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Other urls found in this thread:

i hate social medias and the way they censor people but it is their platform

>The internet is the modern public square. It is where political campaigns are fought and won, where journalism is created and distributed, and where grassroots movements are born. Yet, the free and open internet has become a controlled, censored space, monopolized by a few unaccountable corporations.

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By banning users from their platforms, those corporations can effectively remove politically unwelcome Americans from the public square. That is repugnant to our shared values of free speech and freedom of the press.

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The President should request that Congress pass legislation prohibiting social media platforms from banning users for First Amendment-protected speech. The power to block lawful content should be in the hands of individual users – not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey.

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Petition looks good to me but why are you posting Autism Whitty?

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bumping this!

Live in Australia but wish you all the luck with this venture. From what I've seen though, it's generally quite difficult to rally support behind anything on the right, especially when it comes to petitions.

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It takes a lot to get us to come together, but when we do we get shit done like has never been done Trump for example.

Also this is one of those causes that is definitely worth coming together on.

Bitch please. Cookies are the easiest thing to make. Try harder.


as if I am going to give my name and address to that fucking cheeto fascist drumpf


LOL did it let you?

Wrong, asshole.

Your rights do no stop where private companies start.

this girl was pumped and dumped by JP.

Yes, no problem at all. Not my first American petition I sign. Only had to confirm with my mail and it is

I would sign her petition, if you know what I mean.

Nice. Day of the rake has been postponed.

gimmie cookie

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This hottie makes my pee pee tingle

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Hoggfags ruined her for me

Fuck you Jow Forums

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I'd take a cookie from her, just please keep her away from politics, in the same way as every female and woman.

>muh dik

>free speech on social media
It should be on every publically traded company's platform.
Die, lolbertarian autist.

Yeah totally looks like petitions on that website achieve things...

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u can use a temp mail and a different ip...
even many times

but nobody go doing that... thats naughty

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ashton thread

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Oh no! I cant call people n words anymore better protest noaw!

>against government regulation
>demands more government regulation

Toppest of keks

On a scale of 1 to "Elizabeth Holmes", how batshit insane do you think she is?

she's insane and she does the same to my phallus

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Lads, honest question and I’m not shit posting: can you point to anyone being Censored politically on a social media platform?

The problem is these tech companies are the ones regulating, acting as a defacto government.

Social media has become the way that people communicate publicly, therefore it should fall under free speech.

I want to breed Ashton

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wew lad this jew wants the nazi dick bad

Lots of people lately

Alex Jones
Ben Garrison
Mister Metokur

A ton more

This is why Trump has been talking about fixing things.

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