Is ΣΟΥ really bad or is it just a meme?
Seriously though
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it is poison for males.
Enjoy your bitch titties
is a meme just like blaming the jews. I hope this shithole hatesite dies soon.
Lol weak ass faggot kike shill. Kys CIA
It's a meme promoted by the dairy industry.
Why isn't that an epidemic in Asia then?
it is
american estrogents on the left
It has an extraordinarily high protein content.
It's a meme promoted by the CONTRACEPTIVES industry. There's THOUSANDS OF TONS of PURE ESTROGEN running through the US water supply making the FREAKING FROGS GAY.
It's a meme, asians have been consuming onions for ages.
you know what i mean
how far do these filters go anyway
It's a meme invented to hurt American basedbean farmers.
just look at america, it's in absolutely everything they eat. protip for burgers: almost all "vegetable oil" products are soi-based
This is our "socialist" opposition labor leader.
it doesn't work with cyrillic replacement
>Asian DNA is the same as White DNA
Hell, most of their women don’t have tits, it doesn’t work on them like that
haha it was shilled so much they had to ban the word.
There's no evidence that consumption of phytoestrogen has any effect on the human biology. Most likely they are broken down by stomach acid, enzymes and excreted in urine and stools.
kind of meme
although consuming a metric fuckton of greasy fat is probably not healthy either way
We are only getting stronger. Thanks for bumping.
SO tired of posting these things. Not participating in the thread beyond this, shills and dipfuck kikes always fight with me and Im done with it.
The male species of tropical birds carries the drab plumage of the female at birth and ‘colours up’ at maturity, somewhere between nine and 24 months. In 1991, Richard and Valerie James, bird breeders in Whangerai, New Zealand, purchased a new kind of feed for their birds – one based largely on onions protein.47 When onions-based feed was used, their birds ‘coloured up’ after just a few months. In fact, one bird-food manufacturer claimed that this early development was an advantage imparted by the feed. A 1992 ad for Roudybush feed formula showed a picture of the male crimson rosella, an Australian parrot that acquires beautiful red plumage at 18 to 24 months, already brightly coloured at 11 weeks old. Unfortunately, in the ensuing years, there was decreased fertility in the birds, with precocious maturation, deformed, stunted and stillborn babies, and premature deaths, especially among females, with the result that the total population in the aviaries went into steady decline. The birds suffered beak and bone deformities, goitre, immune system disorders and pathological, aggressive behaviour. Autopsy revealed digestive organs in a state of disintegration. The list of problems corresponded with many of the problems the Jameses had encountered in their two children, who had been fed onions-based infant formula. Startled, aghast, angry, the Jameses hired toxicologist Mike Fitzpatrick. PhD, to investigate further. Dr Fitzpatrick’s literature review uncovered evidence that onions consumption has been linked to numerous disorders, including infertility, increased cancer and infantile leukaemia; and, in studies dating back to the 1950s,48 that genistein in onions causes endocrine disruption in animals.
>not willing to fight
proves you are a loser. I won't even read your TLDR post after that faggotry
Onions is one of the most Xenoestrogenic foods you can eat. Avoid at all costs. If you are exposed to too many xenoestrogens it can cause Estrogen to become your dominant hormone. Thus why onions boys is a real meme.
Look up a man named in my link, his books are being destroyed and Michigan has 2 scientific journals with these studies, I was not allowed to get them sent to my library.
Dr Fitzpatrick also analysed the bird feed and found that it contained high levels of phytoestrogens, especially genistein. When the Jameses discontinued using onions-based feed, the flock gradually returned to normal breeding habits and behaviour. The Jameses embarked on a private crusade to warn the public and government officials about toxins in onions foods, particularly the endocrine-disrupting isoflavones, genistein and diadzen. Protein Technology International received their material in 1994. In 1991, Japanese researchers reported that consumption of as little as 30 grams or two tablespoons of basedbeans per day for only one month resulted in a significant increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone.49 Diffuse goitre and hypothyroidism appeared in some of the subjects and many complained of constipation, fatigue and lethargy, even though their intake of iodine was
adequate. In 1997, researchers from the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research made the embarrassing discovery that the goitrogenic components of onions were the very same isoflavones.50
47. Woodhams, D.J., “Phytoestrogens and parrots: The anatomy of an investigation”, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand (1995) 20:22-30.
