Buy a new car

>Buy a new car
>Go to DMV
>Guy tells me there's a three hour wait
>Go to AAA offices
>Do what I was going to do at DMV
>Get out in less than 10 minutes

Seriously, why is Privatization not on the table? Is it so unbelievable that private business can do some of this shit more efficiently?

Attached: hc-dmv-wait-times-20160714.jpg (2048x1365, 841K)

>3 hour wait
First time I have seen dmv give any sort of wait time

GTFO cryptokike

In my state you can do almost everything online that you can do there in the DMV. If you have to go to the DMV the secret is to get there extra extra early. Oh and be prepared with all materials you need to accomplish your mission. DMV workers may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but the reason the line is so long and the place move so slowly is because so many people show up unprepared.

Want to know why? Here's how it works:
" paco,got me a new car"
>go to dmv
"ma'am,do you have this and that?
>Broken English at best
>Guy at dmv palms face
"Ma'am you need this"
>3 fat spic mutts running around mexican woman.
"Oh,ci ci ci"
"Sheeeeeit man,i'm here to get dem plates,yo."
I think you see where this is going.

>go to DMV to renew licence
>literally empty
>still had to wait almost an hour
they yelled at me to sit down when I tried to get service before having my number called...

Attached: 1509160186242.jpg (396x388, 94K)

The problem isn't the DMV, the problem is that you live in a city. Cities are shitholes full of subhumans, so of course nothing functions properly. I went to the DMV today and waited 5 minutes before they called me up, and was done in less than 15.

>live in SoCal
>3 DMVs within 15 of where I live
>every experience in DMV has been comfy af

Make appointment
Show up 10 mins early

>Make appointment
I just walk in whenever. There's usually only like 5 people there.

Try the santa Ana DMV and report back

I wish AAA can do everything the DMV does, the local AAA office near me can only do like 20% of the function of a DMV (basically the usual procedures like renewing license, change address and registering). High population city in California has the shittiest DMV wait time.

I dealt with the USPS once, they lost a package that was supposed to arrive in the US.

I had to wait for 50 minutes trying to reach their customer support. HOW THE FUCK. Your federal services suck dick.

USPS is shit, but it's cheap that's the only reason you would use it.

If you bought a new car it comes w a 2 year registration. So you bought a used car

It wouldn't work, appointments are a white thing.

It's just USPS that sucks?

Kek I make an appointment all the time when I need to make a visit to the DMV, and I'm Asian I just know the wait time at DMV sucks balls.
With regards to shipping packages? Or our federally run organizations in general? USPS is underfunded and always in the red every fiscal year, so they don't have incentive to better their services especially when it comes to customer service with regards to their mailing service it's pretty good as long as nothing goes wrong (just like anything else in life).

Thanks man. Over here our post office deploy package delivers who get paid for every package they drop off. If they don't make their crazy schedule (which is completely timed) they'll lose their jobs. Resulting in reckless drivers, lost packages, deliveries at wrong addresses, forged signatures stating your package has been dropped off but never happened and all kinds of shit.

I can't say my local USPS delivery mailman has ever done that sort of stuff like forging signature, they are federal run so they get fucked hard if they mess with packages and mail since most of those actions would be a federal crime. I don't think USPS are on a timer like UPS and FedEx where you will see people's home security cam of FedEx and UPS delivery man throwing shit to get it done and move on to the next address. But I bet you'll get a few USPS folks be as dickish, I can only give you my experiences.

anything socialized by the govt is always going to suck

they do it here in alberta and the registries are terrible, which is why i use caa.

holy shit, where exactly is this? The USA is truly fucked. If you're still not in the North West, you're doing it wrong ameribro.

You are a lying faggot

Part of the reason federal agencies exist is to serve as job programs for coloreds. You don't have to live in Chicago or LA to have your local DMV full of lazy, retarded minorities because those are the employees they deliberately seek.

>DMV is no less then 17 hours

>The corporate-owned DMV refuses to issue your registration because your credit card was linked to a donation to a "racist" group a few years ago


New cars are a scam