Reminder that your lord and savior was an ethnic jew from israel
Reminder that your lord and savior was an ethnic jew from israel
did not exist, was created by Roman Caesars
i wouldnt care if jesus was a transvestite black man named daquarius. he is still god and he died for our sins
did not exist, go research the Dead Sea Scrolls for proof
he did exist, all the answers you need are in the bible
>created by
What's this? I've heard the theory that Jesus was actually based on Julius Caesar, not that he was created by the Roman aristocracy. Why would they bother and how would they spread a religion on the other side of the world? A world which was x100 bigger 2000 years ago.
Asduming he existed Jesus probably had a phenotype like this rather than that one or the Nordic nonsense
>from tailor engineered by Jews to destroy Europe to made up by Romans to conquer pagans
God, you people are flatline brain dead.
The date my local McDonalds starts selling McRib is in the Bible?
Mike Enoch is not my lord and savior.
Photo made by kikes
Thread made by kike
nice one.
Muh Apocrypha and Gnostic gospels. Oh please the only book that has a shred of credibility that it was written around the time was the book of Enoch.
>Believing an image from a (((study))) by the Synagogue of Satan
>Implying the Israelites of Biblical times are the same as modern shitskins
>Implying any of that would actual matter
The Jews really did a number on you, didn't they?
Reminder that God has no ethnicity and all are one in Christ Jesus and race doesn't matter in eternity.
>>Implying the Israelites of Biblical times are the same as modern shitskins
No youre right, the ancient Middle East was filled with Nords dying of skin cancer in their 20's.......
That ass whoopin coming
The only real Gospel of JESUS CHRIST:
Visual explaination:
Entire Bible on audio:
He had the soul of God meaning the love of shekels was not in him.
The "Synagogue of Satan" passage doesn't mean what you think it does.
So whites killed Jesus and his blood is 'on us and on our children'?
>Be the worlds leading expert in the language
>Be asked to interpret found scrolls
>interpret scrolls
>reveal that Jesus was a symbolic reference to a mushroom
>have all data suppressed and career ruined.
the end
reminder that the mods on pol are jews are jerk off to asian trap porn
>he did exist
Superman exists. Read DC Comics.
Ok this is weird
I've never realized that Jesus didn't laugh but nobody can prove otherwise...
The implications are immense
Everyone can be a Jew because it's not a race you dumbass. He clearly didn't look like the semites who you think about. He probably was a semite but from a different tribe.
The Pharisees killed him with the blessing of the Sadducees. These are two of the three philosophies of Judaism that existed at the time which led to modern day Rabbinic Judaism. There was a third which took no part, the essenes which do not sound like modern Jews at all:
It amazes me that people think of the Ashkenazi of today and think to themselves "Yep, these are the Jews that Jesus is related to."
Not to mention most people don't even know of the Sephardim or Mizrahim. When folks think Jew they imagine an old caricature of a Yiddish speaking Ashkenazi.
The Ashkenazim are Khazar converts who were expelled from the Jewish community
Though today they make up 75% of the Jews population
Down from 90% before the Holocaust
So they're the Jews we have to deal with today, which is where the problem comes in
>Reminder that your lord and savior was a Palestinian killed by Jews and who had nothing to do with modern-day Jews at all.
Reminder that Jews left Jerusalem Black, but returned white.
(Look up local reaction to the modern state of Israel. People were flatly confused, before anyone got hostile.)
The Neurotic Ashkenazim filled with their mystic delusions and obsession with decadence. Those which pervert society with their destruction of the classical arts. The eternal diaspora that tries to assimilate in vain. The goyim clearly do not want to deal with their unstable ideals for society. No, they continue to destroy what is sacred in their childish tantrum fits. They hate their own people as they have killed and Sephardi and Mizrahi in the past! Truly the Ashkenazim are not fit for this world.
Jesus was literally god, even though his mother was a half jewish half roman mutt, he still would be white
I have no issue with this.
A Jew who told the Jews they were wrong? Seems like my kind of guy.
>the god of the jews must be the true one