Anybody have the full size one?

Anybody have the full size one?

Infographic thread

Attached: jewss.jpg (752x1200, 456K)

Attached: dualcolt45_BAS.png (448x433, 261K)

Attached: jewmedia.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)

Thank you

Attached: justthefacts2.jpg (983x3367, 830K)

Attached: shareblue.png (1528x544, 91K)

bonus, for your courtesy sir

Attached: jewpress.jpg (1125x1111, 250K)

Attached: shareblue2.png (1556x755, 127K)

Attached: shareblue3.png (1522x527, 77K)

Attached: shareblue4.png (1512x429, 75K)

Attached: whitegenocide.jpg (593x294, 44K)

Attached: why4chanshillhappens.png (1209x322, 85K)

Attached: 1532974553743.jpg (1600x1600, 474K)

Attached: HOWLEFTISMWORKS.jpg (1111x622, 296K)

Attached: DEMOCRATS.png (1258x526, 130K)

Attached: shill4chantactics.png (732x599, 272K)

Attached: 2018REALITY.jpg (750x554, 406K)

It is breathtaking how they thought they could get away with this and no one would notice.

Attached: 15A28F60-6482-4B57-BFF4-C0677F3BBC7F.jpg (4652x2692, 3.73M)

Attached: mediacoordination.jpg (1024x1024, 199K)

Attached: fellowwhitepeople.jpg (974x928, 281K)

>Joan Donovan's cunt looks like a cow shot with a cannon
based namefag

Attached: 1533542180656.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

>users of Jow Forums rely on eachother for social assurance of their beliefs


Attached: SOCIALMEDIAMANIPULATION.png (1200x3158, 3.94M)

pre-internet they did

Attached: 1534272692493.jpg (1200x800, 145K)

They went around the knowledge part and decided to try to get people to just not care. Which they don't, you can hold this up in front of someone and they won't consider the facts at all but just think you're a racist anti-semite.
Even if you attempt to build a case, they've already turned you off in their head

Attached: CTRSLACK.png (2133x2885, 3.94M)


Attached: SHAREBLUEBUDGET.jpg (1313x1623, 301K)


Attached: SHAREBLUECTR.jpg (1278x1505, 246K)


Attached: shareblueEX.png (1880x3056, 3.09M)

Attached: shartblue.jpg (889x1039, 239K)


Attached: POLINFLUEBCE.png (864x455, 47K)

Attached: 1534272798601.png (675x534, 119K)

Attached: blueshill.jpg (678x616, 65K)

Attached: Amerikike.jpg (2909x2068, 2.86M)


Attached: shill5.png (2500x1652, 297K)

Attached: shill7.png (1197x1559, 318K)

Holy fuckin autism batman!


Attached: shill1.jpg (1024x801, 141K)

>Australia is disregarded automatically as a troll.

Attached: 1530470413760.jpg (720x711, 103K)


Attached: shill2.png (954x1157, 105K)


Attached: shill3.jpg (1024x703, 169K)


Attached: shill4.png (840x380, 136K)


Attached: shill6.png (1920x1080, 706K)

It looks like we are going to get some new members. I hope they send more than the last time.


Attached: shillbot.png (1280x720, 166K)

Attached: shill8.jpg (2048x691, 536K)

Freedom will always win. Especially in the modern age where you can't keep anything a secret and everything will leak eventually. I mean this fat cunt who I'm using as an alias today is literally online in multiple places talking about her agenda to shut down free speech and shut down anything but leftist thought or government. And this fat fucking pig thinks she's saving the world doing this.

Any free thinking person would fight this. They'll never win. The more these pigs push on us, the more revolutionaries they make. I'm a proud American with proud American ideals who has no problem stamping out this digital fascism and communism. Fuck anyone who's against free speech or the right to choose your destiny.

Attached: shilling4chaninaction.jpg (3160x7020, 2.25M)


Attached: (((iraqwar))).jpg (500x525, 55K)


Attached: joandonovancow.png (1186x624, 309K)

Attached: nepotism .jpg (848x556, 110K)


Attached: SHAREBLUE6.png (1287x5023, 1003K)


Attached: SHILLBUSTED2.png (782x237, 64K)

>expelled from locations more than any other group in history due to your rampant nepotism and self service
>just helping each other out :^)

Attached: Proof of Abedin and Mills server lie.jpg (1860x2896, 969K)

Attached: advancepub.png (1900x2050, 701K)


Attached: CFRandMEDIA.png (3781x2700, 2.64M)

Attached: asamericanasappliepie.jpg (2000x7008, 1.21M)


Attached: shillthreadlink.png (1920x2196, 1.08M)

Attached: historyofdisney.jpg (2000x3000, 1.14M)

ur so baesd

Attached: sub.png (645x493, 30K)

Attached: thejewishworldwarconspiracytranslated.png (1686x2000, 2.52M)

Attached: whitepopulationthroughdecades.png (3000x6500, 3.07M)

I am Jack's complete lack of caring that they come here get redpilled the hard way. Jow Forums is still here despite the efforts of just about everyone to stop us. You know why? Because we are funny as fuck.

