>gf of 5 years >move in together 3 months ago >use her laptop to buy comcast bill >need to use browser history to go back a few pages >33 tabs of BBC >confront her >"I forgot to use incognito. I am sorry" >go to youtube to watch videos try to forget it >watch the new alt hype video where he autistically gives up on the white ethnostate >oh god why
Go full Jow Forums and dump her user. Do it. >Only 2.3% of White girls like race mixing >Of those girls 9/10 men said they look ugly. Get somebody better OP before you waste 5 more years married and find her with a BBC up her ass.
Justin Bell
>33 tabs of BBC Yeah dump her, anyone who listens to what the BBC has to say is trash, it's pure commie propaganda.
Nathaniel Price
this, there's girls out there who actually think black guys are gross
Benjamin Walker
You need to discipline her. Drive on over to PetCo or Petsmart and get a few shock collars. Bitches get shocked for misbehaving.
Carson Russell
You should flip the script and get a black guy to fuck you before she gets a black guy to fuck her.
Luis Cruz
I'm sorry user, shes trash. I know it'll hurt like hell, but you'll find better.
Ryan Carter
The girl I am with told me she wouldn't get with a nigger because she isn't attracted to low IQ kek
Fantastic argument newfaggot. Larp harder next time. Women don't discuss IQ
Angel Ramirez
Kick her out and ghost her. This is unacceptable.
James Harris
You shit, you're just salty because you're going to lose your right to own a handgun AND get slapped with tariffs.
Mason Ward
Who cares, this thread will be pruned or deleted in a couple minutes
Maybe I'll finally get fed up and leave this board for good
Jose Taylor
>my entire life consists of Jow Forums memes that I learned this week >the post
Austin Jackson
>shoe polish on face >impregnate gf >leave
Aiden Gomez
Alot of men would dream to be in your shoes. Just become her sissy BBC cuckold. Watch her take huge black cuck and beg her to let you clean up the cum.
If it makes you feel better I recently found out a guy I know is literally being cucked by a guy named Chad. But yeah you need to leave her dude that shit will eat you up forever, you can never trust her again. Sooner you do it, sooner you can find another roastie to inevitably break your heart.
Am I the only one who sees this as a shill thread? Nigga can green text and didn't even say user, strong anti-white sentiment, clearly a psy-op in disguise and not a very clever one, think OP is a kike and should go suck a nigger cock.
Ryan Barnes
"I forgot to use incognito"?
Everybody with a porn habit uses ctrl-shift-n
shut the fuck up OP you nigger lover
Kayden Stewart
The outlandish obsession pol has with with white woman wanting black dick is pathetic.
Brody Hughes
I bet your girlfriend gives you a ruff time. She really bow wows a crowd with her natural intelligence.
Dylan Carter
Daniel Moore
Not true, an ex of mine "encourages" me sit an IQ test when she was a psych student and thought she was too clever for me, she got 115, i got 147, we broke up soon after.
Cameron Hernandez
It's mostly shitskins posting it.
Carter Evans
That would be a mistake. Not that you could anyway.
Cameron Morris
>>The jews
Niggers are only smart enough for /b/(lacks)
Jackson Lee
>I forgot to use incognito
if she delivered that with a straight face you are totally fucked user.
Jason Parker
>33 tabs of BBC Well, it's better then CNN
Luis Miller
true that she probably watches beastiality too
Jack Ortiz
How to spot a shill: unironically uses 'BBC'
Isaiah Moore
This. Anyone still watching BBC, CNN or NOS is beyond saving
Connor Rogers
oh you poor cuck. You have it much worse than op
Joseph Miller
This is all part of the (((plan)))
Luis Carter
10 star post
Nolan Perry
I don't buy it girls don't watch porn
Colton Hernandez
>gf of 5 years tl;dr this same trash was posted last night. Five years and you're not married and move in together. This is a shitpost, so bad I can't even shit post. Move on from this skank, if you're even real, and quit your bitching on Jow Forums, just stay home and play with your boipucci. OP Posted and left the board. This is SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE in Options B8 B8 B8 Fake and Gay Slide Thread.
She probably watches MSNBC and listens to NPR, too. Dump her now before you get infected with the Liberal mind virus!!
Ryder Lee
>Jow Forums >gf of 5 years Kek, nice try shill
Angel Gutierrez
took you that long to move in together? if you find a real keeper you need to lock shit down well before then. anyway op, what is most likely happening is that you are too boring and she turns to porn for "adventure." in this scenario, you will eventually propose, she will accept, but within probably 5 years she will run off with some dude who makes her feel special (and fucks her properly no doubt). she'll realize she was never really in love with you- or at least, that's how she'll justify abandoning you. game over for your love life when that happens. i'd recommend you break up with her immediately. it might feel sad but you'll both move on faster than you think
this is better bait but still far below the standards of this fine board.
please try harder and do better.
Christian Rogers
Leave now
Connor Baker
this is going to be a unpopular opinion, but things people click on the internet are not reflective of real life
Joshua Williams
This one always makes me lawl >lets print it backwards on the shirt, for all my mirror shots
Carter Flores
End it, if she doesn't find them grotesque then is she worth your time?
Grayson Hall
you wish
Lucas Rivera
>OP makes blackpill BBC shill thread >leaves and repies to nobody >faggots will think this is legit and bump this garbage thread for hours When did Jow Forums become consistently the most brainless fucking nigger board?