Democrats are Communists

Democrats are Communists.

Debunk this.

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Lenin said: "Who does not work, does not eat"
Democrats seem to think opposite

It's perfectly true though. What's to debunk?

That's why they call them useful idiots.

See this
Democrats are extreme right and total opposition of soviet union in all levels

>Useful idiots
No, this kind of people would make Soviet Union collapse

You're basically right. They derive from Communists but they disagree on some elements that defined the 20th century communist movements. Google the term "The New Left". This is the history that's all out in the open but is never spoken about.

You do realize that you sound exactly like left-wing nutjobs that call everyone to the left of Democratic Socialists "fascist neonazis". The idea that a bunch of Economically Liberal, socially destructive individuals have anything in common with Communists (with the exception they are both owned and run by Jews), is somewhat laughable. Idiots need to realize that throwing around 20th century labels that are now redundant does nothing but hurt the people who says it. Antifa is the prime example of this.

The USSR is a more traditional form of Communism

Who do you think the gulag is for?

Made crippled old white people stand while she hogged a seat for herself.

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democrats are cronies, just like the republicans

>meanwhile Nazi flag
Look up the term "the new left" and see the communist origins of their thinking. I'm with you that broad labels arent helpful though.

>muh ebil demorats
>muh based republicans
>god I love my false dichotomy two party system, please rape me daddy
disgusting. Fuck off t_d

Communists are communists.

They're everywhere. They're in your unions, they're in your childrens schools, they're your HR department, your media, your social networking systems....even your churches.

The communists have been subverting the nation from the ground up for over 65 years now.

>lawl@trumpnigger that thinks communism is still a threat in 2018

Do you really think an ideology lives within the borders of a nation?

You better start checking your local scene way more closely, I guarantee you there are communists right now, in the very community you live in, slowly warping things towards socialist and communist young mushy brain at a time, one HOA by-law at a time, one company wide policy at a time, one union edict at a time.

The question isn't IF they're succeed but WHEN they'll succeed, the subversion of America is a long term goal and they'll thrust faggots and degenerates and migrants in our faces for the next 100 years to get us there if they have to.

There is nothing left wing about them
Also fuck you attention whore namefag/tripnigger

Attached: bolitical compass explained.png (1200x1306, 79K)

Niggers are niggers.

Debunk this.

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/bo/litically in(in)correct is now new t_d
we need to create new bol/

I just gave you the term to look up to see how you are wrong, m8. The communist movements of the 60s can't be ignored. The origin of the modern left with figures such as Adorno and Marcuse can't be ignored. The obvious socialism of the Occupy Movement can't be ignored.

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dare i say

what exactly is "Occupy" movement?

democratic administrations intensified the war in vietnam specifically to repel communist aggression. and sort-of invaded cuba once

>Minority rights
Soviet Union was against Minorities and any kind of discrimination based on one's nationality

Communists wish the Democrats were communists, because then they'd have a showing on the stage of American Politics.

Yes, more than one person self-identifying as a Democrat is a communist, I'm almost sure of it. Rule 34, you know.
The Democrat establishment, on the other hand, is pure center-right neoliberal machine capitalism, which is the diametric opposite of communism in every important aspect.
>dividing the working class among themselves vs. uniting them
>celebrating and worshipping differences instead of recognizing commonalities
>destroying the public sphere vs. a strong public sphere
>privatization of everything vs. nationalization of everything
>management control vs. labor control
>promoting bourgeois class interest vs. promoting proletarian class interests
And this is why you have to go back, boomer.

Do all you Bircher neoliberal shills glow in the dark this brightly?

communists do not support government sweetie
we aren’t communists were progressive :)

That's their BEST quality.

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>company policies are communism
on my knees begging you to go outside

To the Bircher shill, anything that isn't pure neoliberal law of the jungle is "communism". They don't go outside because "outside" can't exist without a coinbox.

"coinbox" and "communism" start with the same two letters. coincidence?

It's a protest that took place in Wall Street during the recession. It was primarily against the protection of bankers and banker abuse. This started the 99 percent/1 percent talk. This obvious use of class conflict rhetoric caused the movement to be occupied by Marxists. It quickly took over the whole movement.

>5 year olds being raped by trannies

year olds being raped by trannies

Why don't you prove it?

The Democratic establishment is like if you filled a room full of clones of Stalin. They're not communists. They're all in it for the power.

Can't find the one about the 5 year old, but here's the one about a 10 year old

Every last one of them needs to be shot in my opinion.

DEMAND revenge for Vegas, schools and the attack on our capital 6-14-17!

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Go back, boomer.

I can’t debunk this cause it true.