Bruce Ohr just provided ample evidence to basically convict Hillary Clinton of high treason. This board is being slid to fuck right now to cover this up. Two years ago the emails were going to be used to frame Russia in a false flag so China and USA could split Russian assets up after a literal world war. We've just caught the biggest liar in US history and we still don't know how many people are going down with her. Media outlets won't touch this story. It's up to Jow Forums once again to redpill newfags and tourists. Do not let them slide this thread!
She got four of our glow in the dark agents killed because of negligence! They are trying to push for war with Russia at all costs! Do not let them! They are all traitors, the media is in on it too! The only person talking about it is PRESIDENT TRUMP boards.Jow
You have me at the Chinese got the 33000 emails from Clinton's scriptkiddie unsecured lose me at Clinton conspiring with China to start WWIII with Russia so that the US and China could pillage their assets. You realize how insane that sounds right?
Iran is an ally of Russia, with russian AA guns all around the boarder. Iran just took over Persian Gulf and blockaded us from getting oil from the region.
If Trump ignores this it affects our oil for military, it paints him as weakling for our traitorous media, it makes him a colluding Russian just like they've been saying.
If he goes in then he risks war with Russia, which is what Hillary and her degenerates wanted all along. This would destroy a large part of our navy and effectively be a false flag attack like the Gulf of Tonka in Vietnam during Vietnam War. Because Iran is prepared for guerilla warfare unlike anything in the world, nuking would be best option but wouldn't be used because Trump would be painted a demon.
These conspirators were devious in what is going on and they want Trump OUT. It's not crazy at all, this is how it works. They start wars to gain power. We're 100% right.
Cant wait to see how they reverse spin this. Its only tuesday lads, this week is gonna be insane.
Isaac Howard
Jaxson Young
bump for actual news
Jaxson Robinson
Matthew Flores
Saw a thread about this earlier. More details plx.
Easton Evans
I read this article earlier today (No I'm not sleepy posting, I actually read it).
All it says is that yes the Chinese got into her bathroom server in N.Y. Jow Forums pretty much new this already when the glow in the dark CIA niggers admitted it was probably hacked by at least 4 different countries.
The bottom line is, this user asked you to source your conjecture. Now source it or fuckoff, you litteral monkey.
Asher Wilson
Fake and gay.
Jace Cook
Fuck it at this point Drop the bomb They can try to remove him by force the American people are behind him 100%
Ryder Hughes
It does seem like the whole of the US Establishment, all the way to the Bildebergers, are aligned in wanting to antagonize Russia.
It's because Russia is largely independent of them, and so is Iran. China is just as corrupt as us and were getting an piece of the pie. This is the reality nobody knows about outside this magic schoolbus ride.
I thought the body count was more like 10-12 US spies we're killed/captured/disappeared, all of a sudden. I figured someone made a mistake. It must really suck if your tradecraft is perfect but some dipshit politician gets you killed.
Way back when the email scandal first broke I remember hearing a theory that the reason Hillary made an unsecured server is so she could indirectly sell/trade state department data. i.e. "What?!?!? I can't give you state secrets. Thats treason. But btw heres a server that isnt secured, would be a shame if you hacked it.". It downgrades the offense from high treason to mishandling classified info. Seems pretty plausible now
She also comprised the US aircraft and naval vessels. Why do you think Israel bought the F35 minus the avionics suite? Sure they have a better system for their AO, but wasn't it because they knew the software had been compromised?
Brayden Jenkins
>China has all of her emails
Any country that gave a shit had any of her emails, her server had a basic windows vulnerability that any compent IT should have shut off the port for.
The government admitting as much would be refreshing though. I'd love to see her serve some time, even if it's way less than she deserves.
>Hillary was working with China to frame Russia to start a war
Even if this is vaguely true there's no way it'd ever make headlines and there's no way she'd be charged with it. To charge her would be to admit that the government was too inept or too corrupt to stop it or do anything about it... until now.
