Cannabis is not a cause of schizophrenia, says biggest study yet

B-B-B-B-But m-muh reefer madness!!

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1900s study shows schizos are 1% of population

2000s marijuana use skyrockets, schizos still 1% of population


Get stoned, goy. It's 100% harmless

>not a cause of schizophrenia
high fructose corn syrup causes that shit.
for some reason it makes people so stupid they drink soda.

But why did i become utterly psychotic after smoking weed for a year?

Its already been proven to cause schizophrenia.
Now suddenly people are investing billions in it and it doesn't anymore.

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It's not THE cause,
you get that genetically.
Cannabis actually what enables it and countless other mental illnesses.

Can you screenshot the article? I don't want to register for a single article.

Doesn't it exacerbate cases of schizophrenia?

I'm just looking forward to CBD being legal, personally.

Psychology doesn't exist. It's all just neurology. People will look back on our current methods like we do bloodletting.

>it doesn't cause schizophrenia, therefore it's harmless
nice one dimensional thinking you colossal retard. not everything is black and white. methinks you are too defensive

psychiatry doesn't exist. psychology is objective

Tfw i just finished smokinv with some funny Jews.

Fucking this. How retarded are people? It can trigger latent mental illness. For the brainlets, you must already have a predisposition.

Though this is absolutely anecdotal, I have to come out with it. All schizos I know (5 people with schizoeffective and one bonafide schizophrenic) smoke weed. They were also all 100% normal until they started smoking weed.

>2000s marijuana use skyrockets

>individual experience is objective

Something can be proven right a million times, but if it's proven wrong once then it's wrong forever.

It's pseudoscience.

If you can't measure it, it isn't real.

How old were they when they started smoking? Schizophrenia doesn't normally show until people are in their 20s anyway.

(((biggest study yet)))

Weed is harmless?
Don't smoke it if you don't smoke, rat or vape lads.
I lee giving up smoking but weed redraws me back in because I have one spliff every night circa 10:30pm.
I started smoking again (cigs) a month ago and I'm angry about it.

By far the worst parts about marijuana are the legal side effects that we create ourselves.

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>eurotards can't smoke weed on it's own and buy cigarettes filled with cancer to roll them together
>they cannot cure weed or create edibles on their own
this is the absolute state of the average person in the current year 2018

I'm a toker myself, you nigger. To say it is harmless is to be a cocksucking jew.

I wouldn't worry about pure coincidences like that.

It doesn't cause it; Schizophrenia is genetic, but it can be a trigger (so can alcohol or a traumatic incident) if you have a history of mental illnesses (especially schizophrenia) you should avoid weed

>you can't measure it
>therefore it doesn't exist
we don't have an accurate enough instrument to measure it yet because neuroimaging is a newborn science, that isn't to say psychology is nonexistent. people's patterns of behaviour are in many cases not only extremely predictable but can be replicated time and time again. Psychology is more of a group of related studies than an established science

>psychology is individual experience

Again, saying it doesn't cause schizophrenia is nowhere near saying it's harmless, which is evident from your aggressive retardation

So you think i would've become psychotic anyways? There was no reason to become psychotic. I was in college, made new friends, was happy, and then suddenly BOOM! I thought everyone wanted to kill me. Now if i look back, it was actually a very sneaky development. I remember being paranoid for months prior to the psychotic outbreak. I should've stopped smoking weed by that time but i was young and stupid and schools don't teach stuff like this. I think instead of fearful anti war propaganda, schools should enlighten kids about drugs, early signs of mental issues etc.

I was LARPing as a supporter of that fake study but I guess I failed. On a serious note though I'd like to say that yes of course that drug abuse will completely fuck up your brains.

They're making cannabis too strong, it's the CBD that has antipsychotic properties preventing psychosis in chronic smokers. These chuckle fucks figure more THC is better and CBD shouldn't even matter. These people are abusing a sacred herb for their own hedonistic pleasure. That's why you find a correlation in schizoaffective individuals, degenerate fools messing with nature.

bruh, you can't take my 0.001% CBD/66.6% THC weed away from me

>That's why you find a correlation in schizoaffective individuals
this correlation could be just as easily explained as people who are already out of touch with reality are more inclined to abuse psychoactives

Why does Jow Forums hate weed far more than any other drug?

the culture and pervasiveness, dude weeds are annoying. but meth is le based and redpilled because hitler did it!

Except faggots been claiming this shit since the 50s.