This continues from my original thread that was shut down about the iternet being like China now.
Trump thinks Google is rigged
Other urls found in this thread:
Chump is dumb and doesn't intellegent enough for computers
You've gotta be fucking retarded not to see Google is rigging their results.
wow ANOTHER thread about this
google is rigged and we all know it, i cant find stuff i could easily find a few years ago, now it's memory holed. on top of that they were manually fixing and editing search results for hillary clinton. fuck google and fuck you. can't wait till they get regulated for not living up to their end of the "we aren't a publisher" sweetheart deal they got
This is what happens when a man looks in a mirror and doesn't like what he sees.
>Trump thinks
I doubt that very much
>"durr hurr Just because the most popular method of communication and marketing across the entire planet is controlled by a few companies whose headquarters are all located within the radical leftist cesspool that is Southern California and have been proven on at least one occasion to conspire to censor a humble water filter salesman purely due to his political leanings is no big deal, stop worrying so much goys- I mean guys!"
Who knew the left enjoys sucking big corporate cock so much?
Yeah. The first one was still going.
kys jew
OK cuck keep us updated
Can't even use Google for any decent results. It's like they know my M. O. Purposely botching the results. At least there are great alternatives. Fuck google. Those fuckers will be collected for chump change once the time come.
Fucking read that google nuggets. Every single on of you will dangle unless you sing.
I'm not a fan of microsoft at all, but Bing is way better than Google is currently.
Google sucks donkey dick now anyway. They've boiled their search returns down to the lowest common denominator, so if you try to search anything that is even remotely complex you get returns about surface level garbage that morons search for. That coupled with their bias against anything moderately controversial you have a search engine that's near regulated itself out of usefulness. Other engines have mimicked this behavior with even worse results. The internet is slowly becoming garbage. Small communities are dying due to facebook groups and the like... disappointing.
>Southern California
Northern, but yeah. Silicone valley is a shithole.
Is there anything this fat stupid fuck won't cry about?
Don't think so.
If by "it" you mean Trump, then obviously.
Imagine what's gonna happen when Trump removes all the social media algorithms that sort content and search results with massive bias. YOU KIKES ARE FUCKED.
let's do an experiment. here is a search of "president trump" on baidu, a chinese search engine. notice no negative search results.
The pure asshurt that went into that pic is nothing short of amazing
now here is the results using google. hmm, really causes one to ponder...
Surely the free market could easily fix this? Or are you a Trumpanzee arguing for the government to step in and interfere with silly regulations?
>Or are you a Trumpanzee arguing for the government to step in and interfere with silly regulations?
Exactly what we're asking and whats gonna happen. You kikes are FUCKED. No more social engineering for you.
it is rigged
>I'm a kike?
Lol, I'd wager I'm whiter than your mutt ass.
Considering Google is building infrastructure to censor the entire internet, I wouldn't be surprised
Use duckduckgo, firefox, and protonmail you retard faggots
Well he is not wrong, jewwgle is certainly shady. Started as a search engine, now holds the personal information of everyone in the world, rules the stupid machine that is jewtube, manipulates internet searches to not be "controversial" shuts down pages, fuck them
The kikes are sitting in the white house, you deluded idiot. Always funny to see trumptards pretend that they're anti-jewish.
He’s not wrong
Welp, you screencapped a shitpost. That's irrefutable proof.
Stop feeding trolls you worthless newfags
>The Shill
That McCain line shouldn't it be "one name" instead of "two words" English is my third language
Remember when you could put something in quotes and it would only return results for what is in quotes. Now, it gives you results you don't want and on page 7 you finally find the phrase as you wrote it in quotes. Internet search engines are gay now.
Literally, a hole filled with shit, both ideological and literal
Isn't it generally accepted google fucks with the results?
Look up white children on image search if you want to be mad
But it is google. They have admitted, on multiple occasions, to altering their search engine's results, to the point of delisting content they find objectionable. They funnel you towards info they want you to see and block you from seeing info they don't.
It's the same old Hasbara bullshit from these Sayanim. You ever been to /ptg/ lately? Scroll through a Trump general for me and try not to gag....shits sickening.
>Trump thinks Google is rigged
It is.
I really fucking hope Trump regulates the web and kills it for once.
Jewgle and all the other companies already killed it once they decided to clean it.
Google has been paying for Verizon wireless seminars are employee advents for a few years now, gonna expect something in return if not buy it
Always interesting seeing anons on Jow Forums who trust Google over Trump. Where do they come from I wonder?
"Crooked Google! We all know that real journalism like Alex Jones, random right wing blogs, and FOX News should dominate the top Google search results."
>not wanting the government to regulate search engines means you trust Jewgle over Trump
I know where you come from and you should go back.
Trump is right. All negative
Devil's advocate, that could be chalked up to the MSM's coverage being overwhelmingly negative, not necessarily google itself.
>Zionists buy MSM
>Zionists hire liberals all over the MSM
>Zionists make sure only anti-right wing news are widespread
>Blatant kike plutocracy
It's literally the same thing. It's basically "No Homers Club".
If Trump doesn't want negative coverage, maybe he should stop continually doing and saying stupid shit. He's thrived on negative press up to this point. The reason he's REEEEEing now is because so many people close to him are going down and he's scared. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. If you don't like Google, social media platforms, or news sources, don't fucking use them. It's that simple. But the fact is that MAGApedos think they are entitled to these platforms to spread their own narrative. Why not create your own instead?
Nothing wrong with pointing out Corporate Censorship when it happens.
Type in "white children"
Why are we getting raided by silly bastards?
>If niggers don't want negative coverage, maybe they should stop continually doing and saying stupid shit.
explain this to a nigger's face and see how well it goes for you, skip
apply that same rhetoric
I use Bing, too. But, I still don't think it's much better than Google as far as doctored search results.
Fair enough. I totally agree. I also think that more needs to be done than just crying about it impotently on an Inuit throat singing forum, or bending over and begging for more big government to take care of the scary mean bullies for us.