Easton Stewart
Julian Robinson
>according to a report. >Sources told the Daily Caller
>everyone is laughing when we say Russian hackers >I know right but I have a genius solution >Chinese hackers hacked our election and freedumbs! >leamericanflageaglefellowgoys.jpg
Luis Barnes
This is the single most disastrous predicament we've ever been in. The worst part is if we fail as a nation so do our sister countries. Lol
> Bruce Ohr just provided ample evidence to basically convict Hillary Clinton of high treason. Are you sure about this? I know Ohr spilled the beans about FISA and the Mueller investigation, but I didn't hear anything about what he said being tied to Clinton. As far as I know Ohr and the China hack are two separate happenings unless someone can educate me a bit.
It wasn't a "ptiavte server" just because she wanted one for her own use - it was a "private server" that doubled as a dropbox for those who paid for pickup... How many nations paid Hillary for thr privilege of accessing her "private server"?
Because to be charged with treason you have to have the right mes rea to commit it. By saying that she’s basically computer stupid she couldn’t have possibly had the right mind to trade too us secret
(((They))) will probably just activate an ISIS sleeper cell instead. School Shootings don't create as much panic as a terrorist attack. Plus, more normies are starting to realize dodgy anti-depressants are responsible for mass shootings and gun control won't do anything. ISIS are getting their asses kicked and they will be desperate to do some damage before they get completely wiped out.
Dominic Price
Have a bump for treason.
Eli Phillips
That sounds absolutely filthy.
Christopher Flores
I know its bs, i remember her heading some internet upgrade in the white house, anybody has sources? im to lazy
Post this video in other threads, lads. It's good for morale.
Jayden Smith
It is totally nasty. People died because of this evil woman and her "server"... she needs to be on trial for murder.
Julian Phillips
Jow Forums mods have been compromised for awhile now. Any thread that exposes pedophiles in government and media gets deleted. Everyone gets a short ban which can't be appealed. The Gunn threads were routinely SHUT DOWN despite being big news. It's just one example of (((mods))) being kike puppets. Alphabet agencies are likely blackmailing some mods.
Ethan Butler
you understand that any one that isnt east asian is watched when in east asia right. this is why the american government couldnt pull off a terrorist attack on s korea during the olympic games. they tried. they tried more than 1 time and before you know it cut away and nothing but asians in the stands
now imagine other regions being like this. like no black or white person being able to wander around the middle east without being watched
Carter Powell
You're forgetting that there's more shale oil in Texas alone, than all of Saudi Arabia. And what's been surveyed in Alaska beats any deposit in the world. >Alaska is something like 80% unexplored. The US could go full isolationist TOMORROW, and all we'd have to do is open up some textile factories for clothes and maybe a couple for electronic manufacturing.
Jace Fisher
How long until someone who's on the server gets fed up and orders HER to go away?
SS comm glitch, power blinks out, tap-tap, g'night. Makes for a good Clancy novel I guess.
It always was plausible. The Clintons did the same sell-state-secrets-to-China thing when Slick Willy was Prez, just with "oops, left a secret document in an insecure place, sorry" paper.
This is true but it's also a known access point for our allies in the region. Either way it will be spun to implicate Trump as a bad meanie head by our wonderful media.
Brandon Baker
I know she had a private server in her New York home set up by the awan brothers but that’s it. All this is being set up to show that Hillary couldn’t possibly have done it intentionally. She was just clumsy and you know those clumsy people. Although is regular federal agents did this shit they’ll be in prison by now
Connor Peterson
Big if true. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who flips should get a pardon and be able to retire early with full pension
Colton Ortiz
these came from the thread this afternoon. apparently (?) some DCfag was greentexting from inside the closed hearing. I guess we'll find out.
Watch trump get suicide 5 shotgun shells in the back of the head for this. The fbi will say no goy it’s all a suicide. He shot himself 5 times in the back of the head via suicide even though the gun was a double barrel
Andrew Hall
Supposedly (and hopefully) true. Won’t know for a bit.
I wonder how many 'suicides' will pop up in the news?
Blake Murphy
Ok regular agents not on the dnc playlist
Joseph Jones
Right, it's a reverse drop box. You pay the money, she tells you about it, you go in and take what you want, she's "innocent" because she got "hacked."
Matthew Harris
we were literally ginned up for war with Russia in 2016