>Revisit & revise equalization structure to be more fair in the modern day Canada. >Scrap Carbon Tax >Eliminate trade barriers between provinces >End corporate welfare >Make healthcare entirely provincial instead of the federal/provincial amalgamation we have now, transferring funds to provinces >Disband the CRTC >Defund CBC >Phase out supply management >Immigration numbers down to 250k/year, merit-based >Various reforms on firearms laws
The recent shills are purposing purple as the party color, the official color of feminism, LGBT, and the anti-apartheid movement. We cannot allow them to meme this color in or we'll look stupid for decades to come.
Dark blue is a good option for the new color instead. It's always been used in right wing circles and is fashionable for volunteer shirts in the like.
Yes, the PCs have a lighter blue but this will force them to only wear light blue instead of the new color. They've stolen our party, we may as well fuck with them a bit.
Sure, I'm just concerned about them thinking purple is a popular idea because it's being shilled all over the Internet. As long as they are aware of the associations, I would have no problem but I don't have direct contact with them so I'm forced to try to make it known here and hopes that it works its way up the chain of command.
Kevin Cooper
Once Bernier is PM, will I be allowed to keep my cute azn gf?
>Implying that purple is a gay color It's basically a flashier blue. Best way to compete with the liberal's red while still being close enough to the traditional conservatism color
Jayden Gray
>Cheese triads
Dominic Hall
I'd rather see black and yellow or some other color. But it's not my decision.
Brandon Fisher
Diversity is our strength Is code for Fewer Whites is preferable. FUCK ALL KIKE MUPPITS.
and the rebranded cuckservatism of bernier is hardly any better, none of this shit matters when the country is a coast-to-coast all-you-can-eat buffet of third world scum we are a million miles beyond half-measures, go big or go home
Christian King
>and the rebranded cuckservatism of bernier is hardly any better
Yeah, it's a global socialist "dog whistle". If you go to that Julius Malema guys twitter. You'll notice he uses identical terms taught in sociology classes in north america.
Eli Walker
>family dairy farms use contracts to manage supply "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>government-owned healthcare industry decides who lives and dies "This is fine."
You guys keep adding to that image. Soon you won't even be able to see Scheer.
Nicholas Rodriguez
>you're censoring me >if you don't help me get noticed Pathetic.
Sebastian Russell
>Max will fight actual monopolies >Once he's done disallowing Dairy Farmers to make contracts with buyers You do realize that this is very anti libertarian, right?
Joseph Sullivan
No it's not. It's it's own color and the official color of gay people. I don't understand why anyone would want to be associated it with. It's used in the US to show swing states that could go red or blue. We're not a centralist party so it's not fitting. >Anarcho-Capitalism colors Yeah, it would have to be two toned with any yellow because the Libertarian party has it and it's not a color that shows tones well. Other options are a lighter shade of black or charcoal. Both are a bit bland. Are you going to answer my last post that you ducked so you could shill your own anti-max threads? Located here: Your shilling isn't even close to constant. At least try to make two posts that don't conflict with each other.
Cooper Carter
Join the Canada Politics Discord for comfy times and organizing behind Mad Max /9SqPaa
>You can make them think that they should vote Liberal, which is likely what you are doing No. What I'm doing is showing how Bernier is a coward. Think outside the "it's either A or B" paradigm. Perhaps it could be C.
Eli Jenkins
T1VJEfLd Is a shill. Note none of the assertions made are backed up with any source of info or evidence. Go to max's website linked in OP if you want more info.
Michael Ross
Why is sipdermans head being impregnated by jewish sperm?
Wyatt Stewart
I don't give a fuck what colors are decided upon or where they've been used before.
Leo Morris
>just ignore the one BTFO'ing us >and don't worry, Bernier will challenge the healthcare monopoloy once he's done destroying dairy farmer's ability to make contracts >because somehow this is anti libertarian.
