Haha you shitlords are done. First, he took down Alex Jones, got him banned from every platform and now he's coming for you.
What are you gonna do when Jared "One Man Recking Crew of Fascists" Holt shuts down your site?
You guys and Drumpf are fucking finished!
Other urls found in this thread:
What a jewish faggot.
what a faggot
why does this faggot think he can tell businesses who to do business with?
Only a moron of the highest magnitude would celebrate the suppression of speech.
what are you guys even gonna do? Send pizza to his house?
If this faggot even manages to accomplish anything, which he won't, Gookmoot would just switch to some asian service provider who doesn't give a fuck
thats a good idea actually
Can't wait.
>why does this faggot think he can tell businesses who to do business with?
Because it works. Jewish pressure groups can ruin entire nations.
We are going to have to start killing these people.
Jews and Whites cannot exist together in the same society.
This is what a winner looks like you incels.
Hiro also accepts crypto.
Does he really want to poke that beehive?
kill yourself jared
I would advocate doing violence to this guy in minecraft. god knows he could be doxxed and his adress found. or at least playing some pranks on him.
Find every imaginable skeleton and perverse deed he has hidden in his closet and reveal it directly to those he cares most about. If that doesn't work we'll make something up, and in addition to it insult him in every imaginable way every hour of the day.
The pizza also.
If anyone was to take the chans down, the people wouldn't just disappear. This place is a quarantine zone, if you destroy it the virus will move to a different, more vulnerable part of the body. The only way to actually defeat us is with ideas. Good luck.
SWIM will make him wish he had just shut the fuck up and stayed in his safe spaces
>buying bitcoin
Holy shit the absolute autism.
Hi Jared
Well, what are you chickenshit autists going to do to take down this smug, little fuck? Oh that's right, nothing.
>as usual
fuck you incel. You're a mass shooting waiting to happen just like everyone else on this site.
As if you can even find out his address. He's behind so much security cause he works with all the people getting you shut down and he's smart. You'll never find him loser.
If he does, he'll ABSOLUTELY be marked for assassination.
>This is what a winner looks like
That's not Donald Trump.
>implying he won't be beaten up repeatedly in public
He think he's jewish enough to take on the (((credit card companies))).
This will be interesting.
jews and Whites are incompatible and cannot exist in the same society together.
jews need to leave the united states
Or what a dead man walking looks like.
Ruh roh don't tell me you actually came here with a memeflag Jared...
lmao let it all out jared
implying americans aren't castrated faggots and would actually do something
Seriously why doesn't someone just gun him down? Quit shooting up schools and shit Faggots, and do something actually noble
Mr. Holt is trying to fight beyond his weight class.
Hornets Nest. Stripe is already on our list and the bot(StingRay) is ready to be rolled out to assfuck the mainstream media. Also we can predict their false flag attacks now like we did with the Florida videogame shooter. We know where the next one will be already
What do these people think is going to happen? Do they think we will all just throw our hands up and accept the lefty propaganda when they've eliminated all the alternatives on the internet?
Do they not remember that all of this information spread across the US before the internet existed?
You idiot, the credit card companies and processors are already deplatforming people based on politics. He is just trying to get them to add Jow Forums to the list of unpeople.
kek that sounds like a challenge
Nobody cares
can you imagine if they didnt have us all caged here and we were released to find other normie places to release hell.
Jesus after a decade i could be free.
This website found a fucking flag using an image of 3 planes flying at 36,000 ft.
I'm pretty sure they will find you in less than an hour, expose every last bastion of normal safe-havens you have, and you'd be dead within 72 hours.
>You'll never find him loser.
You must be new here
Because businesses bulge. So far anyway..
>Anarchist calling other people violent acts waiting to happen
all of them need to agree not to accept Jow Forums's business which is unlikely.
It will blow back to his face.
>implying the FBI is going to let some literally who beanboy take down their honeypot
Well, that is an exceedingly punchable face.
Just because Faggots are far more advanced in tech than me, doesn't mean I can't make their lives hell and get away with it. ITS WHAT I DO, BABY, C'MON!
alright Jared, you should take it up with the the leader of Jow Forums
his name is Admiral Mike Rogers
JARED. I just learned about you right now from your gay little thread. Please leave our board. If suppressing free speech is your claim to fame you are not a success, you are a parasite, and your self worth is inflated. There are millions of people communicating on this board, and you are a lesser person than every one of them. Get off your twitter pedestal because no one has respect for you, and all of your achievements exist only in your head.
once again Jow Forums will just sit there and take it like a bitch because you guys never actually fight back against people like Jared Holt.
