His boyfriend Sean Last plays with some excel spreadsheets and he completely drops the basis for his entire channel?

His main reasons for dropping the ethnostate:

1) white people don't care about white people enough

2) look how many minorities vote like white people and look how many white people vote like minorities

What the fuck would you expect from a population that is fed blue pills constantly?

1) it's just not true. For the vast majority of history white people cared primarily for their own kind and more specifically their own kind of white people. It's only recently after massive indoctrination that this has changed.

2) Are you fucking kidding me? the point is not to tally up how many non-whites happen to be influenced enough by by whites to support the right ideas the point is that non-whites couldn't even conceive of the right ideas. The fact that blue pilled whites support ideas against their interest is well documented and it's entirely due to being fed lies and miseducated constantly about who they are as a people.

I respect that alt hype is attempting to change his mind when he learns something new or consider new facts but he has no basis here.

His proposition that first worldism is the way to go and that "his people" are the people who invented markets and a middle class from 1100-1800 in north east europe.

What? does this guy realize that southern europe did it too at around the same time? Does he realize that the ancient fucking romans had a middle class? Does he realize that Japan and China invented middle classes as well?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>1) white people don't care about white people enough
Troll or not, the West right now has such level of cynicism that any appeals to the "common good" or "nationalism" dont fare so good.
Literally only european nordic countries could have such a thing if they wanted. Their civic education is a different world entirely.

You are going straight to hell.

>implying Ryan wouldn’t wipe the fucking floor with you in a debate.
Dude white nationalism is a fucking joke. Ryan did his best to expound and reason why it SHOULDN’T be, but it still is.

nobody ever built a movement by making good arguments you autistic fuck. Most people of any kind are too busy or too stupid for arguments.

You need an elite core that is dedicated to the ideal and you push it TOP DOWN. I can't believe I am saying this but Richard Spencer is much closer to being right on this than alt-hype

>Thinking that the eternal Stodles can actually stick to a single ideology for more than 6 months.

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I can't believe I fell for this guy... I thought he was smart. I guess a man who is confused about where his dick should go can't be trusted on this either.

>hmmm should I insert my penis in the hole other men shit out of or in a vagina where babies come out of ?

His main reasons for dropping the ethnostate are intrinsically tied to the fact that it's a utopian dream, much like communism. It's not possible, white people are not and have never been a monolith, and the process of enacting such an undertaking would be fraught with groupthink and bickering leading to in-group bloodshed. COLLECTIVISM DOESN'T WORK.
Just under half of whites don't even fall on the same half of the political spectrum many of you are on and of those that do a very tiny percentage shares your vision. Neither of points one or two are wrong, you're just reducing their implications to a strawman.
You faggot ethnostate larpers can't even agree on who is white most of the time. Why the fuck would you fight for a state that you have a high probability of being kicked out of? You're conflating in-group preference with ethnostatism. The world isn't like it was hundreds of years ago in terms of freedom and availability of travel. To obtain an ethnostate in the West is entirely untenable and to enact it would only produce suffering and death en-masse. Good to see he's finally getting out of his utopian fantasies and living in the real world.
Look out for your brothers and sisters locally. Support those that think like you. But don't tell me I have to lay down my life to assist in the creation of your fairytale land. You people never account for the atrocities that are always present in stringent collectivist groups. It always starts with a simple premise; get rid of x, y,z skin color, etc. It then moves to ideology. Don't think like the leaders of the movement? BYE BYEBYE BYE.
Every time.
I wish the world was segregated and we never mutted ourselves up, but fantasizing that we can just magically change it isn't helping. We need a pragmatic approach to changing things and firstworld and prioritizing IQ over diversity is a damn fine start. Stop having autistic fits whenever someone doesn't mirror your exact ideological beliefs.
Peace, retard.

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Ryan is right. What race is Ted Kennedy? What race has every president up to Obama been? What race are the majority of the Democrats in the House and Senate? What race were the Swedes who thought it'd be fine to import immigrants? What race is Merkel?

Your white ethnostate will always contain about 40% or more of Merkels in it.