Jow Forums is capable of research and independent though oh i am laffin
Christian Turner
even though this is an obvious shill, I hate the dairy cartel so fucking much I have to respond dairy cartels set the fucking price of milk. It is actually illegal to sell milk below a certain price. Dairy farms use contracts with the government, to the detriment of new and small farmers. Quotas are set at $20,000/cow MINIMUM. Meaning to have a small dairy farm of 50 cows you need to be a millionaire. These quotas reflect up to 75% of start-up costs. Not seven point five. Three fucking quarters. Cartel supporters have said such bullshit as "we make enough for the market", and "our prices are actually lower". I've seen my own MP outright lie and claim milk prices were half of what they actually were. The cartel is so fucking full of lies they can't keep shit straight, and they're using outdated economic ideas. They fucking complain about overproduction. OVER-FUCKING-PRODUCTION. God forbid the market is flooded with cheap milk. Let's charge over the fucking moon instead. I've literally had to stop buying milk because it's so expensive. It's a fucking luxury item here, and I've paid nearly $8/4L. Soda is far cheaper. Price-fixing hurts the poor far more than anyone else, and all this bullshit of "we'll pay a little more!" and "our milk tastes better!" doesn't ring too true to people who have to take out loans in order to eat their cereal. That being said, I want to support farmers as much as possible. I know a lot of farmers and understand how hard it is to run a farm. I want them to make as much money as possible, as easily as possible. But not at the expense of the poor. If they're worried about farms closing down, we'll subsidize it, or buy the oversupply, I don't give a shit. Pass the costs onto taxpayers, not consumers.
Easton Garcia
Your whole point was that it doesn't matter if you vote for Bernier or Scheer because 'you're a libertarian and they will form a "coalition"' despite the fact that it still effects swing seats and increases the Liberal chance of winning the seat if there's no a clear favorite. >No. What I'm doing is showing how Bernier is a coward. Think outside the "it's either A or B" paradigm. Perhaps it could be C. Okay, define C then. Is Max more of a coward than more the other candidates? Why do you not think that Bernier is more conducive to liberalism and why would you deliberately try to prevent him from winning while claiming you're not? >So this is the power of libertarianism. Why are you making fun of something you claim to be? Despite shilling, I mean. Everything you say is antithetical to your other posts and you're not clearing any of it up. Why did you just suggest colors then if you don't give a fuck what they choose? Why don't we wear pink then? It would be equally as gay and obnoxious as purple.
The fact remains that the color choice will have some effect on the party popularity. Only an idiot would think that it doesn't matter at all.
Learn to make a clear point and not use reading an an excuse to mask your poorly thought out comment. Your points directly conflicted each other. >We should really use ancap colors guyz but it totally doesn't matter and I don't care what color they use!
So many fallacies...but I have the mental endurance.
>even though you're a shill, I'll respond with a stream of consciousness
>dairy cartel Cartels have monopolies. Supply managed industry has free entry.
>price floor Just for show.
>dairy farms contracts with government No. Dairy farms make contract to sell their milk. Government is simply the backstop for these contracts, just like all other contracts.
>$20,000/cow quota cost It's not per cow. It's per weight of butterfat that you're contracted to sell.
>you have to buy entire farm to compete Cooperatives are a thing. Not to mention that there are no monopoly profits, and thus the return on supply managed industry is equal to the stock market at large.
>milk should be of any quality ?
>milk is a luxary item The life of a poorfag. If you learn to arrange your thoughts, you'd be capable of earning more.
>price fixing Anyone can sell milk outside the quota system, it's only that buyers of milk contract (voluntary) to only buy quota milk. That is, the quota system is competitive.
>I know farmers have a hard time, so all I want to do is forbid them from making contracts. Contracts are voluntary.
John King
Stated my pers pref, never suggested. up to them learn to read.
Sebastian Garcia
>Bernier will compete with conservatives I don't believe so. Expect Bernier to capitalize in leftist areas. Leftists have no principles, so they should be fine with Bernier.
>define C Bernier/NDP coalition 2019.
>libertarianism is achieved by blindly doing libertarian things >and we should make people give up their priviledges without first going after those with much greater priviledges.
Jaxson Parker
You can't have a fucking preference and then state you don't have a preference. They are mutually exclusive points.
I don't care either way, but don't pretend that the issue is completely arbitrary when it's not. It's basic marketing.
