Am I a Nigger?
Am I a Minority?
Am I White?
What am I? Just curious.
Am I a Nigger?
Am I a Minority?
Am I White?
What am I? Just curious.
You're a shitskin
you are HUMAN that is all that matters. Fuck the demonic intolerant racists of this shithole hatesite.
How the fuck should we know? You could be a chink on vacation to Rome.
t. mutt
He's not even subhuman you libtard faggot
>Migrates from Sweden to America
>Become mutt
Brilliant logic there, retard.
You're a mutt just like us.
a shill
Where are your parents from? And your grandparents and great-grandparents?
Nice slide thread you fucking stupid Jew
You are Gucci please send me some shirts I like them
Those are all very common type people to see in Wales, massive Iberian influence over there.
you are Italian, apparently
Honestly, you could be nigger. You're the only Europeens I see having nigger dicks.
In your dreams, faggot
ok so?
Disgusting mentally diseased faggot
Half italian here. Never had anyone irl say I wasn't white before (brown hair and eyes) and being med makes you attractive to all races of women.
Fuck off kike op.
i have a bsc
that facial hair top kek
you a cute nigga
t. subhuman jealous of my italian dna
my father is the italian one (obviously) but I am half germanic so my face isn't all mottled with fat like the typical italian.
It will be true
>get pic of average nig and put us over it
dang btfo how will we ever recover
>be italian
>invent western civilization while nordic cucks are running around fighting each other naked in a frozen forest and shitting in the same water they drink out of
>ruin europe with ww1 + 2
>ruin europe with protestantism
>ruin europe with the eu
>"meds are shitskins lol"