The left-wing white person attending a private liberal arts college in New York is never going to "wake up" to your way of thinking. These white leftists aren't"brainwashed." They're different from you on a cellular level. Your ancestries may be similar, but they are not like you. They will never be like you. Their children will not be like you. That political leaning is heritable.

You have more in common with a non-white right-winger than you do with a white leftist, and you will have far more conflict and misery with white leftists than you will a non-white right-winger. Do whites, on average, tend to be more conservative than other races? Sure. Does that mean a white ethnostate will survive because of that? Lol no. Your best bet is to select for ideology, not race. If that makes a country majority white by default simply because more whites on average tend to be conservative, fine. However, it wouldn't be exclusively white. It definitely wouldn't be an "ethnostate." The end goal isn't "whiteness." The end goal is a properly functioning country.

White "ethnostates" are unsustainable and not even favorable. I'd rather live in a diverse country run properly than a lily white country that is run improperly. If 40% or more of a population of people want something, they will inevitably get it. It will creep up. It has never been about absolute majority control. Everything is played issue by issue and those 40% who are ideologically left-wing will win.

Even when you split up European subgroups, there are subgroups that are more left-wing than right-wing. Your ethnostate is stupid.

Based and redpilled!!

Whiteys absolutely seethed and eternally btfo

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>2) look how many minorities vote like white people and look how many white people vote like minorities
I looked at the blog post:

He can't see the forest for the trees. It's much easier to look at their countries and see what they themselves accomplished. That way you can bypass the selection of the poll participants and societal pressure, which can skew results.

>To obtain an ethnostate in the West is entirely untenable
Says you.

And keep crying about collectivism when individualism gets all of us closer and closer to the gutter.


China has been actively forging a ethnostate out of many ethnicities for centuries. Japan similar story.

Fuck off with your individualist cucked mentality. White people can and have worked together on the basis of whiteness to build large societies.

Whites had nations that were majority white but whites decided that wasn't working well, so they decided to give that up. The U.S. is the most powerful nation on the planet at the moment, and it has been that way for a while. Your fellow whites don't agree with you nor will they ever agree with you (at a genetic level). Your only solution for an ethnostate is to limit it to people of a particular ideology. Whiteness alone wouldn't be good enough. And at that point, what difference does it make? Why wouldn't you let people of other races in as long as they had the genetic predisposition to agree with your particular ideology?

Does anyone have American white genetic ancestry reports? I'd like a better breakdown than just the heterozygosity of American whites. Yes though, both of their arguments are so shit tier I still think they're both lying.

Not all Whites need to live in the ethnostate. For gods sake, think for yourself for once.

Jared Taylor has talked about this for a long time now aswell, ie. some Whites are going to choose to live in multicultural countries even if moving to an ethnostate was an option.

And Kraut has his wank video that everyone has already seen.

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And Sweden, Norway, and other white countries were ethnostates until they weren't.

White countries don't stay white because whites don't want them to stay white. Whites have total control of making the countries stay white, but they choose not to do so.

Whites are extremely mediocre.

As if leftists would move to an ethnostate in the first place.

kek, Faulk is unironically advocating for partition of the United States based on "conservatism". You're an idiot.

>Whites are extremely mediocre.
Go back to your shithole then, retard.


White Nationalism is fucking retarded and cringe.

Even Metokur makes fun of you retards all the time.

He's connected to Douglass Mackey AKA Ricky Vaughn through his connection with TRS. Ricky Vaughn works for a Jew trying to hock the political application of facial recognition software and probably biometrics in general. This is the entire basis of the sudden shift of Ryan et al.

I mean the entire program is incoherent and inherently divisive. It divides whites along ethnic and religious lines claiming that they'll be subjected to a battery of intrusive tests and secret police investigating their personal history to find hints of non-conformism to GOP platitudes because Slavs, Meds, et cetera are inherently incompatible with other kinds of whites but all east Asians can be included on the basis that east Asians who overwhelmingly vote Left everywhere including in much of Asia can be convinced of his political views.

Of course he admits that the factor which keeps Asians out of the GOP is the implicitly pro-white GOP race baiting towards guns and God. So in his Based Asian GF State we can't even have the implicitly pro-white elements of "conservatism" to appease Asians and in return we basically get Anarcho-Capitalism with State repression of "whiteness" and official policy of intra-racial ethnic division of whites and maximal inclusion of ethnocentric non-whites who agree with his pedantry. Which of course these Asians will have geopolitical sponsors in the form of the governments of their ethnic homelands.

