the resulting "butality"
>your police are faggots and you're not accustomed to law enforcement who actually do their jobs

>but overall the police forces aren't bad here.
>In most communities they're actually pretty good.
>sometimes police are a little too paranoid and trigger happy
I'm thinking you don't have the life experience to comment on any of these things, unless you've lived in 40+ different counties?

If being a officer is so hard and dangerous, then why become one? The paycheck isn't that spectacular. I tell you a little secret. They become police for two reasons.
1. Because other family members have been servants of the state since whenever.
2. They *want* to shoot people.
Number one views you as a "civilian" an insect, they are above you. Number two is just looking for an excuse to exert authority and play out all of those things they have seen in the action movies.

Based post.

You know that there are more rapes per capita in the US than in England right?

>According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, 1 in 6 U.S. women and 1 in 33 U.S. men has experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.


So it seems like your guns aren't really helping to prevent rape.

Shit you're right brb melting all guns

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>Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality?
The thirteenth amendment.

Actual cases of police brutality are fairly rare. Its mostly cases of nigs nigging and cops being corrupt in nonviolent ways.

>National Violence Against Women Survey
Why dont you use actual fbi statistics instead of some self reported garbage, muhammad?

You realize we are only 56% white

I'd rather live in a country where the police will violently deal with nogs thanks. Guess what the Muslims in my town know better than to chimp out.

English isn't really your first language is it?

Show me that stats then. I would bet money that the US is still far ahead of any country in the developed world in terms of rape and sexual assault. You're in absolutely no position to criticize England on this matter.


Police in the UK can't get away with straight up physically assaulting a person, but they still abuse their powers.
Harassment and threats are common as fuck if you happen to anger the police without actually doing anything illegal. They'll make your life a living hell because they know you can't do shit to stop them.

What are niggers? What is our population compared to the UK?

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>Here in the UK the police tries to get involved with the local community to stop young people from becoming criminals

And they fail, which is why London is already more dangerous than New York, and why a country that is supposed to be First World has acid attacks.

We can at least claim to be a very large country with unequal levels of development and a lot of guns. Our police are brutal because or criminal class is brutal, and if you try to confront brutality with weakness, you lose.

In a few short years you will understand exactly why we are the way we are, because you are rushing towards it at full speed. You aren't special, you're just behind the curve. America is what every country is going to look like in twenty years.

>What are PER CAPITA statistics?

Are Americans really this dumb?

Most cops I’ve met are alright guys. This police brutality shit is a (((plot))) to make us dispatch the only things between us and safety. Without them the nigger and spic mobs would cause total anarchy.

Nice VPN shill

>Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality?
Because the media controls everything you see, hear, and think, and they want to use you as a tool to take over the entire justice system, starting with the police.

did Lenin gather some nice christians to do his dirty work or did he gather murderous jews to terrorize people into submission

The former doesn’t imply incompetence at all. That’s a false equivalence and thusly it is as hominem.

Waste of good numbers.

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police brutality isn't that common, it's just that when it happens it's blown up in the media

>illegal gun owners






To be honest with you, the whole "getting involved with the local community" thing doesn't happen anymore. Not enough funding for it anymore.

When I was a kid we had the police visit us in school a bunch of times to teach us things like how drugs are bad and what not. That doesn't happen anymore.
When I was a kid, there was always a police presence in the area I lived in. I still live in the same area and I can't remember the last time I saw the police around here. (for the past few weeks we've had a bunch of kids on stolen motorbikes driving around at high speed just so show off, police haven't done shit about it)

Maybe if you live in a rich area it's different. But for most of the country the police aren't something you see much of anymore.

cops should be able to sue them for false claim

>If you make guns readily available to the millions of disenfranchised and mentally ill scumbags that inhabit your country

Funnily enough most of those Dindu weapons are illegally acquired.

>spoonfeed me
Niggers acting violent is more of a reason to own guns, not less.

What is we have way more nigs to begin with and they will commit more crimes overall. IF you increase your nig population to our percentage you'll see your per capita go up dumbass.

Because we've had nigger dominated commuities flooded with fully automatic assault rifles and drugs like pcp for decades. Our police don't have the breathing room to walk drunkards home anymore. There are literal warzones in our ghettos.

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>Why does America have such a big problem with police brutality


I lived in NYC and the cops when from some guys ticketing drunk people to carrying mp5s around and blocking roads during the holidays. Its gotten so weird that Penn station is permanently patrolled by national guard as well.

you guys suck mohmmed dick.

Stupid Austrian. Cops are brutal to whites too in the USA. There are constant drunk driving propaganda commercials by the NHTSA and ((AD Council)) that demonise white males.

Come to Pennsylvania. 50 cops will show up and gun down a guy who is considering suicide.

The British police don't brutalise criminals, instead they allow no-go zones to exist, sharia patrols to exist, grooming gangs to exist and let the Muslims brutalise the people instead.

Also, the UK is around 5% black and 8% Asian (Pakistani) while the USA has cities which are 80% black or 40% black, 40% hispanic and 20% white. Of course the police are tough there, they have to be.