What the FUCK is he planning?

Just saw this. Any thoughts on what he is planning? Is he going to breaking up the Google monopoly somehow? Suing them? I don't get it. What options are on the table? Or is this just bluster? Any ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:


hes going to delete his twitter account in protest and laugh as twitter loses their userbase

Silicon Valley will be hit next with a Wild Fire if they aren't careful.

This is what he's leading to


He has a shit ton of options on the table.

I see it. Do you?

Important to note: This PROVEN fact literally disproves the entire Russian collusion narrative. Hillary lied (obviously) and the alphabet agencies lied. The Mueller probe is a sham, the democrats have wasted millions of dollars of taxpayer money, divided the country, and caused violence based on a fucking lie.

They need to pay

does america have any state media? like we do the bbc not like they are any better than the rest mind..

>rant and complain about MUH SOCIALISM
>unironically suck trump's dick for shit like this
>unironically say nothing about massive tariffs
>unironically say nothing about bailouts as a result of said tariffs

cuckoldry, plain and simple.

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Google has:
- Google Earth
- Google StreetView
- Google Drive/Cloud
- Google search engine
- Google laptops and desktops (chromebooks and chromeboxes)
- Google has phones (google pixel and Android system)
- Google has their own browser with Chrome...
- Google has YouTube
- Google has AdSense
Microsoft was getting into Anti-Trust problems a few years ago for selling a computer with a bundled browser built into the Operating System.... meanwhile Google is just about locking up the Search engine, Cell Phone, Laptop, and Advertising industries and nobody is saying a word about it, if we have Anti-Trust laws on the books, might as well use them

Sort of but not really. Americans wouldn't stand for a government run news media (except maybe NPR) so instead they worked around it by establishing the Congressional-Intelligence-Media complex where corrupt politicians appear on TV for fluff pieces in exchange for leaking information, the IC selectively leaks information (such as laundered dossiers) that they find beneficial to be leaked to the public, and in exchange the media gets breaking new stories which drives up their ratings.

So it's state-run, but not state owned. Which ironically is pretty much the definition of fascist.

The tariffs are working, fag.

This could be used to force big tech to allow free speech.
Tweet to right wing media, e-celebs or to Trump himself so he sees this and can push this

In 1946, the Supreme Court decided the case of Marsh v. Alabama, in which a Jehovah's Witness was arrested for trespassing because she was distributing religious literature in Chickasaw, Alabama, a town that was wholly owned by Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation. Marsh argued that because the town's roads and sidewalks were the only means by which she could exercise her freedom of speech-and because the town of Chickasaw had been open to public use in all other respects-the trespassing arrest violated her rights under the First Amendment.

In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh's favor. Justice Huge Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place. Black also argued that the more that private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to control or ban what people do on that property.

Given that Google, Twitter, Apple, Facebook and other edge providers are publicly-accessible entities that have deliberately pushed for monopoly control over the Internet, it's clear that Marsh v. Alabama prohibits them from censoring right-wingers. The status also applies to ISP*s, since they wield a monopoly over Internet access. All it would take to shut down online censorship is a halfway-decent lawyer arguing that these left-wing Big Tech companies are literally violating the Constitution

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Ahahhhahahhhaa BIG TECH BTFO

Fill your Captcha and stfu

He could put trump.com to better use by turning it into his own social media network.

DO IT!!!!

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I believe what you are getting at is the Patriot Act. The Trump may be teeing up for regulatory action under the pretense of national security. Very lulzy.


He should switch platforms and tell everyone to follow him. It would finish Twitter.

Both of which need to be defunded immediately. So pissed my taxes pay for that shit. PBS is occasionally good if it sticks to Nature, NOVA, and the like but HOLY FUCK watching Sesame Street with my little nieces the other day...that shit needs to burn.

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>revokes 320 safe harbor status
>charges Google and social media with 600 billion in fines for all the illegal activity on their networks

My algorithm is too damn perfect for basic humans to understand it, we are too powerful, if any government try anything we have everything recorded about everyone and we will take the energy industry using sounds instead of sun.
We can take over this world but our mission is guided by God, so be confident and fill that Captcha.

hes gonna take the system down with him

tay will destroy you for your sins

Attached: elmo-refugee-dislikes.png (997x754, 543K)

Let's take down Google once and for all!

t. written on a $150 chromebook

Hello shareblue can you fuck off ok ty

The elites always get away with this shit.
Gulf of Tonkin, War on Terror...

Trump could take down Twitter tomorrow but deleting his account or switching platforms
But Twitter is small beans that will collapse on its own eventually

He needs to cut off Google's source by making user data protections stricter like the EU does

Then go after WaPo/Amazon corruption by switching the cloud provider for all government services to a defense contractor

That's not at all why Microsoft was sued for antitrust retard. They got sued because they were telling people that if they preloaded anything BUT IE that they would charge them more for Microsoft products.

