She realized the whole wakanda shit was slang for niggers,what a smart lady.
She realized the whole wakanda shit was slang for niggers,what a smart lady.
Other urls found in this thread:
You actually fear a potato woman? For real?
>LANDWHALE boots up Win10, clicks away pop-ups.
>Launches R Data Studio, imports latest numbers
>"Yep, research shows ppl hate fat ugly ppl"
>Takes pic of ass to email to Tinder mate
>Email gets broken
>LANDWHALE near suicide.
That interview is truly something,this fat whore basiy believes in complete censorship of any social movements that aren't connected to minorities or "social justice".
what does it feel like to be like that
usually in spring when i get fat from winter inactivity, i will feel my bodyfat jiggle, say when i walk quickly down stairs. and it's a horrifying sensation. and i'm probably like 20% bf at most.
can an honest obese user please tell me what it feels like to have this much adipose tissue just hanging off you at all times? it must feel like your body is possessed
Such intellect. Such spirit.
How will we ever overcome such an adversary? Are we doomed to struggle against such brilliance forever, just to be tossed aside? Imagine how much more fuel that malicious brain bent gets from all that mass, bent unceasingly on our destruction. Absolute unit.
God deliver us from this fresh hell.
I used to be very overweight (315 lbs, lost a lot of weight since) and it is like swimming with constant vibration. Im sure such a feeling is magnified significantly for a woman that fat
Used to be fat,now somewhat Jow Forums.
It feels horrible,you basically aren't comfortable anywhere because of all that fat you are carrying,no matter how you sit,lay you have pockets of fat spreading everywhere.
It's also disgusting to look at yourself in the minor and see such a broken down body,makes you feel a lot of shame. You are never physically comfortable no matter what you wear,if you run too long you get your legs all fucked up from the fat in your thighs rubbing against each other,making it red and itchy.
It's aldo hard to sleep,move around nicely,you are always bloated and food aldo tasty just makes you feel worse Everytime you have a meal because your body has so much fucking stored energy.
>cant hang her on the day of the rope
thanks guys
holy fuck man
the funny thing is despite what is being said, most incels here on Jow Forums would give their lives just to have her sit on their face for 5 mins.
I hearing this is the fat fuck that got Metokur yanked from twitter and youtube.
Most likely. He was yanked from Twitter youtube and FB on the same day. Then Trump tweets at like 5AM EST and he magically gets unbanned. I guess the kikes are spooked right now.
I am interested in some of this research and would like to know their methodology in 'mapping' the alt-right. This is almost always just academic fluff but if real, it would be useful to use against antifa and some of these mega funded groups. Anyone got a link to any peer reviewed shit these censorious enemies of liberty have published anywhere?
What was the Trump tweet?
Yes, I fear she will eat us all.
around 5AM EST. The threads about Ben Garrison and Metokur were still up and people were posting a lot about the situation when Trump tweeted.
>would you look at those horrible comments!!
>comments and ratings disabled
Top kek. Can use for biodiesel though.
Looks like Keemstar pulled some strings on Jim's behalf.
And he has a live stream scheduled in a few hours.
Who is this fat lady? Is she a new e-celeb?
>US public television
Separate issue but what should we do about this bros?
And the show is called "the open mind"
They don't think the POTUS should be given tv time. It is fucking unreal.
What if she took all the energy she has devoted to doxxing and harassing "bigots" and "chauvinists" and diverted it into dieting, exercising, and fixing herself up so that she will feel and look better and worked on developing a pleasant personality? Who knows, she might even have been able to land a decent man and settle down to lead a more or less happy life.
>pushing for ethics in content moderation
Slandering a sitting president within the first minute aside, this is what commies/neoliberals always want. They push for ethics because their ideology can't stand up to logic and basic arguments. So framing it as fighting h8 or fake news, they really just want to eliminate dissent. They push for anything to derail free speech and maintain their status quo. Literal Marxist heuristics right before your eyes bros. Some things never change.
They are unironically mentally ill.
>the algorithms work if you watch mom videos or cat videos because it'll keep sending you those types of videos
>but it fails if you watch "white nationalist or far right videos" because it'll keep sending you more of those echo chamber videos
So it's working but failing at the same time? What the fuck is this ham planet talking about?
