This man makes 250million a day meanwhile half the world's population is below the poverty line. How does this make you feel?
This man makes 250million a day meanwhile half the world's population is below the poverty line...
Amazed by your rare flag
Whats the solution? Encourage people to streamline products and services so everyone wants to purchase them, and then strip half the operators wealth and give it away? Thats not fair.
makes me wish i put in the work to own a profitable as fuck company instead of posting dank memes all day
hate the game, not the player. if you don't like that he is hoarding his wealth then don't support him by not shopping at amazon
Unless you have connections to RAND Corp your company would not be as big as Amazon.
Indifferent. Sage
Maybe there should be a wealth cap to prevent such obscene amounts of money to fall in the hands of a single person. At what point does private property and a well earned living end and decadence and obscene hoarding begin.?
The answer is 55 million.
That's not a bad solution but again it would infringe upon personal freedom. Theres no moral or "right" answer to this. I think the solution is just what ever is necessary for society to function.
Well he's a jew and he'll probably be responsible for the next literal Hitler.
people need to stop using amazon, its worse than anyone realises.
We need another monarch and Bezos would fit that role properly. If we keep slapping the hands of rich people. China will dominate us.
Why? Amazon provides low prices on many items and good service.
And he deserves every penny for having such a revolutionary idea and working so hard. Only a commie would think otherwise.
Imagine how fucked we'd be if he wasn't earning for the market.
why aren't you focused on your own life? I'm happy. he has more money than me, maybe he's not happy. he has a company that employs many people and brings happiness. so what's your problem?
Except an invisible hand will makes this guy to be nice and he'll use that money to make the world better for everyone.
Good for him I hope I can make a success out of myself one day.
Youre right. People need to start dying of famine before anyone cares.
I'm gonna stop buying from this guy, he's getting too powerful (and I hear he pays his employees shit)
Well, shit, he developed the best distribution model of all time and no doubt all of us use.
Waiting for tariffs to start fucking them over, tho
If you die from famine then its your fault for not being rich. Natural selection is going to happen one way or another. Poor stupid people will not be able to live forever.
Work hard, and shave your boss's hand often
He’s made my life objectively better. What have the poor people done for me?
Makes me feel good that the left's insane attempts to make things "equal" and punish success have not gotten off the ground!
BTW, being poor is a choice, so stop choosing to be poor and you won't be such a faggot.
He's the true Dr Evil. Syphoning all the money in the world into his wallet.
>selling your soul to the devil for some years of success
I pity his soul
I never understood how Amazon makes any money. It's like eBay to me. Why wait days for something when you could walk into a store and have it right away? Are people really that lazy and retarded? If yes... good for him.
these villains are fag trash
>walk into a store and have it right away?
Ah yes lets defend the leeches and give tax breaks and subsidization and then worship the so called 1% like you do. The only faggot is you.
>meanwhile half the world's population
Niggers aren't people.
>supports subdizing the jew
oy vey whos behind this post?
class envy is jewish you dumb puppet.
you mean amazon's perceived value is rising by 250 million per day.
amazon web services
Thank god for making money while faggots in ogbooga booga booga land eat shit and died from being poor . Places like Trinidad and Tobago should eat shit and die from being stupid and poor . In the grand scheme of thing some are fucked while others do the fucking ha ha ha . PS who cares faggot !!
We just have to abolish globalism. Globalism is nothing but greed. What more could you ever want that your own country cannot provide? In a way jews and chinks are like locusts. Devouring every nation on this planet for maximum profit. Like just getting rich in their own country isn't enough. They want to grab even more money from other nations. It's really what will kill us all in the end because the greed will just become exponentially higher. Many of us peasants live better than most kings back in the day. At some point the line between rich and poor will be so gigantic the poor will start tearing the rich into pieces. Well, I mean we could technically already do it now. There's more poor people than rich people and more poor people than henchmen of the rich people like the police. This is why they want to disarm us. They know at some point there will be an uprising and there won't be enough middle class henchmen to give their life for them.
Letting business underpay americans which forces americans to go on welfare is about as jewish as it gets faggot. How many shekels you getting per post?
>underpay americans
Who is being underpaid? cite real world examples.
what´s fairly yours its yours, you commie moocher
Money isnt real. Its a measure of value. He isnt hoarding anything. He provides 250m worth of value to the world a day.
Now, capping the amount of power that money alone allows you to wield is another ball game.
>I think the solution is just what ever is necessary for society to function
>necessary for society to function
anything below a livable wage is literally being underpaid, if you can't not live in your age on your wage, you are subsidizing business. These are the people who go on welfare. Corporate welfare seems to be okay to you i see.
half the world's population is retarded, genetically inferior slaves
>live in your age on your wage
live in your area*
Over half of the planet is some combination of nigger/middle eastern/indian so it isn't really a good comparison to make.
There is no point you commie scum
wow, I'm blown away by your real world underpaid employee examples. I actually thought you knew what you were talking about and could back it up for a second.
Get a fucking job, deadbeat.