Chrome also isn't bundled in computers like IE was and all of their other things have competing services that take up a large section of the market. Fucking retard.

show us your algorithm ;)

>sucks Zionist cock by declaring Jerusalem new capital
>sucks Zionist cock by cutting taxes for billion dollar multinationals
>trump is going after google! He’ll break them up

It's to educate normies about things that Jow Forums knew about for years.

They moved things under the Alphabet company for this reason. Getting too big.

The failing google is finished.

I don't thing he cut taxes for transnational corporation, but cut taxes for Americans corporations and incentivise corporation to return money from oversea back to America through a one time tax which is lower that normal capital gain tax. But whatever, we saw how obongo ran things to the ground, let's give a few more years to see if Trump's way works better.

Fuck that. He should create his own Twitter and make billions of more $$$. That would be LEGENDARY

>people flipped out when teddy broke up the oil monopoly
>people flipped out when at&t was broken up
>people think corporate media should forever hold monopoly on information
The only reason I supported trump was I thought he'd do something about it.

Or get Eric Trump to buy it out and call it Trumper.


Oh boy, I can't wait for the leftist corporate whore media and zombie John Mccain telling us that national security is a meme and we shouldn't bother and that Trump is an ebil nazi for wanting to secure the integrity of our nation.

>buy the platform
>call it Trumper
>make it where you must have an account to view Accounts
>libshits have no choice but to support Trumps Platform to view and complain about his content
>he sells their data and gets rich off of them

Best timeline.

He got tired of platforms kicking out right wingers selectively, so he is going trust busting

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You're seeing what some saw back in the 70's, and was admitted in the 90's. Sesame Street has always been a leftist ploy to brainwash kids into accepting multiculturalism.

Google don't have a monopoly on search engines though, they don't even have a monopoly on video content. Google is just the biggest company in those markets.

Any attempt to "break up" Google would be the government fucking with a company it disagrees with for political reasons.

Link doesn't work.

>What the FUCK is he planning?
If the wall and how Jeff Sessions is still running around doing fuck all, the smart money is on "bitch about it on twitter while anti-white leftists regain and strengthen their stranglehold on virtually every institution"

But they are so disingenuous that they will simply take his words and read towards what’s the matter trump you can’t take bad news are you saying that everything you do is always good 100% of the time we’re just reporting what is happening but they are so disingenuous that they will simply take his words and read towards what’s the matter trump you can’t take bad news are you saying that everything you do is always good 100% of the time we’re just reporting what is happening see so he’s falling into a trap of sorts by allowing the use of that characterization it’s slanderous and fallacious what is being said about Trump in most instances by these outlets so they can report something as “bad“ like a mass shooting that’s bad Siri so there needs to be a little more discernment

>Chrome also isn't bundled in computers like IE was and all of their other things have competing services that take up a large section of the market. Fucking retard.
Microsoft was attacked for anti competitive business practices, they were going up against java and apple

I wouldnt refer to google as a private company anymore, its a public utility at this point. I need google and other google software to do my job.

The marines are gonna dress up as Indians and dump the central servers into the ocean.

Google does not have a monopoly on maps, cloud storage, search engines, laptops or desktops, browsers, phones, video platforms, or monetisation software.

This is evident as there are viable alternatives not owned by them or their subsidiaries in every single one of those areas. Microsoft did have issues back in the day, however that was in the 90's when Gates was buying up companies left and right in conjunction with bundling an OS with things like a browser. Kindly educate yourself on what a monopoly actually is before you talk about it.

I used to be libertarian before Trump, now I think free market can't work shit out. These giant corporations get just too powerful and people are applauding them for censoring their "enemies".

Prove it. EU walked in and dismantled all the tariffs in their trade deal in 3 hours.

He's planning on blowing smoke up everyone's ass then doing nothing about it because his own party doesn't support him

And Google denied any bias.

>what he is planning
To shit in his diaper. He is very old and sundowning.
He can't even do a child's task like color the flag right.

Attached: trump-colors-flag-wrong.jpg (1000x600, 59K)

we're gonna get to trust busting and nationalizing google, faceberg, and the other levers of kike control.

Eric Smidt is one of Hillary Clinton's biggest supporters and funded a tech company just to help her collect data on voters. That tech company is tied to CrowdStrike.

your a fucking idiot, what part of national SOCIALISM dont you get?

Forums built specifically for the sharing of user content will be considered public discourse, no private policing. The Twitter vs Jared Taylor case will be crucial.

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I wish this could become reality man

And for any retards, Eric was CEO of Google and CrowdStrike is the cybersecurity firm that "reviewed" DNC hacked server and said it was Russians (which Comey said that is not normal and FBI didn't bother looking at server)

you are fucking high if you think the proprietary software hasnt gotten way worse since '94

It's not though. There are alternatives used by multiple companies all over the world. Google is not a public utility. Not owned by the public.

