Just returned from Iceland. Every time I visit a country more progressive than the US...

Just returned from Iceland. Every time I visit a country more progressive than the US, I return wondering why we can’t have the kind of lives they do. Higher wages, no worries about healthcare, better education, less crime. The thing we have that they don’t? The greed of the 1%.


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>The thing we have that they don’t?
overpopulated cities
high percentage of non-whites

>The thing we have that they don’t?
niggers? is this a trick question, it seems too obvious

why do these people insist on comparing a tiny, homogenous country like iceland to a gigantic, multi ethnic country like the united states? totally different people, culture, values etc

you just can't compare these two and say one is better than the other

We subsidize their existence under the arsenal of democracy. This isn't a difficult concept, shlomo.

works for canada LOL

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>why oh why is estonia better than india
>ooohhhh i keep racking my brain but can't figure it out

these people are actually dangerous. leftists need to be dealt with mercilessly, there is no persuading them.

>visit Iceland as rich tourist
>instantly become expert on their wage levels, healthcare, education, and crime

>small white ethnostate
>jailed all the Jews in the financial sector
I agree, user, America, could take a tip from Iceland.

Iceland has 0 jews and is 99% native homogenous ethnostate instead of being filled with 5th column immigrants.

>The one they we have they don't?
Over a hundred million non-whites

So how many niggers do they have in Iceland?

probably like 3

I don’t understand how they can travel around and not notice that, even in America, all the safest and nicest cities are primarily white.
Do they seriously think there is some hidden factor that makes Long Beach a cesspool while Montpelier is nicer than most cities in Europe? They have nearly identical policies. One city jut happens to be filled with niggers and spics who just happen to do nigger and spic things.

Except he's right, the size of the country doesn't matter, its what the people think that matters. If the elite thought it was a good idea they would do it, but no they would rather strangle the middle class.

Iceland is a shithole

He should try moving there and he'll notice something else Iceland has that the US does not: immigration standards.

the problem is not even diversity , it's shitskins
take any monoracial nigger country

this. cohesive society, room for everyone to have a place. USA is a free-for-all rat-race to the bottom of the wage scale

Iceland: 99.999% White and Jailed The Banksters from the 2008 collapse/scam. If you kicked out all the blacks and minorities from the U.S., we would have Anti-Gravity tech and multiple planet colonies within 20 years

wow i cant imagine how a population 5000 ethnostate could function in such a manner

wiki page doesn't even have an ethnicity breakdown
all it says is 6% of the population holds foreign citizenship, and that the majority of those are poles

the only "black" things mentioned are the black death and black pudding


>The greed of the 1%.
So pretty much Jews? Glad he agrees the Jews have to go to improve the lives of everyone else. You know what else they have ethnohomogenous society.

Why won't they try to immigrate legally to those countries and see how progressive they are with their immigration policy. Or better yet, test their ideology where they love to claim there is no illegal person when they overstay their welcome.

>Goes to countries whiter than america.
>thinks they're better than america
I feel like he's having trouble putting things together

So why haven't you moved there yet?

The 1% produced EVERYTHING of material worth that exists in your life. Without them, humanity would still be hip-deep in mud trying to find two sharp rocks to bang together. Abuse their generosity at your own risk lest you find yourself left to rot in your own ignorance and filth. Never forget that.

and yet to people living in a NWO empire wanna-be, a small country sounds like heaven on earth
really activates my neurons

Sounds like Iceland needs some (((diversity))).

But the United States is objectively better than Iceland.

And if it weren't, nothing is stopping you from moving there. Evidently, Iceland is not so good that you'd be willing to leave the U.S.

were being raided


1. Niggers
2. Smaller population
3. Military budget spent on defending other nations
4. Reliance on China via dreadful trade deals

The great ones are at the top of the pyramid. But all at the top of the pyramid are not great.

Quit posting this debunked bullshit. Socialism is a slow death like cancer, and those who push it take advantage of low intellect niggers who can't into math.

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>no worries about healthcare
i'd say there are quite alot of worries about the health care system. its mostly funded by the government but was for many years (after 2008) underfunded alot and just recently things are getting to normal. But waiting times can sometimes be long. Also there have been big wage dispute and doctrs,nurses have striked (so its run only on bare minimum staff).

There is also this dispute regarding privately owned care, because they have the capacity to reduce the waiting lists but many are against using public funds to pay them to perfom the operations because they are against privately run health care in general so patients are sometimes sent abroad, at the cost of the taxpayer, which is much more expensive. :S

they just print money and lend it with interests you dumb cunt

That's funny since my Icelandic online friend is incredibly racist against blacks. The only time he's ever seen any is when he traveled to Spain. In my experience most people become racist because of the exposure they've had. This guy has lived in an all white country his entire life yet he'd fit in perfectly with the KKK.

Iceland and other places like it are good simply because there are less coloureds. End of story.

Why do people even bother posting these threads when they get btfo in 2 minutes

Not to mention being relatively isolated and gifted with abundant marine life, incredible rugged natural beauty and massive quantities of geothermal power. They're practically begging people to visit, they're so overflowing with riches.

Now think of Detroit...

>the thing they don’t have
>obligations to help anyone else

Please tell me more about this ethno-centric utopia

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why doesnt he just stay there

>Why do people even bother posting these threads when they get btfo in 2 minutes

They don't have something else we have.


Too bad all these countries "more progressive than the US" don't have open borders. For fuck sake, these people even think about the shit they spew? Golly gee whizz I wonder why Iceland of all places would have less crime than the US. I'm fucking shocked.