You guys are larping incel faggots, there is no other way to put it.
absolutely pathetic. I am kinda glad Jared Holt is shutting this beta board down.
call every contractor plumber painter pest control guy in the area and book a consultation for 8am. then at 8am call local news and say something is going on at x street. cops will see all the cars and investigate. news will show up. it would be fiasco.
also i have no idea who the fuck jared holt is so take that into consideration.
I want them to do it. Turn us loose. See what happens.
you celebrate everytime a liberal got banned from social media and from here
That's a nice proxy.
Satan checked this!
Jared should contact the cloudflare CEO who hosts & services Jow Forums.
I'd love to see the butthurt of channers crying over Jow Forums being taken offline on reddit and other forums lol
You won't. Look at the catalog, full of e-celeb drama threads. No one cares the site is getting shut down by "lord of the internet" Jared Holt.
Maybe you should have stuck to trolling kids on Myspace instead of playing with the big boys.
For any centrist faggots and libertarians lurking, pic related is why Jow Forums is vilified as an anti Semitic hate group. Follow the money and the power and it leads to ((them)) every. single. time.
The jews want to take away your right to communicate freely and you still side with the marxist faggots when they call us hateful bigots.
literally who? give me a rundown on this dude
the face of someone who takes knees to the face
This shit will be gone before the 2020 election.
RIP 4chins
Wait and see leafboy
>shuts it down
>the body meets at secret chan
>the "go" is given
>piss on his grave
Nice one, Jared.
wow you just called nazis morons
He wasn't resopnsible for removing Alex Jones. Outlets like Vox and CNN were. Jared is just being used as a smokescreen. Podesta was the owner of right wing watch and the emails from wikileaks revealed that he had close ties to the press.
Jow Forums will be down in 5 hours
screencap this
Project for People of the American Way is funded by Soros. PPAW funds Right Wing Watch. Jared Holt is a literal Soros faggot. Can't wait until someone catches up with him hahaha
>low IQ leftists hate free speech now because they are losing the argument
>and badly
>their only possible recourse is censoring their much smarter, much more attractive opponents
I'm so embarrassed that I used to be a lefty.
>lord of the internet
fucking pathetic
have a pity (You), you memeflag faggot
Yeah, but that's just for the pass. It's not like if you stop them from processing a credit card then the site can't run. I may see 1 user with a pass every 2 months. Jow Forums can just throw up an add for a trap-themed tinder and make the money back and then some.
It's pretty dangerous to mess with hundreds of thousands of autists depended on this website.
so you are celebrating suppression of speech?
its like they used to say on /b/ back when children were killing themselves because of an0nymoose
better have tried
brigading soccer moms
the wbc
fucking scientology
no one has ever succeded
>big boys
4 u
...and so it begins
Hello glownigger.
digits confirm
>that's somehow bad
moshi moshi desu desu senpai
We kill and chop his head off.
I will drive to his house, knock on his door and shoot him clean in the head. The End
Who is this faggot, and why must he die?i just want to be left alone.
>holt thinks he can take this site down by exposing my BBC tranny fetish
Top kek. Good luck, I'm behind several proxies.
If Jow Forums is kill we all going to Myspace, right?
>I'm so embarrassed that I used to be a lefty.
why, the left has gone way left into Marxist Territory. You decided to hop on a different train.
nothing to be embarrassed about, just sit down and hold on, this fucker has no brakes!
Does anyone still have a link to that one user with $100K who was wanting to an hero?
I would have opened a gaycupid.com account
but I guess the email already exists
Ru roh
Explain to 'us' why youre not able to do it on your own, vidya faggit
I can't wait to hear you scream when we pump you faggots full of lead.
>No one cares the site is getting shut down by "lord of the internet" Jared Holt.
No one cares about Jared Holt
A weak attempt to get us to harass this man.
They tried pinning Alex Jones' bans on this guy as well, it's so pathetic that these glow-in-the-dark niggers think we would fall for this.
Why would anyone want to free the multitudes of us from this place setting us loose upon the world?
hi jared, is tyrone over tonight? you seem to have a lot of time on your hands. you must have beaten donkey kong already.
dinner is at 8 on thursday :)
t. your mum