Kayden Evans
>you can't say you have a favorite color if you don't tell me it
So you're schizophrenic after all? What a surprise. You only answered a few of my questions and ducked the rest. It still doesn't make any sense. I don't even care about the absurd Bernier/NDP claim
If you dislike Bernier and are alleging it's hypocritical for him not to support abolishing public healthcare, than why would you then state that Scheer and Bernier are equally as good candidates that we should vote for?
Why are you ignoring the problem of contested seats and claiming a coalition when both parties would have less seats overall with indiscriminate voting?
Why isn't a partly libertarian government better than a government that isn't libertarian in the least?
>Why are you ignoring the problem of contested seats and claiming a coalition when both parties would have less seats overall with indiscriminate voting? I don't believe that Bernier will have any power in conservative ridings.
You don't realize just how hard the left is getting fucked in 2019. It will be fine.
Reminder that it was Canada (Alberta) that started sterilizing minorites long before Hitler.
Tyler Roberts
That fucking brown wannabe newfie just got fired from CBC lol Heil true Newfoundlanders!
James Barnes
>We've been taking a schizophrenic person seriously Should I just copy and paste my questions over again or are you never going to address most of them. Did you not just post a thread that stated Libertarians are degenerate despite you also claiming you're one of them in the last can/pol/ thread? >I don't believe that Bernier will have any power in conservative ridings. Do you have anything that supports this? The only poll showed Max taking the most support from Conservative votes, followed by Liberal voters.
"If you dislike Bernier and are alleging it's hypocritical for him not to support abolishing public healthcare, than why would you then state that Scheer and Bernier are equally as good candidates that we should vote for? "
Justin Carter
>ridings don't exist >general support elects MPs
>why say Berrnier and Scheer are equally good to vote for Never said that. What I said is that it has the same effect.
Nathaniel Scott
>ridings don't exist >general support elects MPs I didn't imply either, in fact I specifically referenced one of them when asking you about vote spitting. Again, the only poll showed Maxime's party taking the most support from Conservative voters, followed by Liberal voters. Why do you believe that the voters will come from the NDP party and not mostly from the Conservatives? Try to post evidence supporting your absurd claim. > What I said is that it has the same effect. No, what you said was 'it doesn't matter' which implies they are equal good candidates. Answer the question again with this in mind.
Camden Stewart
>polls They are not per riding. Thus, meaningless.
>>it does not matter >means they're equally good No. What it mean is that, given that total right-wing (includes Maxime's libertarians) MPs elected is what gives power in government. Their figure head is, as is shown by Scheer's lack of power, meaningless.
Scheer was picked because he's non offensive, not for any other reason.
Zachary Reed
>polls >They are not per riding. Thus, meaningless. No, they're not meaningless. They are signaling voter party intention, not party leaders. If you say you are going to support a specific party, it's reasonable to assume that you would vote for the candidate of that party in your riding.
> MPs elected is what gives power in government. Their figure head is, as is shown by Scheer's lack of power, meaningless. Again, it obviously matters because of vote splitting, even if you're stupid enough to exclude ideology and assume they're the same. There's no coherent reason for you to pick two different leaders, one of which you despise, with this in mind.
Nolan Smith
There are no brown Nufies. Only a mutt paki who fucked low hanging fruit to get to stay in canada
Anthony Gomez
>it makes sense to treat 50% Scheer and 50% Bernier support as splitting every riding. No. It makes sense to think taht Scheer will have 70% in lots of ridings, and Bernier will have 70% in lots of ridings.
Jason Martin
>no reason to pick 2 different leaders It's not about 2 leaders, it's about energizing the young and disallusioned to vote for right-wing parties.
Landon Baker
The bernier MPs are going to be fucking cringe boomer tard. You know I'm right
Isaiah Harris
>No. It makes sense to think taht Scheer will have 70% in lots of ridings, and Bernier will have 70% in lots of ridings. Wrong. Voter intention is by party and directly relates to the party of the different candidates. Bernier supporters are coming from the mostly from former conservative voters with a minority of them former Liberal, NDP and green party voters. If you randomly vote for either Maxime or Scheer, your vote will be probably wasted and you'll be supporting the liberals unless it happens that the riding is swinging towards what you voted for. Either way, they are not ideologically the same so you cannot state it doesn't matter who you are supporting. One is obviously more libertarian and right wing. >It's not about 2 leaders, it's about energizing the young and disallusioned to vote for right-wing parties. Energizing? By spending all day shilling against Maxime?