If you're talking about the JEWS, you bigoted fuck, just say JEWS and stop hiding behind bullshit phrases like "1%".

Why do leftists confuse the idea of something "working" and something "existing?"

1% of the 1% produced everything
The rest of the 1% are Jewish usurpers
never ever forget that
you festering nigger prepuce, you brachiating gibbon, you knave

I don't but there's obviously a lot of overlap though nigger

why not just call them jews?

They fucking notice. They have to fucking notice. But acknowledging it would be acknowledging that their entire existence has been a lie, and they're fucking wrong about everything.

>no worries about healthcare
hahah what a fucking moron. The healthcare here is not that great, you do not want to live here if you have an illness. The hospitals are understaffed, the medical equipments are outdated, the housing is not the best either.
He mentions higher wages, but conveniently leaves out that the cost of living is one of the hightest, if not the highest, in the world. Oh and the government takes about 40% off your salary if you make over 290k ISK a month.

>visit Iceland
>£10 for a beer ($14)
>everyones house in Reykjavik is either a corrugated iron cuckshed or a commieblock
>everything is grey
>everyone who works in hotels, bars etc. are Polish, Ukranian or Lithuanian
>legit saw a bunch of Greenladic fucking eskimo immigrants walking around
>saw an Icelandic dude with a pan faced jungle asian mail order bride

Boomer in OPs pic
>my 5 day roadtrip and visit to a pub in Reykjavik was awesome, why dont we have what I briefly experienced as a tourist in a 5 day trip on a homogenous island with a population of a small town in our country of 330 million?

>The thing we have that they don’t? The greed of the 1%.
The thing we have that they don't is JEWS! Iceland only has 35 jews in the entire country.

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just do single payer medical
you don't want your boss controlling too much of your life


Iceland is a shithole t. Icelander that got outta there because of (((them))) ruining our country

Notice how the jews lie and twist things.

The guy arguing with him makes the point that it "will not work in this larger, diverse population". This literally means "more populous" not "larger in physical size".

Even a retard could make this distinction, but the jew, instead of attacking this debate point head on, cannot help himself. He twists his opponent's painfully obvious and clearly stated position to something that doesn't make a shred of sense: "The size of the country has nothing to do with it".

Jews just cannot help themselves. Their nature does not allow them to make defensive or offensive attacks in a debate without twisting/lying/mis-stating the entire narrative or concrete points of the debate. Once you spot this, it is pretty hilarious to see how they always fall back on this when someone shines the light on them.

Oh by the way, the countries he listed as "population size doesn't matter" (Canada 37.2 Australia 25 Sweden 10.1 Norway 5.3 and Finland 5.5) have a total population of ~83.1 m. Which is 25% of the US population of 327.7m

All the citizens of those countries combined is less than the citizens of just 3 US states combined: CA TX and FL.

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>less crime
No shit. Iceland doesn't have blacks, so everything else improves.

Oh and also, the greed of the 1% is most definitely a thing here as well. There's a handful of families that have most of the money and power. People getting jobs because they have friends in high places is not uncommon.

I hate these dumbcunts that come here and think this place is some utopian disney land

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Hi Schlomo you dumb jew nigger! Nice divide and conquer schmuck!

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I even saw two half nigger mutts standing outside of Bonus m8

Iceland doesn't have jews either Schlomo

Go back to your shithole, we dont want you Eskimos fucking up our genepool.

I have it on good authority that Finnish women, in fact, crave the ICELANDIC BVLL

This and checked!


fake, crime and fucking is all that is there to do there

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angry basement dweller mad at the world

>The thing we have that they don't?

A bunch of niggers

Iceland is a pure white country

He's so close to the truth but he'll never be able to replace the 1% with jews and the things we don't have with niggers.

What else dont they have that we have?

Everytime I see these I know its either a brainlet or a nigger on the other side. This is the equivalent to spider man in ylyl

Iceland has the highest rates of STD in the world

liberals did this to me!!

neck yourself leaf, take your projections somewhere else

Diversity isn't their strength

>works for canada

My buddies mom has a disability but she has to fight for coverage to get medication, yet refugees get handouts for free


what he likes is that you are all white so shit works and is orderly. He can't say that though.

I work as a bouncer, and parties with predominantly white people are always the best and people are like WOW, this party is so awesome! How do you do it?!
Well, we don't invite too many shit skins and provide entertainment...
People are dumb, but we all like hanging out with a majority white population, if you're a grouch, you start complaining about the thing that makes it successful.
Shitskins truly are the worst.

based nigger in a maga hat

no niggers
should've traveled to Germany
Saxony is beautiful around this time of the year

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>kalmar union
Diversity never works, doesn't matter the race.

beats mass shootings

Hi jew! Did you suck your daddy's pussy today you stupid low IQ jew fuck? Go now, don't wanna keep daddy waiting. Run along!

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>Hong Kong
don't get me wrong, diversity is shit too but niggers are worse


isnt iceland extremely degenerate? someone post the article, you know the one

And niggers. Niggers are why we can't have nice things.

>countries all over Europe
I just can't figure out how these modestly populated whiter than Vermont nations are making it work.

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they know, it's a classic prog move to bait people into committing a 'sin' in their gay little religion so they can admonish you for the things they themselves feel guilty about (in this case, that they can only ever invoke 90+% white/christian countries as the model for their ideas)


As always fpbp

kinda fucks your whole view of multiculturalism when you kill everyone just after you arrive

I agree, the 1%(Jews) need to be dealt with

>Notice how the jews lie and twist things.
This very much

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Why dont these fags just move instead of bitch