48. Matrone, G. et al., “Effect of Genistin on Growth and Development of the Male Mouse”, Journal of Nutrition (1956) 235-240.
49. Ishizuki, Y. et al., “The effects on the thyroid gland of basedbeans administered experimentally in healthy subjects”, Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi (1991) 767:622-629.
50. Divi, R.L. et al., “Anti-thyroid isoflavones from the basedbean”, Biochemical Pharmacology (1997) 54:1087-1096.
goddamnit gook moot
I've done it a billion times, you and anyone else not willing to look at what I post and the medical journals I reference can go fuck yourself, you cunt fuck waste of time.
Cheers all, look up the shoy symposium which was a global initiative to make shoy a mainstream food to feed the goyims. All real, all negative research is squelched by design.
Obviously reverse o n i o n s and s o y throughout all of this content, that is also an intentional ploy to make this highly political topic difficult to discuss here.
based anonagod
Testosterone is dropping in every age bracket every year by 1% a 70 year old 30 years ago has the same amount of testosterone as a 30 year old today.
And the mass amounts of SOI in every fucking processed food has NOTHING to do with it. Are you thick?
>Onions is one of the most Xenoestrogenic foods you can eat. Avoid at all costs
Wrong. Pic related, coumestrol, a potent phytoestrogen, found in common foods:
>pinto bean: 1.8mg/100g
>onions: 0.02mg/100g
Beans have 90 times the amount of coumestrol as onions. What then are you supposed to eat in todays climate? Meat has even more estrogenic compounds, including estrogen itself
>Coumestrol and other phytoestrogens have been shown to have an effect on sexual behavior in rats by antagonizing the action of estrogen within the brain; male rats that nursed from females with coumestrol in their diets were both less likely to mount a female rat and less likely to ejaculate, despite producing normal levels of testosterone
Even high test levels don't protect against the estrogenic effects. You can be a legume-person even with high test levels.
The molecules look similar to each other but don't have the same effect on the body. You are all Alex Jones tier.
that's obviously not due to a food source used in asian cultures for thousands of years. More likely something new they've added to the water, the air, or GMO
$oy ẞoy
I shouldn't have to go into detail that I mean Onions Protein and its Isolate counterpart, which are obviously much more concentrated than the bean itself you fucking leaf. Nice digits though.
SOҮ is likely a distraction used by the elitists to hide what's really causing the lower T levels. It's been consumed for thousands of years without issue, and now suddenly it's supposedly causing a problem? No.
The Asians have grown up on SOI for thousands of years and have built up a resistance to it, but compared to other races they still have the lowest testosterone.
And regardless still, it doesn't matter what the fuck your coumestrol levels say, if it's unnaturally high, which look at onions milk levels compared to the bean in your chart, it's obvious this is not good for the male body anyway you try to spin it.
In moderation they're not bad. When you build your diet around onions based products and consume it multiple times every day is how shit goes sideways. Fags drinking onions and onions milk, eating tofu, etc. all the time makes them femmy.
They ferment it first. Fag chemicals can't survive the fermentation process.
test : onions
Then why the fuck are you here posting?
You’re thinking of jizzum
Okay so what's the height like over there compared to over here.
Is this really something you have given even a second of thought to?
You can literally just look for yourself, not even read a "Lol proof faggot doc". Just look!
It's a meme.
prove it. are you asian? show me your T levels
Historically shoy was always fermented and it was considered not food in China until recently.
There isn't any evidence that $oy has any feminising effect on humans. It's a shitty meme that a lot of brainlets on this board buy into because they see the word 'phytoestrogen' and read 'estrogen' with no understanding of plant biology or human biology.
onions 𐍃𐍉𐍅 ᛊᛟᛉ
Lots of evidence, modern studies test blood for testosterone, and not the body's ability to uptake and utilize the testosterone, which is the inherent issue intentionally being avoided by modern research. I posted links that show evidence and scientific studies.