The fucking problem is that all of the gay shit he wants no one likes including white people, but tons of white people are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils. How many white people exactly does he think he's going to get for the Based Asian GF State when his version of the GOP filter excludes God, the Constitution, civil liberties and generally the civic qualities of western civilization.

It's "Civic Nationalism" except without any civics or nation.

Leftists pop up in white countries. You know this better than anyone, Sweden.

>1) white people don't care about white people enough

Okay, how do you convince them? Because scaring them with claims about how all black people hate whites and will kill whites the moment their population reaches some magic threshold isn't cutting it. The only thing this results in is people getting banned from all media platform and fired from their jobs.

I'm sorry but there is no way you will convince the majority of Whites to grab a gun and drag a tax paying Jamal out of his house, strip him of his citizenship, and send him back to Africa by force because Jamal in Chicago robbed a white person. Its just never going to work. The world doesn't ask us what we want, it presents us with options, and right now, an ethostate is not an option. That's just reality.

Alt hype is smarter and cares more about white people than all of Jow Forums. He's not some idiotic larper like Jared Taylor or Richard Spencer holding on to fantasies that will never manifest.

The problem with you fags, with lolbergs, with althype is that you're a bunch of minecrafting spergs thinking you can design the perfect society. You've had government meddling so much in the affairs of men that you have mistaken them for omniscient designers. This country did not occur by top down design, it was built from the bottom up. The only way to prove your ideas is not by creating spreadsheets and telling others they work in your head or to engage politically, but to either raise or acquire capital, go out physically into meatspace and prove them, build them from the bottom up.

People seem to have forgotten that the USA was not created by pioneers who knew a little about a lot and that everything after that was a reorganization and specialization of labor, so now you have minecraftian spergs assembling flying castles in their heads thinking that if others see
>muh great idea
they'll make all of the physical effort involved. It doesn't work that way anywhere.

He believes that we should focus on ideology and philosophy instead because these philosophies will cull bad genes that will destroy proper society. Why do you want shit white people that will attempt invite hordes of shitskins? Why not only allow those that want good societies (who are overwhelmingly white)?


And? Leftists pop up in every country, doesn't mean they will want to come to an ethnostate.

Dream on civic cuckold, ryan has never won a debate in his life and now that he adopted retarded ideology he never will.


/pol larping trumpftards can't comprehend these shits.

Didn't you fuck face racists always said he destroyed Destiny?

They will pop up and ruin your ethnostate. In other words, your ethnostate is never sustainable. It never lasts.

You can't keep them out if your only criteria is racial homogeneity.

White countries have a track record of success, whereas multicultural ones do not.

And good luck with selecting the right kind of people without througral genetesting, because IQ tests are not enough and personality tests can be manipulated.

Metokur is a self admitted loser.

Yes he went full retard.

>Not all white people vote for Republicans so whites dont deserve to exist

>They will pop up and ruin your ethnostate. In other words, your ethnostate is never sustainable.
Says who? And there are no succesfull multi-cultural countries.

From what I can tell, he's only dropping Spencerist pan-white ethnonationalism in the Americas.
He seems to stil be supportive/neutral of pro-native ethnonationalism in mother Europe, such as what GI advocates.

His criticism of Spencer in particular is correct, but his new conclusions are confusing and ducking autistic, hence why most people are freaking out.

As I understood it, his preference is based black men over left wing whites. He brought up American minorities being more conservative than European whites. He says these minorities are preferable to whites.

Taken to it's logical conclusion, this line of thought results in "conservative minorities" being the preferential ruling class, as opposed to native liberal whites. That's obscene. Whether or not these whites want a different style of government than Ryan, they deserve self determination.

This is what happens when you have a libertarian basis, like Ryan. He has explicitly said his primary concern is creating a libertarian state (yes, this is as utopian as an ethnostate). If that was and is his goal, he's probably heading in the right dirrection. The problem is that his basis is flawed.

