Sexy teenagers

Are you attracted to the person in the photograph? Congratulations, You are a pedophile. That's right, this person was *gasp* 17 years old when the picture was taken. But in all seriousness, there is this bizarre idea that merely having a sexual attraction to someone even a day under 18 makes you a baby fucking creep. I swear the government could change the age of consent to 60 and going after a 59 year old would not only land you on the sex offender list but quite literally make you reviled by people who adjust there world view to whatever society is telling them.

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There's only a handful of states where the AOC is above 17.

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Too old.

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Ephebophilia is not the same as pedophilia. Nice try, rabbi.

Just right.

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so i know which folder to put the pic in.

The age of consent is 15 here.

pedos are mentally ill keep trying to justify it as a rebellion against the government. kys before you harm a child

>having an age of consent above 14

19 there she was a camwhore in college. The retards paid her rent.

Pedophilia is a medical term, not a legal one.
It's funny how people get angry also based on
the AOC instead of global standards, shows
how much it's become a weapon.
Plus most people say pedophile instead of
Ephebophile in many cases.

>Are you attracted to the person in the photograph?
nah, she's skinnyfat with squished up pancake tits and weirdly asymmetric eyes.

Yes, you should marry a 100 year old woman,
she must have a more functioning brain than of a
17 yo, and is more sexually attractive.

Fuck that. Teen chicks are better because they worship you unlike some college roastie

Uh, THAT´S kinda Op´s fucking point..

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Every. Fucking. Time.

>Tax slave trump's soldier Israel's bitch flag
Every. Fucking. Time.

Make way fucking casuals
>16 years old

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Being a white man means having the self control to resist primitive impulses for the betterment of your people.

At least I'm not a fucking pedophile.

Off yourself before I do it for you.

There aren't enough real world pedos to be too draconian with it. More people who aren't pedo get into trouble because of it while doing normal stuff. Age of consent should be case by case. Age of marriage like 15.

are you retarded? can't sense sarcasm? kys

If you can even get up your chair and walk.

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>implying pedos don't target 4-12 years old
>implying pedos don't think this is on the older side

fuck off pedo kike

Imagine having to work in the California school system, seeing this day in, day out, while simultaneously having to deal with your nagging landwhale white wife.

I understand now why teachers do what they do.

Could be a gimmick. Does she have product placement on her ig? Seen late teens pose as hs girls to sell bathing suits for legit hs girls.

The only teen for me

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Learn difference pedophile / pederast moron

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16 is legal in my state.
I've never dipped past the 18 year old point, which is over-rated.
>Surprisingly teenage girls act like teenagers. Very annoying, shallow, shit tastes and interests.
>over-excited in bed to the point where it's annoying
Although their bodies are fucking amazing. Porn star tier.
One of my friends is dating a 16 year old and legally fucking her because of our state's laws. Fucked up IMO, way too young.
If you want young girls go live in Sweden or some other Muslim country.


>tfw when your favorite candydoll model grows up

t. moralfag

Get your facts right op attraction to teenagers is called hebephelia and its naturally nothing like those disgusting baby fucking pedos

If there's grass on the field, play ball. Jokes aside, females who are producing eggs are technically able to reproduce, it's just a matter of drawing a line in the sand as to when it's legal or not. If I had a daughter, I would strictly enforce a no sex policy while she is living under my roof until the age of adulthood which in the states is 18.

Fuck you, Ahmed. Your children aren’t even rapeworthy.

I’ll fuck your daughter and make you watch, goy.

People don't automatically become attractive once they turn 18. That doesn't meant you should fuck underage girls. I do think that old men (say 50 or 60) with young women (say 25) is not right. Unfortunately, I lot of young women are willing to prostitute themselves to old rich guys.

>morality and good character are now considered negative traits.
End it all already. This world is beyond salvation.

Nah man

Crush that teen Pussy n put white babies in her before some cuck does

Most girls fuck by 13. Good luck with that Pablo.

If a bearded man in the sky is standing between you and your happiness you aren't religious but mentally ill.

wait until you get to that age and then look at the women your own age

This. Or some nigger.

...Are you the reason why people think libertarians are pedophiles?

Women are property and sex toys. They know this too by the end of high school.

>we white men
Stop using that term, mutt degenerate.

Your country has a much bigger problem with prostitution compared with my country.
I feel like, if you're really old, you should at least stick to women 30 and up. I think that is what Trump does for the most part.

I believe you 100%

>Are you attracted to the person in the photograph?
No, she looks all old. I need me a little preteen girl.
>You are a pedophile.
Yeah, that's why I like girls like this and not like that old hag you posted. >good taste is mental illness
>disagreeing with feminist dogma is mental illness
Please, tell me more

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>Most girls fuck by 13

Only in Romania folks


Ask and ye shall receive.