Attached: 1518958745682.jpg (792x792, 118K)

Actually not violent at all. Simply make them adhere to actual meritocracy. The numbers are there.

>that's why we need to violently remove them from the highest positions of influence by force

Attached: 3.png (391x384, 244K)

Attached: goldmansachsisjewish1.png (700x871, 76K)

Attached: goldmansachsisjewish2.png (700x948, 35K)

these infographics often do not show how much percent of a certain group is jewish...

when you bring this up with a normie or a (((debunker))) they will show some powerfull goyim and say "see, jews do not own all media" ...

but given that US jews are 2% of the population, 30% to 50% in the relevant groups should be wakeup call enough ....

some examples:
3 of 9 supremecourt judges:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan

27 of the top 80 US billionairs in 2016:
Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sheldon Adelson, George Soros, Steve Ballmer, Michael Dell, Joseph Safra, Carl Icahn, James Simons, Len Blavatnik, Donald Bren, Serge Dassault, Leonid Mikhelson, David and Simon Reuben, Mikhail Fridman, Steve Cohen, Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, Ronald Perelman, Stephen Ross, David Tepper, Alain Wertheimer, Gerard Wertheimer, Viktor Vekselberg

at the source their power is stronger: all of the 4 last chairman of the Federal Reserve:
Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen

Nobody in the new right advocates for violence. Not one. Not even David Duke.

Attached: EverySingleOne.jpg (2135x4273, 3.77M)

Attached: 1512642124661.jpg (8345x3208, 3.53M)

Attached: hHFH5Wo.jpg (545x737, 117K)

Take the memeflag off

Attached: 1523478746090.jpg (587x618, 88K)

No wonder news media jewz have been after him.

Attached: 926A7116-C0CA-49A2-A95F-B551F0F1C72F.png (600x540, 159K)

Attached: 1480704919355.jpg (1014x1718, 344K)

How about you stop glowing in the dark first?

Attached: NaDSI XDDxDDDD.jpg (900x584, 53K)


Attached: 1503354055949.png (1162x9616, 1.04M)

>Nobody in the new right advocates for violence.

Yes we do. Peace is for imbeciles.

Attached: hatecrimes.png (1024x768, 318K)


How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Nah how about you take the flag off. It's always the memeflaggers who use the Glow in the dark D&C. C'mon take the flag off

Attached: Islam2.png (879x2348, 936K)

Someone needs to make more Jew media infographics for more print publications.

>the one person hiding their flag accuses everyone of being jewish shills

posting stuff with sources now

Attached: hypocrite.png (1252x560, 164K)

Attached: admittance.png (227x302, 56K)

Attached: 1511215634740.png (1594x854, 193K)

Not one person of colour. That's not ok.

Attached: butnotisrael.jpg (1173x1162, 401K)

Yeah, haha, how do I not call you guys out for calling for violence and domestic terrorism! It must be my meme flag! Everyone knows Jow Forums and the new right advocated for violence, you silly goyim!

Attached: disarmingthegoyim.jpg (3442x2952, 3M)

Take off the flag, Abraham

Attached: 1467639032295.jpg (844x960, 112K)

Attached: jewishstakeinamericademographics.jpg (720x717, 293K)

Attached: jews_hate_christians.png (580x464, 194K)

archive link in this one is to actual poll, not tweet

Attached: jewsonwhiteaffirmativeaction.png (714x644, 181K)

Attached: islamizationagoodthing.png (627x383, 325K)

>How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

שטוף שמש עם הזדמנות
של ירידה אדום כדורים

Attached: 1445975572874.png (1152x820, 103K)

Attached: jewspushrefugees.png (1276x1103, 1.05M)

wow so basde

Attached: pics.jpg (882x624, 222K)

some tweets now

Attached: white_genocide_intent_jews.png (2000x2000, 2.86M)

Attached: 1500927669588.jpg (1179x825, 347K)

>I've been found out!

Attached: mai.png (543x513, 39K)

Attached: subversion1.jpg (501x514, 83K)