AJ finally confronted by caller about the tranny porn

Doctor, doctor!
Give me the news,
Alex Jones has gotta;
bad case of loving dudes!

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Just admit it, Alex. We all like traps.

What a shitty excuse, best move for him is to declare himself a flaming faggot.

I don't really give a shit if he likes traps or not. I just find it funny that he's being exposed as a degenerate since he constantly shills for ZOG and Israel.

his supplements contain ONIONS

Jared Holt, what do you have against trannies?

Not going to lie, I checked out that video. Not the best but meh...tits

"There's two types of people - those who look at porn and those who lie about it"


Just say he get tons of emails with news and articles and tons of trolls that link to porn instead of articles.

even if he has a tranny fetish, I don't care since he's quiet about it. Not like he wants me to wank it to traps

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Freudian slip.

You dick suckers need to stop attacking Alex

Alex is the only dick sucker here frien.

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Nah, I don’t like transgenders. But I don’t really care if other people do. Not everyone is like you.


Not even sure what he meant by that.
Did he mean, everyone looks at porn but some people claim they don't?

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He's coming undone. He sounds like he's 70.

Yeah, that's why it's a Freudian slip.

He’s not saying he doesn’t look at porn in general, he’s admitting he does watch porn, but not that.

How manly of him to fess up to man on man manfucking.

>Freudian slip.
He was saying everyone looks at porn. How the hell is that a Freudian slip?

Yeah I'm drunk as shit right now.
When I concentrate and think about it, it makes sense.

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Nah, he was lying about watching that kind of porn as he was saying it.


It's too bad you guys fell for this CNN beat down of Alex.

The state of /pol, basically full of betas.

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He mentions the ads for viagra and other things taking over his phone.

He got banned from itunes and other social media....Could it be that someone from apple used a backdoor into his phone to plant the tranny porn? I don't think leftists would be above such a thing.

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>Theres two types of people, people that look at porn and people that lie about it
>But I don't look at porn
Talk about self owns

This was so fucking easy to get away with it
>Yes, I look at porn, it's completely normal to look at porn. The problem was that I wanted to watch good old regular porn but I was duped and instead got unwanted tranny porn. it happens all the time, I doubt I'm the first and the last one that's gonna see something unwanted on the internet.

>I apologise for people that don't want to see porn related stuff in my show, this was obviously unwanted and it won't happen again, I'll keep my porn browsing on my PC from now on (or activate privacy mode)

there, it was so fucking easy

>He got banned from itunes and other social media....Could it be that someone from apple used a backdoor into his phone to plant the tranny porn? I don't think leftists would be above such a thing.
look how desperate you are. fuck

He may have been lying, but what I wrote is what he meant by it.

Kek nice work m8.

He likes tranny porn confirmed.

He means everyone looks at porn. But he wasn't looking at porn on his phone that he uses for work.

Come on man. Assuming that's true, how could they possibly ensure that it was shown on camera?

>what he meant
No, that's what you want him to have meant. He meant what he said. Why is that so difficult a concept for you to understand?

>You dick suckers.

That's a funny way to say alex jones.

He played that off very well.

>It's too bad you guys fell for this CNN beat down of Alex.
That's the way the media has ruled the West for the last hundred years. They wait for someone they don't like to either make a mistake or they manufacture one so they can drum up a mob of useful idiot goyim to attack the enemies of zionism on their behalf.

They tried it on Trump saying he was X, Y, or Z hoping the fundies and conservatives would attack him like they had everyone before him. Unfortunately for them the voters were so fed up of the bullshit it didn't work. Their modus operandi of revving up the outrage machine is so transparent that I find it embarrassing it even works at all.

Didn't sound like it to me. It sounded like a major slip up.
Think about the sentence.
>There are those that look at porn
Okay, fine
>And those that lie about it
Okay, AJ is clearly lying about the tranny thing right when he's saying this, not to mention he didn't even clarify by saying "yeah I look at porn but I don't look at trannies".

It's not gay if it's the opposite 'gender'.


Merica merica!!!

Wow, you are easily impressionable. Never sign anything on your own without proper legal counseling

nah, he sounds too dismissive.

How's this motherfucker going to look at trannies and wank off to them and then say that the LGBT community are all pedos?
Faggot ass hypocrite. He's a pedo according to his own definition.

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I don't even like Jones and consider him controlled opposition, but I find it suspicious that Apple banned him from iTunes and now this happens with his iPhone.

As for how could they know it would be shown on camera, maybe they didn't and just wanted him to see tranny porn on his phone to troll him. I mean it's technologically possible and easy for them to do it, perhaps they will do the same with CP to someone they don't like at some point and this was a test run.

He never said that and you being so butthurt implies your a pedo you filth

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He acts like he barely had any idea about all the loud whispering about it. Very terribly played.

>They wait for someone they don't like to either make a mistake or they manufacture one so they can drum up a mob of useful idiot goyim to attack the enemies of zionism on their behalf.

You misspelled "the useful idiot controlled opposition pulls another publicity stunt to get more people listen to his 3 hour info-mercial (((show)))"

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I listen all the time. It sounds just like normal alex. Not stressed nothing. Just yeah I dont watch granny porn. I dont believe him but most of his viewers will.

It also wasn't a pop up. It was one of his active tabs and he pressed the tab button by mistake with his palm or something.

fucking busted so bad

Dumb nigger. I'm bi but i'm not a pedo.
Your buddy AJ seems to think that "fags" are all pedos. And he's clearly a "fag" so what the fuck?
You can't have it both ways, stupid fucking nigger.

