Along with Jim*
proves that Metokur was banned by jewtube itself, the pendulum swings both ways!
>Not subscribed to Buzzfeed
Fucking shill
Jim is already back.
He saved my cap, I don't watch normie shit
Well I too see Metokur is back, and Kraut is kill, How does Kraut keep getting killed like this?
What a funny turn of events.
>I don't know what a reaction harvesting psyop is
He just can't stay away from making enemies and baiting people, it seems. I'm truly surprised he came back to the internet after the BTFOing he received last year, if he had any smarts he'd stay down and be forgotten within a year or two.
Literally who?
Maybe the 9 year old army took him down
The author of this
A...Academics, plz help.
Is this another op? ShitRat is playing it up.
Why is IQ still an argument?
Nigeria's average IQ is 71, not 84
Jim streamed yesterday on his channel.
Jim was fucked by Kraut and shitrat alliance. False flag Kraut as a mask against allegations after being fingered as a top 3 candidate for the targeting.
>faggot ecelebs fucking each other over
This isn't politics, fuck right off faggots. Keep your autism in YouTube comments.
I'm really starting to think this is a false flag done by Kraut's orbiters flagging his videos to divert attention to either MMatt or the hambeast journo as the culprit behind Jim's silencing. Does anybody know any updates on the situation yet?
What the fuck is even going on anymore? I hate Kraut but it seems like JewTube just bans people arbitrarily at this point, even people who go along with their faggy agenda.
Yeah. Google should be banned from banning people.
Just fucking nationalize these shit companies already. At least they'd be subject to the bill of rights.
>inb4 but then the government could use these services to track you
They already sell your information to the government anyway, it's not like it would make a fucking difference.
I think Trump is going trust busting
I'd be fine with this too. If breaking them up didn't work than I'd say go full on nationalization.
Anyone who isn’t a full-on communist gets banned now
That actually makes me kind of mad. He clearly knows enough about statistics to realise why that argument is retarded.
YouTube staff
pleas respond
As Jim said yesterday, he wasn't suspended by Youtube's higher-ups like it was the case for Alex Jones. That's how his channel was resurrected by one of Keemstar's friend at YouTube.
That makes you really think about the ways that website works: basically any employee can destroy or revive your channel without following the guidelines rules and without consequences for themselves.
This again proves that regulations are needed for such websites. They are used as livelihoods now, they aren't some boards or forums where the mods tyranical behaviors have little consequences.
Wew lad
I don't even like this guy, but this is wrong
Here is a petition to sign btw for social media
What the fuck is a German though? Nationality means nothing these days due to kike immigration policies.
Remove the anti-alt-right crap and Kraut isn't that welcome on YouTube.
If a genderfluid crippled mutt faggot, like the ones YouTube features on their official videos, were to be arbitrarily banned that wouldn't be without harsh consequences for the employee who did this.
The Left will always eat itself.
outside of law violation - yes, it should. It's a public space at this point
>brain with a graduation smart boy cap
>posts something fucking retarded to anyone that stops to think a minute about it
what did he mean by this
I used to watch GMM with the woman every day, it was part of our ritual. Then they went and got vasectomies together like two cucks. Then I read the shit Rhett wrote in fucking Buzzfeed, Salon, or Vox. Or wherever the fuck. About gun control and confederate statues.
I hope he gets ass cancer and rots from the inside.
how does this prove that?
it doesn't. Krauts magnum opus is basically a bunch of character assassination videos about all the people he thinks wronged him but the only person he doesn't have any material to mock like he does all the others is metokur, and all his social media takes a hit the second he returns to youtube?
And kraut is the guy who comes out with things like "you kill your enemies, and then you make peace with what is left".
Out of all the people who made fun of kraut or accused him of doxing metokurs three or four piece video series was the pinnacle of the whole debacle.
Germany has 82 million people, Nigeria 186 million people, and yet nigerians are on average so dumb germans still have 11 million more people with an IQ over 99.
>when you don't lie
>but it only takes a Wikipedia lookup to know how retarded the shill is
His next target.
no one touches Jow Forums altaic goddess
I guess they never responded...
The Altaic Goddess before the Kraut Curse.
>sharp angled ass
Gross. It's supposed to be round.
Stop insulting Jow Forums goddess
>when your colostomy bag protrudes ever so slightly
Ethnic or Merkelians?
Why isn't everyone suing this Mundane Matt cunt?
Speaking of MMatt.
Want his phone number?
The faggot went full on lockdown after few calls.
Threaten to sue him.
(619) 855-2284
Can use to call.
Will he kill himself now?
Coach red pill is a bad as kraut. They are both snake oil salesmen. Let them rot.
Sue him for what? Do you think he needed a license to flag those videos?
are the embedded marxists working for jewtube just banning as many as they can before being trustbusted?
Kraut saved by Keemstar.
Kraut fancies himself a revolutionary in the 1700s. He probably asked his commie friends to flag him to pollinate his videos to other channels.
Can TJ Kirk be next? I hate that faggot.
He probably just took his own channel down because everyone's sick of his bs. His great return was marked by him attacking some literally who and Jim getting banned (thus bringing heat back on Kraut either directly or indirectly via crossfire over Matt).
He self deported himself from youtube
Way more dude. A black nigerian with 70 IQ is average. A 70 IQ white aryan is considered retarded.
>How does Kraut keep getting killed like this?
Kraut and his "Internet Academics" are so retarted that they functions as a recruiting tool for the Alt-Right.
Google shut them down before they could do more damage to the left
>reaction harvesting psyop
Please teach us oh mighty CIA handbook
Keem is a benevolent god.