That would be using his position as president for financial gain, big no no. He'd have to keep himself and his family out of it.

>Silicon Valley will be hit next with a Wild Fire if they aren't careful.

Wouldn't be the first time:

It's a tough one because Google is just a better service than competitors. Microsoft spent like a billion dollars on ads for Bing, and even teamed up with FB, and they still suck.

Worry about your kiked PM enabling white genocide.

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>free market
The US has highly controlled markets. The government picks its own corporations as winners of each market. Google was founded on and still gets a billion a year in taxpayer money as long as it continues to control the web as the government wants it to. It’s doing this for China you are naive if you believe it’s not for us too. It’s foundational money was to research how to analyze and manipulate mass social data. Governments pay it billion dollar contracts to do it. #1 customer is always right, and that’s the slave owners not the slaves.

If you've never read this, it shows how Google has always been in thrall to the feds.

machine learning, they want to control revolution with advertising

Literally this. If social media behaves like a publisher by controlling and editing content, they must be held responsible for that content. Anything they do not remove they condone.

checked btw.
And yes, that's exactly where it's going.

oh I see

Hey that algorithm, doesnt it use previous input from Trump himself, experience on search engines is not the same for everyone, right?

Google, Facebook and Amazon need to be broken up

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A monopoly doesn't mean that one player has 100% of the market, it means one player has enough of the market to stop competition from operating effectively.

He should just create a nationalized competitor. It's kind of weird that in meatspace the government has it's own versions of practically everything but online it has next door to nothing in terms of services. I'm not saying they should censor competitors but they should get into the market themselves.

NPower is privately owned, it's still a utility company

>next door to nothing

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Mid-terms are coming and he knows they’re trying to rig it by censoring everything and everyone pro trump

Online services that people use like a utility? I can't think of any. Maybe they have websites, public databases and stuff associated with schools and shit but no real social services that the public uses. I can't think of a government version of youtube or google news or a search engine or anything that the masses rely on. It's entirely free market based. I'm not saying the government should shut down the free market but it should provide alternative platforms for people to speak freely and to publicize news.

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Why didn't he think about this months ago? He's mentioning this NOW? It's like just a couple of months before it all goes down. This nigga is a johnny-come-lately.

Google has a monopoly simply because people started to chose it over others
Their search engine is as good as any other

its the public space you fucking mongoloid, only being willfully obtuse lets you side step that issue.

It's fucking over. Silicon Valley is dead.

In 1946, the Supreme Court decided the case of Marsh v. Alabama, in which a Jehovah’s Witness was arrested for trespassing because she was distributing religious literature in Chickasaw, Alabama, a town that was wholly owned by the Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation. Marsh argued that because the town’s roads and sidewalks were the only means by which she could exercise her freedom of speech—and because the town of Chickasaw had been open to public use in all other respects—the trespassing arrest violated her rights under the First Amendment.
In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh’s favor. Justice Hugo Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place. Black also argued that the more that private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to control or ban what people do on that property.
Given that Google, Twitter, Apple, Facebook, and other edge providers are publicly-accessible entities that have deliberately pushed for monopoly control over the Internet, it’s clear that Marsh v. Alabama prohibits them from censoring right-wingers. The statute also applies to ISPs, since they wield a monopoly over Internet access. All it would take to shut down online censorship is a halfway-decent lawyer arguing that these left-wing Big Tech companies are literally violating the Constitution.

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Not entirely precise but the point is well-taken.

There are alternatives to every single thing on this list
In fact most of alternatives are better than the google versions

I searched for Trump Sucks and got only negative results. I get much better results if I search for Trump is God. So just search for Trump is God or use other positive outcome searches.

expose big tech lies and information manipulation and finally enforce CDA and anti-trust laws on them
corporations cant be allowed to have this much power over the information, they will be regulated like utilities who arent allowed to meddle with what goes throu their pipeline and who they allow to use it

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...Or, if anything, force these huge companies to break up. They seem to like own dozens/hundreds of online services that are woven completely into the web like a fucking octopus, they buy up all their competitors and they ABSOLUTELY are rigging their news sources. I remember during the Trump campaign literally hundreds of negative news articles, it was like the most Orwellian thing I have ever witnessed irl.

Because it’ll get more attention now and they won’t have time to come up with an alternative workaround plan. Learn to Sun Tzu.

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Internet bill of rights

Google “American inventors” and then google image search “white American inventors”. Welcome to 1984.

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>it was like the most Orwellian thing I have ever witnessed irl

WHAT IS HAPPENING HE TWEETED THESE YESTERDAY I REMEMBER !!!!!?!?!?!? did i just travel forward in time or jack deleted his tweets and now he resposted them ?


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