Remove all funding, as someone who frequently watches PBS out of boredom it's about 90% propaganda. This boomer is the biggest offender, he makes sure to praises multiculturalism and refugees when his entire job is profiting on the beautiful things white people (with a few exceptions) have made.
stereotypical Jew Heffner meets with Kosher planet to talk about irresponsibility and Goyim censorship...
>Comments are disabled for this video.
we are fucked
Forgot my pic, of course.
>fat lady: the internet is full of shit
>Jow Forums: IT CANNOT BE SO!!!
>they replace the N-word with "pitbulls"
My fucking sides, thank you for posting this user, truly hilarious. She does get one thing, which is that you can't censor right-wing material effectively without the people in charge of the censorship coming here. And we all know what happens when people come here.
I dont think so man, try not to make anons puke
I'm starting to agree breh. I thought that when I was older I would have enough capital to be a big contributor, enough to turn the tides a little on the propaganda elements. Marxists in the younger generations aren't like their predecessors, they only care about their bottom line. We're primarily going to be the ones who care about preserving elements of traditional culture and shilling it to the masses, should we make it to old age. But I look at it now and it's just Marxist pozz with dated Bach recordings and Euro trips, at best.
Only a huwhite husband and some wheatfield babies can save her, who amongst you is up to the task of saving muhlady from a spinsters fate?
Translation: people i work with who are nice to me so i dont eat them
there is confirmation this didn't start as a dude?
Hear you go!
Based Keemstar. A good man, a good father and a good YouTuber.
I bet the cholesterol inside her weighs more than me
We need to find out her parents address and mail copies of this to them
That pic is really hers? What tf did I miss, original thread archive link for maximum keks?
nice of them to dispense with the newspeak for a moment and outright give this...thing its proper.....""""title""""
Would you stop fucking scarring my brain plz, this is more disturbing than 3/4 of the gore i've seen on 4 chinz! Stop the madness already!
you're right, you would literally have to give your life to have that heffer sit on your face
I've been around for a long time, but this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on Jow Forums
>day of the industrial crane
Quick question:
How old is she?
That kind of obesity is very hard on the body, especially with age.
They deserve every bit of it. It's no different than drug addiction. What is worse though a fat person will point the finger and judge a drug addict.
t.joan denovan
post ass pics
worse than this?
>The Open Mind
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Lefties are a walking joke.
Aaarrgh!. Mine eyes.
How to unsee this??
Far, far worse user, I have even seen Chris Chan's weeping sore, but this landwhale's anus has affected me deeply
Stop hacking her sauce and you will have nothing to fear.
dios mios
havent you read Harry Potter? Dolores Umbridge?
Imagine going home with what you thought was a natural woman and finding this monstrosity,
PBS is still a better, less infuriating source of information than any other of the reality-show TV news channels. Plus if you don't like the programming, the public actually holds influence.
send this to her grandma
The whole thing just shows up the difference between the liberal left and the right. The right just want their ideas to be heard, and are happy to battle it out in a free marketplace of ideas. The liberal left just want to shut the right down. They've seen what happens when there is a relatively free internet, and it's a disaster for them. The landwhale actually came across as quite moderate compared to the jew Heffner, he literally wants to stop the President of the United States from speaking on television.
This guy gets it^^^^
proof that this is her
Working=good for Jews
Not working=bad for Jews
"What is good for the Jews?" is the only principle a Jew possesses.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
Her office chair has hydraulics blown out 5 times and now replaced with Fox Shocks from the Ford Rapter Truck.
Chair has been reskinned and overhauled due to stench and undersweat.
my lunch
Why is this fat fuck constantly being posted. Let her live her meaningless existence and give her no attention.
stop pushing this bitch
I hope Joan finds a loving husband one day.
fuming spooks mad they're powerless in the face of getting TROLED
What fucking planet are you from?
Keep an Open Mind, but not an open comment section.
>"source hacking"
wtf? They had to come up with a pretentious term for being a cheeky cunt?
>truth sandwich
I don't think this whale needs any more sammiches of any kind.
I'd fuck Joan tbqh she is a sexy thicc goddess, I'd give her many children.
Damn, doesn't this just prove that Youtube is an oligarchy? If you don't have powerful friends, you literally have no recourse.
Go to couple other threads that anons posted earlier. Much info and she went black after we were on to her.
they need to increase their influence by inventing these bullshit buzzwords in order to keep the money flowing
their job is to trick the echo shekel community into believing they can get a handle on the online shilling of nativist ideas, they're whores and snake oil merchants like all academics
somebody forward this to her parents