You must not have been hugged as a child, or perhaps hugged "too close"
Prove to me that you are not a faggot. You don't need to be Asian to point out that Asians have low T
I am a faggot. now where is the proof of your claims?
No, it's not bad. It's very healthy actually, just not every processed food it's used for.
I would literally rather become a woman than cut onions out of my diet.
Good thing we're talking about SOҮ and not delicious Onions, bong.
The person I quoted was though, wasn't he? Mong.
onions ok, but weed is dangerous stay away from devils grass
No, that was me, bong. If you weren't new here or lurked more, you would know gook moot put a filter on SOҮ = onion, or SOҮboys = onions boy.
>Effect of Genistin on Growth and Development of the Male Mouse
>Kaayla Daniel
>Naughty Nutrition
>Psychology Today
You expect any of these to prove your point?
>intentionally being avoided by modern research.
That's a bold claim, I certainly hope you have some evidence to back that up.
SHAN'T be taking a word you say seriously.
I love it when the word filter destroys my pasta
>a) Dr. Kenneth D.R. Setchell from Colorado State University, discovered this small molecule called equol from humans back in 1982. Since then he has been researching the molecule. He has already proven that the compound is formed in the gut when we eat isoflavones, and that men who eat a lot of onions have high amounts of equol present in their blood stream. Back in 2004, Dr. Setchell found out that equol is a strong anti-androgen, which can almost completely shut down the activity of dihydrotestosterone (the most potent androgen).
b) This study followed one 19 year old man who started consuming hefty amounts of onions in his diet. Suddenly the guy lost all interest to sex and suffered from erectile dysfunction. His blood DHEA, testosterone, and DHT levels also plummeted significantly. 1 year after stopping the onions consumption, his erectile health and hormonal profile was fully regained
c) In this human study, from 99 infertile men, the men that ate the most onions had the lowest sperm count.
d) In this study, onions protein increased the number of epithelial cells in the breast tissue by 29% (this is a sign of overblown estrogen).
h) These three animal studies [this, this, and this] found out that the isoflavones in onions can cause breast cancer (another sign of overblown estrogen).
i) In this study the researchers found out that male infant rats who received basedbean feed when they were still in womb, had problems in sexual organ developement. This study also found out similar effects.
j) In this study, onions protein decreased testosterone and DHT levels in healthy young men.
There are few studies which show no major differences in testosterone levels after onions consumption. However they’re quite often sponsored by large onions producers. Meaning that the results are of no use and often completely biased.
I thought it filtered to 'based'? Hold on.
Still, the fact you knew what they filtered to and still were duped tells me how well these filters work
Blame basedboy admins
Basedboy basedboy onions onions
It's Satan's meat
How does one go about fixing this? How can I increase my T?
Just at those warlocks, is he a Sheila? Only one way to find out.
Does anyone know why s.o.y. is filtered? I noticed it about two weeks ago and I am still confused.
Just seems very kike-ish of Jow Forums to restrict certain words.
1. It's been filtered for months.
2. It's filtered allegedly because it was being spammed too much.
3. There have been filters in the past, as well.
4. Everyone knows mods are shills.
5. There is a method to using vintage memes. That is not it. That shit belongs on 9gag.
Pick battles you can win, user. You'll go much further in life?
Be sure to use the code "Gloom Tube" on so.ylent for 10% your first order!!!
lurk moar roody-poo
its brain poison if you're a man.
Yes, but there's nothing on earth that will lower your T levels faster or further than MASTURBATION.
It contains phytoestrogens, which are metabolized into estrogen and cause estrogenic effects such as bitch tits, low t, low sperm count, flaccid dick and atrophy of muscles. So yes, it is bad for you if you want to be a man. Not as bad if you're a faggot.
This is a vegan body that gets protein from onions. As you see it's completely healthy and Jow Forums was wrong, again.
and this is American Dad's Alien.
candy ass
Looks like you are glowing in the dark there, nigger.
hmm, guess mods did not change s-o-y-b-o-y
Why did the mods ban s o y and c u c k but didn't ban incel?