Some of us here, myself included, base our thought on the idea that each population has a right to self determination. That government must change and evolve with the people and the times. Ryan's line of thought is in direct opposition to this, and that is why it feels so wrong and out of place.

The U.S. is at the top of all other countries at the moment. It has the highest GDP and the most powerful military. Those two factors determine the importance of a country. China will surpass the U.S. because of its population.

>Whites had nations that were majority white but whites decided that wasn't working well
No, whites had nations that went in on a particular moral and economic schema which gives multi-lateral power over border policy to private capital which has been a disaster.

Ryan Faulk's turtle state has the exact same moral and economic foundation. The ideological filter of his state will be determined by the profitability of immigration controls among a clique of capital holders. The more ideologically pure to Ryan's ideals these capital holders are the more likely they would be to subvert that ideology in favor of their own economic self-interest because economic self-interest is that ideal.

If you want an ideological state you'll need to have a political and not an economic elite, which means you'll have to create a filter which selects against sympathies for the GOP.

The loser is live you salty shit.

What the fuck has Sweden ever done in the last 500 years? What the fuck has Moldova done? Or Ukraine? Not all whites are winners, there have been many loser European nations that havent accomplished anything compared to even shitskin socities. To get rid of them, to isolate them, you use philosophies and ideologies. The consequences is that you take a couple shitskins in the process, but at least the people you have will be able to create a good society.

>His main reasons for dropping the ethnostate are intrinsically tied to the fact that it's a utopian dream
as is his ancap utopia delusion, which is what this shift is all about; he figured out that most whites don't share his views on economics, so now he's decided that he'd rather live in a multiracial state populated by ancaps than in a whites-only state populated by non ancaps

he's just abandoning race for ideology. like the capitalist who employs cheap foreign labour instead of locals because it's good for his business

BASED blacks are better than self hating whites. You totally wont end in the same place if you import BASED blacks.

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His streams suck ass.

>Alt hype is smarter and cares more about white people than all of Jow Forums. He's not some idiotic larper like Jared Taylor

It's not going to last simply because of demographics. When around 50% of newborns will grow up to have sub 90 IQ it's a sign of the end.

1 BASED black guy is better than 1000 self destructive whites. Especially in a democratic society. The problem with alt-hype is that he still puts his confidence in classical liberal socities.

ctrl + f "Sweden"

Sure, we aren't one of the big 4 but still did much for such a small country.

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How exactly are you going to get them to remove their own family members from their homes and expel them from the country on the basis of them having contributed to the campaign of a Democrat?

Ryan's idea is physically removing Democrats from being present in huge swaths of the country. Likewise his State includes "conservatives" which is basically a code word for Southerners, but only includes like 7% of blacks which 90% of are in the South. So you still have to fucking drag Jamal out of his house and put bullet in his head if he want march his ass to Vermont.

>Your white ethnostate will always contain about 40% or more of Merkels in it.

the merkel personality type just latches onto whatever ideology is most popular. In the third reich, all the merkel types were fanatical nazis, the 'merkel'-type personality is really only a problem when the dominant ideologies are all super kosher.

Toss the blackpill-aura generator overboard and move on. His videos were useful but it's time to part ways. SIMPLE AS THAT!

Yeah seems that way. Jim one of the people he named for not being White Nationalist enough just got banned off twitter for exposing the Jews.

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check out the hook on that nose

Wait what. How is one goy in a democratic society going to win against 1000 other goys. No matter how based he is. Isnt it better to change some of their minds, instead of going to BASED black dude.

Even Spain has done more than snow niggers. Smfh

Alt-Hype's "body of work" only applies to the Americas, not Europe.
Everyone concerned should continue fighting to save the homeland.

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You get my point. There are many whites (individually) that are willing to destroy their socities, their blood, for materialism or pleasure. There is this great discussion with a The Distributist and Michael Woodley on YouTube that will give you a good understanding of how blackpilling the situation we are all in. This isn't some guy cucking because of self hating whites, this is seriously bad.

Because Ryan Faulk and his friends are exactly the kinds of people you don't want in your thing. He's been tolerated as a content producer and we mostly allow people to stay in their own lanes. Anyone who thinks he's some kind of specimen who can or should define the societal ideal is frankly completely insane.