I hit too close to home eh rabbi?

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so you're saying traps are NOT gay?

>I don't take phones on air that I look at porn on
You guys weren't expecting the "It was a work phone" explanation. shill/pol/ caught with their pants down (and most likely fapping to trannys) lmao fuck you, right wing watch.

classic Alex lying

>I'm bi
You're a faggot.
A faggot with hurt fee fees.

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I promise you, he fucking realized that thing was visible the very next time he looked at his phone and thought OH SHIT I HOPE THEY DIDNT CAPTURE THAT.

It's the great mystery of sexuality. Who am I to decide.

You retard. Find a video clip where Alex says "all fags are pedos"

Protip: it doesn't exist.

He does call out these bizarre events where queer people express their sexual identity in the presence of children.

How do you know he wanked to it or even likes it? My wife and I watch weird shit together all the time so my tabs could have weird porn sites, doesn't mean that's my thing. You all assume way to much

Based bitch

>he doesn't know about the newest porn ad techniques
I've had sites open new tabs and sending me to vids, live cam shows, and all that shit. Even with ablock. You don't know nothin, kid.

t. porn addict

this mole hill is made a mountain by david hogg and his friends as a response to the photoshop job of hogg as a woman make no mistake

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Eww, I'm scared Mr. Memeflag.

He doesn't have to say "all fags are pedos".
He effectively said that on his bullshit show earlier.

>literal video of his phone
>literally see that he has tranny porn on it
>there is no logical explanation for this
>even if porn pops up on someone's phone, tranny porn is user specific

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Jones is weak, and clearly loves the capitalist GAY DISCO OF WEIMERIKA.

Like EMJ said, your either for the (((gay disco))) or AGAINST IT. PERIOD

Wow, seriously? I genuinely don't doubt this to be true, but I'm curious as to what phone and browser you use. I use Jewzilla Firefox on a Galaxy 8 and the only pop up I ever get is a redirect to a fake "you won 100 Amazon dollars!" page.

Alex will weather it like a champ, and sell many water filters along the way. He's been at this 20 years now. Don't imagine you are clever.

Clip or it doesn't exist.

Should just own it, literally nobody gives a shit if he watches trap porn lol.

And stop getting traffic to infowars.com?

Yeah, that's not how it's done.

Faggot shills lying about how pop up works and how these porn sites work,
You can have no history, cache and a fresh ip and they will still send you ads of shit you dont like.
Seriously stop watching porn stop going to pirn sites.
You think these people are more trustworthy than the big tech companies? lmao.

His base is clearly conservative and protestant christians, why would he say he is proud at looking at tranny porn?

that, and how to triforce

▲ ▲

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all the porn sites have pop ups for safari mobile users.
Some basically require you to load a pop up before you get to the video you want like those cam whore streaming sites.

>Eww, I'm scared
Yes you're scared of what other people think. That's why your feelings are hurt and you kvetch whenever someone doesn't praise you for what you do with your disease ridden junk. The thing you miss is that giving a shit about what other people think about the way you live your life is more revolting than your sexuality ever could be.

>It just pop up on my phone
Would not hold up in court.

Sage this retarded thread

T. Trannyfapper.

That's not true faggot. I've watched porn but never get a tranny ad, just regular porn ads, he is a faggot, stop being butthurt about it.

Would it really effect his viewership? I kind of doubt it.

It was literally a direct link to a porn video, not exactly an advertisement. I don't buy it, but don't really care either.

Thee ol its a pop-up I dont know how that got there excuse...typical boomer that doesnt Internet

>sounds just like normal alex

I’ve been watching for years and it was beyond obvious he was lying. Watch it again.

Im no porn. I dont actually watch porn at all.
There is no reason for that stuff to appear for me unless its deliberate.

If this board and it's users are a representation of his base, I don't think anyone would really care. People on Jow Forums love to denounce "degeneracy," but then five minutes later go and fap to cartoons. Few people on here really give a rats ass, and I can't imagine many more of his regular listeners really caring either.

Motherfucker wants to lump the LGBT in with pedos.

Traps and trannies make me wanna punch them in the face. Just something about how feminine they look makes me fucking angry. I don't mind gays or anything, but.. Traps, I just wanna beat the ever loving shit out of them all, they're all such terrible fucking shitheads who are high off hormones, no personality like a woman, no fashion sense like a woman, no passion or hobbies like a woman. Their only trait and perk and the only reason that there is to like them, is because they look like girls and have a dick
So what is it about Traps that attracts men? Am I just too masculine myself?

reddit was right all along

alex jones is fake news

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so? most fags are pedos.


That's different, straight porn ads are pretty normal, they are everywhere, tranny ads not, you have to watch those kinds of videos to get tranny ads.

you sound like a leaf.
Ill give you that i hate the behaviour of traps to want trick men into thinking their women.

Get him on the nofap and noporn pills.

yes. He literally means he looks at porn but he does it at home, if you watch the whole video clip it is clearly stated.

wrong. Stats show that the majority of pedos are gay.

you have no idea what a freudian slip is. he was plainly admitting to looking at porn

wait... I'm not gay

the point is you get tranny recommendations even if you havent searched for that.
You also do on pornhub get shemale porn ads Futanari cg shit etc.

>a fucking leaf
why is it always a leaf that leaves a terrible comment on this board?

wtf i hate alex jones now

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

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Was popup, learn2internet

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