Hmmm, so Amazon has about 566,000 employees... if they all make they median income of 50k a year that's $28.3 billion in employee expenses alone. Something doesn't add up. My gut is telling me Jeff Bezos found some kind of way to scam people out of their money big time. Next Bernie Madoff?
based fagflag poster
Half the world's population is below the median anyway
>can't refute argument so proceeds to strawman
Why do you morons even post
this. and somehow we're supposed to feel guilty about it.
still no examples.
why are you still here? adults are talking.
reminder, the 1% is the one behind white genocide, muslim invasion and liberal indoctrination we have seen in the past few decades. Keep worshipping them nigger.
>is illiterate yet pretends to be the adult
what keeps the 99% from tearing the 1% to shreds?
I’m not giving you a hand out, faggot. Fuck poor people. Go forage for food in the forest, dipshit.
and.... still no examples.
Thats not how it works you idiot...
His monthly salary is around $81,840 - which is his base pay (
The "money" he makes is because his shares in amazon goes up.
This guy probably doesnt even have 1 billion dollars in his bank account
Every year us gives around 10 billion dollars in aid, and africa is still a shithole
stupidity, people get to conformable with the table scraps they have, they don't want to risk it.
I never once asked, for a hand out you stupid nigger. I literally pointed out the kikes you worship are subsidized by US real WORKING americans. Not you faggot who stuffs his face with their cock all day singing hallelujah while they swindle you lowering your pay and removing benefit after benefit. Jesus christ you are so fucking stupid.
I do not patronize the bullshit. I actually am not fat and lazy and go the store. So, if you don't like him don't give him your money and you don't think he pays enough don't work for him.
it's ironic because most of the 1% didn't get there because they were honest upstanding law abiding citizens. They all have skeletons in their closet. They all took shortcuts.
The existence of minimum wage is the only example i need. Who the fuck do you think is on welfare?
Bruh, your memes are dank.
what should minimum wage be?
//edit I know this cos I work in Hollywood and the stories you hear about some of the wealthiest people in the world make you shiver. And they are being idolized.
His getting richer does not make me poorer.
Add to the fact his getting richer involves him improving his products and services and prices...which again is only a benefit to me.
Amazon’s prices pretty much keep shit fucks like Best Buy and Home Depot “honest”.
Meme of the day!
Go to Cuba, commie. I’m not paying another red fucking cent on your EBT card.
We have too many taxes as it is. When he solution he o one of your problems is for someone to pay more taxes, I’m already against you.
Your revolution is over.
The bums lost.
Whatever equals a livable amount in your area, for some it might be 30k, for others 50k.
>thinks i'm a commie
Holy shit imagine being this retarded. Hey bud its 2018, the cold war is over you stupid faggot.
Y'all just envious dis nigga has the true grit to cheat, deceive and steal and lie straight into your face just so he can be the richest man on the planet.
I work in the warehouse for the saint Petersburg center and I make 15.30 an hour. Which is almost double the minimum wage here in Florida and only work 5 hours a day with Friday and Saturday off and I just started a week ago.
>thinks minimum wage is too low
>thinks rich people don’t pay enough taxes
>not a commie
GTFO, commie.
honesty makes you a nun.. but not the richest person in the world.
Hey Trinidad. Are ya'll having carnival this year or is the crime still so out of control it'll be cancelled again? You have darker problems than a bald rich white guy.
Should I hate his living guts because he was smarter than me and created a successful business?
No i said minimum wage shouldn't exist you stupid fuck, if you can't live on your wage, that job shouldn't exist. I never said rich don't pay enough, i said we should subsidize them with welfare. You are so fucking dumb.
Like I'd rather one dude make 250mil and the rest of us 50k instead of everyone making the material equivalent of 5k.
Amazed and even hard sometimes togoniggar.
shouldn't subsidize them with welfare*
It's always commies making this fucking point, because they don't seem to understand the most basic aspects of money.
Jeff Bezos does not have billions of dollars. He has equity in a company that is valued to be worth billions of dollars. He's not hoarding money. He has ownership in a company that is worth a lot of money.
Ocasio will seize all of his shit and redistribute it to niggers and spics and trannies.
You’re literally too stupid to realize you’re a commie as your premise relies on the “labor theory of value” idiocy.
If a worker voluntarily agrees to work for a shit wage, that shit wage is literally what his labor is worth.
Uncle Sam need not interfere, because Darwin has it under control.
Some people are just worthless.
That person on a shit wage has to go on welfare, who i have to pay for, if anyone is the fucking commie its you who apparently loves welfare.
what do you expext from a 7 feet tall chocolate bar frying retard who rides bicycles the whole day smoking weed from the local magreb making him even more retarded and believing mass immigration will save his dumb little pension fund.
it makes me feel FANTASTIC. i dont really give a rats ass if he made 2 billion a day. i care about me and not him.
he should buy your nigger country and kill everyone living there 2bh
The business model couldn’t even exist if we got rid of welfare, you fuckbag commie. Think for a second.