Even if what he believes in the broadest sense based on your paraphrasing is true it would require a much more full throated attack on him than he is currently getting. But that is because people don't actually agree with him and so are dismissing him out of hand rather than running with his premise of removing degenerates from the white race, of which Ryan Faulk is clearly one such degenerate (a quality which goes beyond his homosexuality and his fetish for non-white men).

Literally a non country

What I mean is that if you had to choose to start a society with 90 BASED whites and 10 BASED blacks, or 90 BASED whites and 90 shitty whites, choose the former. Because at least you won't have to cuck on your ideals that protect your nation from destruction.

>white nationalism
>larping whites as an entire monolithic group
>trying so hard not to offend nonwhite that are legally living your country by citizenship or birth.
>not realizing it's white men and white women don't care about having white babies anymore.
Preserving the white race means nothing to your average white person who is a wage slave to the system.

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Yes. He's the one who's retarded from all of this. He was simply a white nationalist because whites have a high IQ and vote for Republicans wich is retarded.
He doesn't give a shit about identitarianism and is a libertarian wich means he is a (((mercantile))) ennemy.

"The West" was an ethnostate its entire history up until the past 50 years. Without the constant brainwashing, people would immediatly go back to showing in-group preferance explicitly. All of your arguments have been debated over and over again and you havent changed a single mind with them.

I don't believe things are that bad. Anti-immigration parties are becoming larger, anti miigrant demonstration are happening in Germany, the v4 stands strong, Italy is closing it's borders, etc.

Don't be a despaircuck.

>That wasnt working well

What? The US was 90% white until 1965, it wasnt working well? What about the UK, France, Germany? These were the most powerful, invemtive, and successful nations in all of history. There are tons of successful homogeneous white nations- Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary- most nations in Europe are still over 90% white.

Do you really think the US is relatively better noe than it was pre-1965?

The thing you seem to be missing is that racial pluralim IN ITSELF promotes a certain ideology. It leads to ethnic strife, degraded socisl trust, and a collapse of civic cohesion. Whatever ideology they hold, the mere presense of racial pluralism itself will create strife due to the inescapable nature of tribal competition in human social dynmaics.

Do you agree that whites are genetic individualists?

Left-wing whites will always cause a white ethnostate to end itself.

No one cares if a hysterical retard like you flushes down his genes for an ugly and smelly shitskin. kys.

the irony of this post lol

He gave a platitude that it doesn't apply to Europe, but there is no reason it doesn't. Muslims are clearly more conservative than native Europeans almost to a man.

There is no reason why Europe shouldn't be ruled by a form of neoliberal Islam based on Faulk's argumentation. He basically heads off the argumentation but doesn't actually give a reason because he knows there isn't one and it would be extremely unpopular.

Leftists would not move to an ethnostate in first place.

ryan seems angry that he isn't getting the recognition he thinks he should be getting from the people he's trying to inform and help.

It's not about that. The quality of whites has been dropping significantly for the last 2 centuries. The estimated IQ in the US 100 years ago (using academic papers and test scores) was about 112, it's now 98. And you can't say it's because of more shitskins because the white IQ is 100 to 103. Our classical liberal socities and humanist philosophies have allowed the shit tier whites to outbreed the aristocratic whites. It's literally fucking over, all we can do is save all of our knowledge for future generations after the upcoming dark age. Just look at how unsophisticated our current Nationalist movements are compared to the ones 100 years ago. It's embarrassing, child like.

You're living in a white country, speaking a white language, using a computer, on the internet, under a moon dotted with the footprints of whote people, and you're almost certainly

Democracy is always a problem, especially with female suffrage. End democracy, and leftism becomes a lot less of a concern.

Even then, the real danger with leftism is the ability for them to bring people like you into our countries. As long as there is enough power to prefent that, I dont really care about them advocating for some leftist policies.

90 "based" whites, wouldn't have a problem with 90 shitty whites. Most of the shitty would either be socially pressured to join the "based" side or would simply leave. At the end you not only have more people, but also they are white.
I mean... maybe I didn't understand your argument?

