Am I a Nigger?

Am I a Nigger?
Am I a Minority?
Am I White?

What am I? Just curious.

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You're a shitskin

you are HUMAN that is all that matters. Fuck the demonic intolerant racists of this shithole hatesite.

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How the fuck should we know? You could be a chink on vacation to Rome.

t. mutt

He's not even subhuman you libtard faggot

>Migrates from Sweden to America
>Become mutt
Brilliant logic there, retard.

You're a mutt just like us.

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a shill

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Where are your parents from? And your grandparents and great-grandparents?


Nice slide thread you fucking stupid Jew

You are Gucci please send me some shirts I like them

Those are all very common type people to see in Wales, massive Iberian influence over there.

you are Italian, apparently

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Honestly, you could be nigger. You're the only Europeens I see having nigger dicks.


In your dreams, faggot

ok so?

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Disgusting mentally diseased faggot

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Half italian here. Never had anyone irl say I wasn't white before (brown hair and eyes) and being med makes you attractive to all races of women.

Fuck off kike op.

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i have a bsc

that facial hair top kek

you a cute nigga

t. subhuman jealous of my italian dna

my father is the italian one (obviously) but I am half germanic so my face isn't all mottled with fat like the typical italian.

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It will be true

>get pic of average nig and put us over it
dang btfo how will we ever recover

>be italian
>invent western civilization while nordic cucks are running around fighting each other naked in a frozen forest and shitting in the same water they drink out of
>ruin europe with ww1 + 2
>ruin europe with protestantism
>ruin europe with the eu
>"meds are shitskins lol"