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jamal doesn't need consent from your girls

American women aren't like your gypsies that have to enter prostitution just to put food on the table.

thats really developed 17 year old then. looks 20+ to me

Age of consent in Spain is 16 (2 years ago it was 14) so i would be only a pedophile if I was an amerimutt.

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age of consent is 16 here, faggot

Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children. Every straight man on earth is attracted to a developed 15 year old girl.


who dat?

This is what liberals believe. Mental illness needs to be addressed

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Wanting prime ovaries makes you a (((pedophile))).

>thinking teenagers aren't attractive
>not wanting to dive right in

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Well, they do, you may not want to believe, but most girls will become aware of their sexuality at 13, and any good looking guy who owns a nice car and has some money can get prime teen pussy if he play his cards right.

People like to pretend otherwise, but when you have mothers dressing their daughters like little whores, what did you think it would happen? And now every single ten year old girl gets a cellphone with free internet those days, because parents cant be bothered with actually raising their kids, getting nudes was never this easy.

One of the few flaws AZ has
My retarded fear when I was younger cost me a young virgin qt
I passed up on her so someone else went ahead and fucked her two years later

Anything above 14 is ready for the harvest.

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>Congratulations, You are a pedophile
And you are no better than the idiots who thinks fucking teenagers is pedophilia since you are not using the actual word for wanting to fuck mid to late age teenagers (Ephebophilia) fucking dumbass

Which means your daughter is going to have to do it under someone else's roof

Pedophilia doesn't mean being unable to determine if a girl is 18 or 17.5. It means being attracted to prepubescent children, ie children who haven't even hit puberty yet. Anyone who falls into THAT category deserves a slow, cruel death.

Setting the law at 18 is about emotional maturity, not just physical maturity. An emotionally immature girl wouldn't be able to effectively protect herself from an older predator. Now you could probably find examples of 17 year old girls who are more than capable of that, and 19 year old girls who aren't, but, just for legal purposes, "you gotta draw the line somewhere."

yeah i'm moving to state ware 16 is legal and as i'll own my own house only missing one tooth and the only man in town who does not do drugs i'll be a catch. some church family has to have a daughter they don't think they can unload because she reads books all day and has nerdy glasses

ephebephile not paedophile you ignorant fucking nigger

>Setting the law at 18 is about emotional maturity, not just physical maturity. An emotionally immature girl wouldn't be able to effectively protect herself from an older predator. Now you could probably find examples of 17 year old girls who are more than capable of that, and 19 year old girls who aren't, but, just for legal purposes, "you gotta draw the line somewhere."
While woman are absolute shit at it but I think teaching and putting them in an environment where logical thinking gets you ahead will help them out a bit to where they don't need laws to give them a special handicap

I was watching a video about Hassidic women escaping the sect and one said when she got married at 18 she had no idea how sex worked no idea what went in ware. it gave me a boner

perfect age for 50yo man is 32yo woman. Unfortunately for the 50yos the stock is all ruined by 32.



>Congratulations, You are a pedophile
Quite sure that only categorizes you if you ACT on those impulses

it's basically

paedophile = before sexual maturity starts so under 9 to 12

Hebeophile = the start of sexual Maturity about 12 to 15

ephebephile about 14 to 17 almost of just freshly sexually mature

every man on the planet has been a ephebephile

You want a white woman to marry you knowing you'll lose attraction to her and crave younger woman yet you would demonise her for cheating on you when she figures this out and wants to feel sexy again and show you how your cheating mind makes her feel?

No she wasn’t you freak. And if she was find a 21 year old that looks better. Only the desperate go for underaged girls

I have to admit I fucked a 15 year old. I was 17 at the time, so does that make me a pedophile? Oh, I also made her bleed the first time I fucked her. Was that attempted murder?

I don't know about you but I don't have nine fingers on my hand

some of those ages are incorrect

Look up the definition of pedophile you fucking moron. If it has titties it isn't pedophilia.

you would only be a pedophile if you don't know how to use a dictionary.

read a book kek

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fuck i just spent 20 mins on you tube looking for the age of consent song and every hit is on sexuality blogs and a band called age of consent, it's like the comedy song was erased by Mandella

Dude ew gross shes not 18!!!


The Mandela effect is real, so many things changed for me after 2012. Some people I know even said they have family members who apparently never existed now.


Explain this image to me?

Glowing nigger itt

Not being a neckbeard here but does this chick have a bit of a lazy eye?

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>over the age of consent
Your argument fell apart before you were done posting, you fucking retard.

It's not a lazy eye. Her lids are asymmetrical, and one eye is slightly larger than the other

I think anybody would say that she looks mature enough to have sex, but people mature at different speeds, so having it be set at 18 protects those who mature more slowly under an umbrella law. So no, you're not wrong for finding her hot, but the laws are there for a reason. Just have some restraint

anything over 14 is biologically healthy and sane. Maybe 13, but that's stretching it a bit.

Love how none of you nig degenerates have an argument for this

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Neckbeard response