I can no longer tell if you're retarded or if this is a shill trolling tactic, either way your parents should have been sterilized, probably in Alberta, long before they had you.
Dominic Bennett
You realize that nearly all candidates in any party are boomers, right? Maxime may have younger candidates because he just needs to fill seats and it's no longer about getting your boomer friends to support you in the party candidate races.
Barbara Kay is a big supporter. Be an individual !
Chase Jackson
>split vote To the extent it does happen, nothing you can do to stop it. What you can do is support leftist candidates to split their vote.
>tactical voting is not a thing
Owen Nguyen
>individual Be an INDIVIDUAL dairy farmer, goy! inb4 mega corps can now buy government power and fuck over small producers
Carson Nelson
Who gives a shit? An individual looks at a problem and tries to solve it regardless of what other people think of the problem. Most of the National Post journalists are okay. Definitely one of the better papers in the country. Who the fuck are you suggesting we vote for instead? >To the extent it does happen, nothing you can do to stop it. Yes you can, if you're claim both parties are the same and it doesn't matter who wins. You would simply want to vote on who is winning the local riding polls. >What you can do is support leftist candidates to split their vote. Full retard.
Either way, the parties are not the same and you cannot seriously claim otherwise. It makes zero sense.
Ryder Lee
>since I don't think >no one else does You sound like a boomer.
Charles Ross
take back green from the phony green party
Colton Adams
No, it's just foolish to back another party when your own party has a chance of winning and call it tactical. Every vote you win to their side could have been a vote brought over to your own.
Fucking zoomer reverse logic. If you elect your enemies, they win. By the way, I didn't check your ID. I assumed you were the shill I was talking to when I made my last post.
Easton Cruz
>you must say what you think >even when talking to your enemy Boomers need be checked for cognitive impairment, such as that you're manifesting.
Ayden Howard
>those who disagree with me are shills >and idiots >because I'm right by nature Man, the propaganda has taken root. Boomers are the most spoiled and diluded generation ever.
Joshua Murphy
>Boomers are the most spoiled and diluded generation ever. This is what I've been saying all along. I like how they think they're superior because government policy bolsters the value of their house that they use for retirement money, and then they claim to be libertarian and free market. They should gain a clue.
Asher Martinez
It's a start. I think we'll need something in the style of Trump Never Come Down to get normie attention.
What you're suggesting is logically incoherent. Backing another left wing party in hopes of spitting them away from another left wing party is stupid when you could have spent the same time bring votes into your own party. In this case, you can pull votes away from the CPC and towards Maxime. There's always going to be a fair amount of people voting for CPC and Liberals. Any propaganda you put out will apply to voters of all kinds and help in future elections. You're are a complete fucking retard. I said I thought you were the shill I was talking to when you assumed his dumb talking points. I didn't imply you were a shill.
Michael Watson
It was my first attempt and didn't take long. You can rest assured that more are coming We need more songs to link him to through memes though, that'll give me more to work with
>encouraging leftist voters to vote far-left means you yourself must vote for them First time on the internet, grandpa?
Aaron Brooks
>encouraging leftist voters to vote far-left means you yourself must vote for them I didn't imply that. If you're trying to stop a left wing party from beating your right wing party in a close race, backing an even more left wing party is fucking stupid when you could have been sending votes to your own side or bashing the party you're against which would effectively draw votes to your party and draw votes further left as well.
If it's a three party race, you would be directly taking voters from the other party, which means it's twice as effective per vote than encouraging someone to go further left. Your claim is stupid and has zero practical application.
Brandon Ross
>talking is the same thing as voting >you can't rile up the lefties unless you also vote for the lefty canditate
Don't worry, we're patient here. I can wait while you take your hourly pee break.
Colton Rivera
People saying we should try back left parties is ridiculous, we should focus on getting lefties to come to our camp. It's not even that big a stretch, if we get them to understand the significance of supply management and how 'corporate capitalism' is making goods more expensive for them I could see even some bluehairs wanting to support Bernier.