its like Roy Moore all over again.
its like Roy Moore all over again.
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He's a patsy spoiler, put in to make it harder for Kelly Ward.
arpaio has always been a meme candidate you genz moron
The two conservatives split the vote, and a liberal RINO took the nomination. Onlu good news is McCain's term is only until 2020. We need to stop electing RINOs. End of story.
You guys don’t understand, every vote for Arpaio was a silent vote, we knew he wouldn’t win. We know Martha mcsally will win but the Arpaio vote is for visibility.
Everyone in Arizona is already a criminal or afraid they soon will be. Who the fuck wants Sheriff Joe to lock them up?
Ya know it's threads like these that help me better identify all the shill posters and comments in the crowd.
This was for a six year term to replace that faggot Flake. The governor will a appoint a replacement for Shitstain. He will be under pressure to appoint Ward.
Who on earth voted an 86 year old man for a 6 year term? Arizona is so incompetent at electing decent Senators compared to how aware their population is it's unbelievable. No reason Ward shouldn't have won.
Would sure like a blow job from Trump tho
idiot, kelli ward agrees with Arpaio on every issue, she's just electable. arpiao split and spoiled the vote
Fuck of Satan
Fucking damn it, Martha McSally is a RINO. She cozied up to Trump to win the election but she's a McCain 2.0
Now the governor can appoint him to replace McBrain
Neither of them adds up to 50%.
McSalad wins regardless
He should have had a protégé.
He could have been our Soros if he played his cards right, but he likes the attention too much.
>51-49 (for arpaio+ward)
>knew McSally would win
>Unironically voted for someone who would be 92 at the end of his term
Fucking idiot. This is why you all got Flake and McCain. Now you get another.
If she's with Trump, she's not anything like McCain
She cute tho
She cute
Every good Sheriff needs a deputy. Dammit JOE!
Do your research on mcsally you drooling orc
Hey AZ/pol/, i know you're reeling right now
But hear me out, i got a conspiracy for you
What if, and i know it's a bitter pills to swallow
In an ironic twist, Joe has actually/accidentally SAVED Ward's third chance.
Ward lost to McBrain, that guy who happened to RIP just LAST WEEK.
If she had lost an OPEN SEAT this time, how would she recover for 2020, knowing that no name Mc BTFO a former opponent to Muh Wah Hiro Mc
she's not "with" Trump idiot, she recognized that Arizonans wanted to elect a Trumpian candidate so she pretended to become more Trumpian.
I meant you should have voted Ward rather than wasting your vote on yet another geriatric.
McSalad didn't even need Trump Scoop to win
McBrain SEALED her fate, as a sympathy vote for the opponent of Mc's opponents
Don’t listen to anything I say
The problem is Joe is a weak choice and so is Ward. I think Republicans need another centrist if they want to win that 2020 seat.
Sheriff Joe thought it was okay to come out as alt-right now and this is why he lost. Same as Paul Nehlen, too much too soon
Did anyone expect this shitbird to actually win? C'mon the country's moving to the right again, but that still doesn't mean you run the equivalent of a Hillary Clinton in an election and expect him to win with all the shit he's notorious for.