Whatever happened to this cunt?

Whatever happened to this cunt?

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no one cares. fuck off.

Pedo fell out of favor once he was exposed

Probably died of aids

He served his purpose and now its over, like the e-celeb slut he was


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He was a good goy!

Doing a speaking tour of Australia with Ann Coulter.

Nice slide thread you fucking stupid Jew. Kill yourself immediately in the most painful way possible.

He raised $100,000 for disadvantaged white men and then gave it all to one disadvantaged white man, Milo.


He did what he was breed to do now he's going to take his book money and disappear.

roosh jist talked about h8m last sunday, aparently the Milo had a breakdown on social media and started insulting his fans and evem mike cernovich.

He got diddled as a kid and the msm called him a Pedo.

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Yeah, I just read about that. Apparently he's completely broke. Was supposed to speak at some political conference in California but they dropped him

He may be a degenerate coal-burning kike faggot, but he's the only e-celeb who will say "white" in a non-disparaging way. It's sad that the bar is that low but I'll take him over Ben Shapiro or Juden Peterstein or just about any other bullshit e-celeb.

he's too busy fronting his band

>implying those two weren't deliberately sent to muddy the waters

what are you an angry kike? Peterson has nothing to do with politics nor is he a jew

but I agree Shapiro is a huge faggot

He's a faggot

first of all, sage.
second, he tried to profit off of my meme. He clearly forgot that Jow Forums does it for free.
third, he got Pozzed in his NegHole.

He's got teh aidz and now he is kill.

next question?

a faggot so hard in denial he tried to cozy up to us to save some semblance of dignity - it didn't work, it never does and he gets shot if we ever have our way but what he did worked out good for us so thanks Milo I guess, but fuck off faggot

cheers. true fact.

It's just a sad state of affairs when you have to be a literal faggot to have enough social credibility to speak of whites non-disparagingly.

Feels wrong to call Milo a cunt since he’s been running away from them since he came out of his mother’s.

If that lad keeps stirring shit up. He has my blessing. Stay focused lads.

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Bannon stopped his flow of money

he got banned from twitter and everybody forgot who he was

Shitstorm happened, no one cared about him until he does something else fucked up and it's convenient to bring him up again.

He sacrificed everything for you ungrateful pieces of shit. Keep losing.

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He got Alex Jones'ed before it happened to Alex.