9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says
9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says
maybe zoomers aren't a lost cause after all
that slide threads need to be smashed?
mom was a hippie, faggot enabler that willed this on her poor child. She should get a helicopter ride.
One less
bullies should be shot on site even if you find them when you're both 80 years old or older and you were 5 when it happened
How does an underdeveloped 5 year old be held responsible for their actions moron? Find those sad excuses of parents euthanize them and take away their children.
Mom did a GREAAAT job raising the little faggot lol
This desu. I fully blame this kids parents for telling him he needed to shout that he was a faggot to the world. No one gives a fuck. What good outcome could have come of this?
Hippy ass parents telling their kid hes so special and needs to tell everyone. Then he gets bullied. Glad he offed himself this early. Couldnt take 4 days of bullying. His parents set him up for failure.
Bet the faggot wasn't even gay. Just heard his parents tell him it was okay to come out so much he did it to make them happy.
This current generation of parents is fuckin sorry
His mom seemed like a good role model with solid values. I don’t know how this all could have happened.
Great shirt too btw. Wonder where I can get one
Clearly we cannot blame the mother, we aren't on the path towards personal responsibility and we aren't about to start now! Now then gentlemen, how can we pin this on guns or freedom or racist wypipo?
Mom says? Let's wait a while on this one, see what is uncovered.
yeah also someone should start a gofund me for the mother.
I'm a boy,
I'm a boy,
But my ma won't admit it,
I'm a boy, I'm a boy,
But if I say, I am, I get hit.
Maybe don't raise your son to be a reprobate and God won't take him from you.
The psycho mom murdered her own kid for sake of publicity
On the floor laughing tbqh
>be 9
>mom constantly tells you it's ok to be gay
>get the impression she'll be super happy if you tell her you're gay
>tell her your're gay even though you don't know what that means because you're 9
>mom shouts it from the rooftops to gain SJW cred and facebook likes
>get bullied for reasons you don't even understand
>the bullies don't understand either
>everyone is confused and angry
>kill self
t-thanks mom
you can't be a fag this early
racemixing, no wonder he did suicide
This, kids are maturing earlier - but defined sexual preferences at 9?
Give me a break, the mother needs to be converted into fertiliser.
how the fuck does a 9 year old sudoku?
how does a fucking 9 year old know its a fag?
how can the mom blame anyone for a shitshow she caused?
I think we need to hold the president accountable for his bigotry and further enact pro-lgbt laws along with lgbt classes taught by lgbt people to 5 year olds so that such a tragedy never happens again. Those evil bullies should also be expelled and sent to youth slave labor camps.
>She should get a helicopter ride.
waste of gas, a tree and some rope is more than enough
I agree but I'm all about the spectacle..
even thou you a leaf you are right, i think boys and grills don't eve like each other at taht age in general
Womp womp!
Shame he waited so long.
That's one less future tranny.
although this is fucking absurd I can imagine American schools being promoted as safe spaces for lgbtq 5 year olds. It honestly blows my mind to think how mentally challenged a parent has to be to put labels like that to a child.
if you want to put on a show round up 50 of them and load them in the back of a C130 and give them all the boot at a couple thousand feet
Nobody fucking sane cares, it's the parents' fault, end of story.
>although this is fucking absurd
No it isn't you fucking NAZI. It's called love and tolerance.
I'm not opposed to this.
teaching 5 year olds it's ok to do evasive surgery to their genitals is completely normal. Of course
Yes it is, that's what my school diversity counsellor told me and also my prime minister and also every host of popular news stations and media. Therefore it is normal and you're wrong and should be arrested for hate speech.
This is true, they dont develop those feelings until puberty. This mom should have had the common sense to know this and tell him that they cant be sure he is gay and not go around saying things like this.
bullied by the mom maybe...
Lesbians are horrifying monsters.
They shouldn't be parents.
When I was 9 I barely understood what homosexuality or suicide even were.
Has society really changed that much or was I just naive?
stop encouraging self-destructive behaviors and touting it as, "free thought." reinforce socio-normative behaviors. expose children with single mothers to adult men, and children with single fathers to adult women. take them to places where they can have peer interactions in line with their hormones, martial arts, paramilitary org (like 4H and Boy scouts), and/or find a volunteer org that teaches trade skills like carpentry, steel work, or programming.
use all four behavior adjustment techniques: positive reinforcement, negative, extinction, and mixed(complex) reinforcement.
observe your child for nervous ticks, anti-social behaviors, and self-destructive behaviors. this can be, being quite and pondering for long periods of times (when not playing), screaming when playing MMOs (look for mimicry/role assignment of negative behaviors), look for attention seeking behavior like asking for thing they obviously don't need.
the response to each of these requires a through understanding of your child and a due response should be the above. for example a nervous tick can be helped through both a hug and the inclusion in a socializing activity like making dinner or cleaning. role assignment issues (mimicking bad behavior or assigning those roles to other people) would require negative reinforcement and/or extinction it would also help if you didn't have bad behaviors...
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
You wernt naive, society has degraded quickly in the last 6 years.
The spawn was a darkie, and violence comes naturally to that kind, even including violence to oneself. That's one reason nobody wants to live in a country full of darkies.
How does a 9-year-old even know what being a fag means? He was obviously molested by a parent or other adult. Sad situation.
On that note, when did "kill yourself" become a playground insult? Sounds like bullshit to me.
disgusting excuse of a woman
bad parenting
You just save 150k on hormones and chopping his dick off.
Well maybe stop being a faggot?
mom should keep an eye on her son
This right here. The mother had to fuck up in multiple ways for this to happen.
>dyed hair
>shit stuck in her face
Its probably better this lineage didn't continue
Nine year olds don't fathom and go through with suicide, especially over sexual orientation that they aren't fully hormonal invested in yet.
I'm pretty sure the mother killed her son because she wanted a gay and he wasn't gay.
duuuude at 9 i was trading and playing pogs. i dont care what anyone says this shit is fake.
Another casualty claimed by the gay disco
How in the hell does a nine year old successfully commit suicide?
Kek. When i was 9 i had already fucked multiple girls and had dick swordfights with my mates.
>knew he was a fag at 9
damn i didnt even know until like 20
The mother is probably a liberal type and forced him to come out as gay because he was acting a bit effemknate or some shit, no kid that age has a reason or need to come out as gay. The mother is the murder by proxy, and this is not a suicide but a homicise. Kids have no free agency, remember?
It sounds like he was a faggot