(((Bullshit.))) The white suicide meme is becoming tiring, try something else, schlomo.

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Why hasnt this happened in all the 90%+ white states in the world?

Also, once democracy was ended, how would they do that?

>I dont want it so its stupid

Surely you dont think the entire world needs to be a copy of Brazil? Isnt there enough room for you to have a post-1965 rainbow nation, and for others to live in countries with pre-1965 demographics?

>The estimated IQ in the US 100 years ago (using academic papers and test scores) was about 112
According to that paper which used reaction times from the 1900s? It's probably bullshit because from what I've read from other sources say that the average IQ of Whites in various countries drops by 0.5-1 point per generation. It's not good, but we can still turn things around.

No one gives a crap about Greg Johnson either and he's 10 times smarter than Alt Cuck. They're both degenerates.

I think the identitarians have lost the plot. The reason for white preservation was for them to flourish and create great societies, not just survival and consumption like some jungle nigger. A nation of Moldovans will never reach the stars in their current form.

You fucking absolute idiot. The IQ score is normed at 100 based on a static demo of English people. By definition the white IQ will always be around 100 if IQ is significantly heritable.

Of course it's the fucking demographic shift. There is no mathematical way in which it could be anything else.

Even if you don't want to live in a white ethnostate, you still need a good handful of them so the genestock isn't lost forever and turned into mutts.

>1) it's just not true. For the vast majority of history white people cared primarily for their own kind and more specifically their own kind of white people. It's only recently after massive indoctrination that this has changed.
Actually it was indoctrination that made people fearful of one another. Now that we know that we're pretty much the same that has disappeared.

>2) Are you fucking kidding me? the point is not to tally up how many non-whites happen to be influenced enough by by whites to support the right ideas the point is that non-whites couldn't even conceive of the right ideas. The fact that blue pilled whites support ideas against their interest is well documented and it's entirely due to being fed lies and miseducated constantly about who they are as a people.
This is the classic "if you don't agree with me you are brainwashed" argument.

I've been on Jow Forums for years. Read all the studies on race/crime/iq etc... Seen all the YouTube videos with scary music in the background. Been fed all the "redpills"... and I still think you guys are dumb as fuck.

Jow Forums is pretty entertaining but I would never consider anyone here intelligent or thoughtful when it comes to politics.

I don't give a fuck about race. Never have. Never will. You're fighting a losing battle if you think that whites are going to "wake up" on day and become little Nazis toy soldiers.

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This is under the implication that we don't live under a metaphysics that promotes the weak (we do). To get people out of the direction we are going in, the fog we are in, is going to be like convincing 10th century Frenchmen that God doesn't exist.

You aren't making a great society with American GOPtards either. Regardless we are actually in a fight for survival. We want more but survival is obviously a prerequisite for the rest.

So because an eastern European nation Is shit and likely wont be able to fix itself in the next 100 years. That means that nations like Germany, France, Britain, Spain, Sweden, America, Austria, Australia, etc, should just throw their hands in the air? Fuck it, lets import le based bleks and "prosper".

CRISPR and embryo-selection might help.

>1) it's just not true. For the vast majority of history white people cared primarily for their own kind and more specifically their own kind of white people. It's only recently after massive indoctrination that this has changed.

citation needed and no not really. people didnt think about race at all 300+ years ago.

White nationalism is fucking retarded and a waste of time. If you disagree I will btfo you and prove that reconvening with the alt lite is the only viable path to political influence and helping president Trump on the far right.

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you may like poverty but many people don't

Then it absolutely doesn't matter what you do or anyone does, which also invalidates Faulk. If you can't cause people to change then change is impossible and you are just riding the current of some deterministic natural process.

Just realized this faggot is a homosexual and he is 1/16th black and he looks whiter than most poltards.

>people didnt think about race at all 300+ years ago.
lol? Those mass expulsion of Moors in Spain and Italy happened because?

its what happens when spergs dont get their way

If you have stupid white people having more children than smart white people, the IQ will drop. If you have a society that doesn't properly feed your children, the IQ will drop. If you live in a society that doesn't properly educate your children, the IQ will drop. We are just getting started in the white dysgenics, race mixing won't even be a part of it either.