This board, Jow Forums, underlies the manifestation of psychological operations initiated both organically from the anxiety that young, distraught white males feel towards the changing cultural and racial dynamics of shifting demographic change in the United States and, to a lesser extent, manipulation based on the emotional volatility of its members by higher forces like Russian funded trolls via their government aiming at sowing discord in the US.
The reason the posts here are cyclical is because its posters are reinforcing a narrative of despair to encourage your, and this is the ultimate goal, disdain to exacerbate voter enthusiasm at the polls to promote a populist-nationalism in the mold of President Trump and to deepen the division of Americans via the racist trolling you see here daily. I come here as a mere observer to study the hivemind of frequenters here. Interesting how it evolved, or rather devolved, from Ron Paul libertarianism in 2008 to what we see today. Time truly is a flat circle.
>he anxiety that young, distraught white males feel towards the changing cultural and racial dynamics of shifting demographic change You can wrap this in all the bourgeois intersectional condescension and explaining away that you want, ethnic conflict is structural and immutable. The rich understand the race war-esque implications and have every intention of retreating to PMC-guarded gated neighborhoods and elite, exclusive security state / city-states. I am just astounded by the delusion of your egalitarianism so obviously crafted to serve the interests of the global proto-aristocracy
Thomas Cruz
Sociology is a scam. Did not major in it. Currently in business school, so perhaps make fun of me for that?
David Miller
No, that is not what I'm saying. I'm detached and just an observer. I personally believe that "Diversity is our strength" is counterproductive.
Josiah Evans
You're right, initially. It is inevitable. Yet, I think it has spiraled out of control and a return to the way society was circa 1990s would be best.
Josiah Flores
No, we don't need some reactionary bullshit to pull us back to some time before that was so golden and magical. We need to establish a new future for ourselves. The old system is rotten and irredeemable
Tyler Russell
Tribalism is the death of society. You can't eliminate every non-white from Western civilization. It's not feasible with today's constraints.
William Sanchez
>the way society was circa 1990s i.e. when whites were unselfconsciously in charge and the modern cults of nigger worship and ethnomasochism were only in their prototypical forms. The alternative to tribes isn't "global one human race tribe :)", it's atomization and social annihilation, the creation of perfect deracinated consumer drones to be led around like cattle. There is no utopia at the end of liberal-leftist destruction of tradition and morality, only nihilism and materialism - spiritual genocide.
Benjamin Hughes
If by 1990 you meant 1790 I could maybe get on board w that
Jaxson Rivera
>todays constraints Exactly. Why do you think I oppose your reactionary plan? The fact is, the denial of tribalism is what allowed for the collapse of our society. The systen that let the non whites in is the root cause of the problem. The resurgance of tribalism is what naturally happens when different races are in close proximity. We must construct a new system around these laws of nature
Adrian Cooper
At the end of the day, a society that can focus on goals that benefit everyone - call it the civic nationalism you more than likely despise - is I think one of the few viable paths. Electing leaders who all people can support with views like noninterventionism, universal health care, better education, end to identity politics (on both sides), is best. That's just me. We'll see whose reality wins
Xavier Ortiz
Jacob Edwards
>a society that can focus on goals that benefit everyone That society will never exist and is unable to exist. Stop living in a fantasy. The melting pot of immigrants has demonstrably failed
Matthew Russell
nice blog faggot
Gabriel Walker
So what then? Remove all brown folk to create a white ethnostate? Mitigate immigration so nonwhites in the country are the only ones who stay henceforth? I don't know man. We live in deeply historical times. I guess we'll find out within the next decade or so
The battle plan never changed, you're an autist who doesn't understand irony. We matched the stupidity with stupidity. Things swung way too far left that it made most libertarians and true classic liberals become alt right or conservative. Jokes on you for taking it seriously and never understanding our true powers. This is about an even playing field. Eat shit.
Justin Jenkins
what we can see the world going to shit and we plot to stop it? wow thanks doc i never knew!
now go flip my burger you cunt
Kevin Morales
your thesis gets an F for faggot
Jacob Hernandez
Source: I wish I could post it but it'd be absolutely uncouth.
Camden Mitchell
On this site/leddit/bodybuilding’s misc: people who retreat from the outside world because they weren’t given a perfect hand and try to rationalize it with masturbatory circle jerks and compensatory narcissism
You can identify people who spend most of their time on the internet just by looking at/briefly interacting with them. The always have unnatural body language that’s either sheepish or forced and find overly complicated ways to relay simple ideas but are incapable of doing opposite, and nobody wants to interact with them as a result.
Get off and leave these sadfux to LDAR
Christopher Baker
I can wait to grab you by the neck and hang you faggot CIA nigger, satire btw. >1875 OP is a nigger loving faggot
Jeremiah Phillips
Nigger, we are the "russian trolls" you fucking idoit!
We are internet trolls and so when we saw trump we were "this dude funny" so we started shilling it. The more we shilled it the crazier it got.
Then you liberal faggots started getting super butthurt so we kept going harder, because people crying makes us happy. We love seeing people kill themselves too.
I have been here in the days before Jow Forums when it was just /b/. I was here when we the "russian hackers" started trolling.
DESU half the people here are probably non-white people who watch tranny porn on a daily basis. you in the asshole on the internet socialogist retard.
Trolls like to make people upset. Liberals get upset easily. Trolls find way to make liberals the most upset. Trolls shill some hitler troll shit and elect cheeto god. Liberals get even more butthurt and say we are russian shills. The entire world is trolled
A bunch reddit fags came and ruined this board taking them selves seroiusly and then i see your retarded faggot analysis you got from some shill professor who is taking this website seriously.
For your trouble cuck here is some nigger gore.
T. buff aryan dude getting advanced degree bout to make money
Therefore nothing is wrong. Be happy with the obvious government/globalist control of your culture, society and finances. The things that are wrong has to do with Russia. You don't seem to understand that some of us have spent time in the corrupted liberal camp. Your approach is controlled and cultivated according to a culture of death and the international elite. We may be searching in the dark for our salvation, but it will be our own.
Easton Perez
Fuck off fag
Evan Rivera
>I'm a dumbass who thinks the board traffic here is from drumpf literally theres factual evidence that it was funded by leftists. This isn't a guess. their leaked operational papers coincide with the increased board traffic pol now experiences.
the final nail in your ridiculous proposition is that while pol definately has a cycle of hatred and racist trolling, a bigger sense of unity and purpose would cultivate more support for the trump administration than the fractured behavior we now witness. threads which attempt to cultivate this by spreading generosity, humor, and board culture are destroyed. It doesn't matter if the contents are degenerate or on topic, whatever causes camaraderie or shifts the overton window the (((moderators))) enforce here is ruthlessly snuffed out.
Considering the total kike control of the moderation team, the relinquishing of the board by moot, and his relative lack of success moving on from Jow Forums, it is easily inferred that this entire website was purchased by political interest. There will always be political opposition to the demands of one group or another, their goal is not to change our minds or ban us, but to keep us here and exposed to their time wasting subversion. Anonymity is the only panacea that keeps the kikes from turning this site full SJW.