I was speaking to my friend about how 82% of UK population growth 2001-2016 was due to immigration.
He pointed this out: "The way you phrased this is distasteful. Yes, population growth is DUE to immigration. But the children of those immigrants are British."
And I thought, "Wow, that's so true."
How can Jow Forums argue with this without boiling things down to race (which is not an argument)?
You're both faggots who deserve to be ruled by an external power with fewer delusions.
Andrew Scott
>my friend demanded me change my tune, because too many badthinks came about. >Jow Forums how can I think about this without my own badthinks >please for the love of peat, take these badthinks out of my head, they torment me so >I'm clearly a very clever baiter aren't I? >I need my (yous)
Ok user. Here's your you, feel better. Want me to get you a nappy to go with it?
Liam Howard
You know what's categorically "not an argument" >the children of those immigrants are British "British" doesn't mean a god damn fucking thing beyond the applicability of tax laws and you are a disgusting fucking moron for giving it credence.
Ayden Kelly
Omg how didn't i think about this. Fellow citizen of the world. Im pretty sure if one of those shitholes declares war on britain those british will give their life for you and die for British values, tottaly not desert and pillage you. Based and woke.
Owen Perez
if anybody is British nobody is
Blake Perry
>But the children of those immigrants are British. Wrong, pigs ad monkeys born in stables do not make them horses
Colton Phillips
Just like whites in South africa are not seen as African.
Abdul Jihad born in the UK whos parents speak Arabic is not British.
Evan Ramirez
>And I thought, "Wow, that's so true." Then you're defective and the reason why your wretched nation will soon be dead, hopefully.
Carson Wood
population is declining due to the economic setting which chases more and more efficiency (automation) and more and more concentration of the capital in the hands of the elite. normal people don't earn enough money and can't afford to own even a home, thus they don't breed. and since the pyramide can not function with declining population, they will just import more negros and mudslims. it was not easy to brain wash the population into accepting them, they had enact a series of other campaigns, in order to give rights to other minorities (faggots), but things started to get a little out of hand and now we have all kinds of weirdos and race-mixing is the norm. ofc, they don't care about the population turning brown or yellow, they just need consumers and slaves to keep the bubble growing... the problem is that people are breeding even less with all the gay stuff that they are promoting, and especially young men are withdrawing from society, which makes them dangerous to the status-quo. the biggest problem they face is that they have no idea how to keep the system growing... demography is destiny and they might end up with big investments in automated lines that will have no one to produce for. in the mean time niggers will continue to flow in.
Nathan Murphy
Both ethno nationalists and civic nationalists are wrong You need both an ethnic bond and a civic bond. Only through a common culture and common blood will a people remain united.
Adrian Powell
>You need both an ethnic bond and a civic bond. To do what, cocksucker?
Jacob Gray
I know people that have been in America for generations that I consider to be unamerican. ..
I have a first generation Asian friend who is one of the most American Americans I know.
I have to know, did you save this image a few weeks back from a Jow Forums thread? Nobody replied when I did some digging to find it... Even though the thread was full of people asking for MOAR
Jonathan Thompson
To remain united you dipshit. For instance, during the American civil war wouldn't you say the South and North had a common ethnic bond, but they certainly did not have a common cultural bond.
William Cooper
>To remain united you dipshit. To the benefit of who?
Owen Smith
The people? People who no common culture and no common ethnic history tend to have lots of conflicts.
Julian Scott
Have you ever considered that your friend is an idiot. You really should.
Cameron Campbell
I sincerely hope you and your friend die horrible, painful, bloody deaths in the next few days. I have just made a short prayer to that effect.
Ryder Robinson
Then they shouldn't be united.
Isaac Garcia
There's nothing wrong with collectivism. If everyone I, and my parents, gave me a few hundred pounds I could buy a house. This is what the Indians and Pakistanis do, and they also accumulate resources in order to do things like open businesses.
Meanwhile individual whites have to rent and enrich others, and save every penny, for a decade to get to where that non-white was in a week.
Cameron Young
If i move to China and have a kid, is the kid going to magically turn Chinese?
No, I actually posted it in Brit/pol/ a couple of weeks ago.
Dylan Allen
>race (which is not an argument) pic related
to the rest of the post, civic nationalism is nationalism based only on civic values. a civic nationalist therefore believes anyone with the right values is assimilable and equal to any other citizen in the country. of course, you can make distinctions based on their income or whatever metric so you get smart, productive, low crime types, but ultimately this means that any "quality" person outside the country who holds the right beliefs about politics is welcome to come in. that is an infinite supply of immigrants. the only bottleneck on their flow into the country will be the rate at which they can be settled without causing economic chaos, leaving immigrants unemployed, forcing natives out of work, etc.
those foreigners, if they are of another race, are also never going to intermix with the host population. official government statistics and history bear this out: blacks with whites or whatever two races you wish to study can live side by side for hundreds of years without creating a hybrid population, and as a result the political issue of race was never put to bed. regardless of your beliefs or your hypothetical perfect class of immigrants, people are race conscious. even today despite orwellian anti-racist thought policing, people are race conscious. this is true in general terms, so this problem will manifest on the national scale, i.e., in politics. this can only be a weakness and a source of violence and instability. inevitably, the race issue in politics turns to one of differing values, each appealing in different degrees to the different races, and this undermines the entire point of the civic nation. the issue of immigration is especially effective in this regard, and all it takes is one unprincipled politician or lawmaker to let open pandora's box by letting open the borders.
therefore civic nationalism cannot be a nativist position. a country without nativism is many countries in the making.
that's tacitly accepted by ethnonationalists. an ethnicity is just a set of people, and any set of people has its own set of civic beliefs, attitudes, and values, which is to say a political culture. the only issue here is drawing the line around the ethnic set in a sufficiently narrow manner. e.g. "caucasian nationalism" could never work with arabs or indians being as different as they are from white europeans. a narrower caucasian grouping could be homogeneous enough to efficiently and naturally cooperate on a national scale, though
As to your topic... Sure they'll become British, but only if immigrants come at a slow rate. People won't assimilate if they remain in pockets of people from their old culture. Also I imagine it takes two generations, not just one, to be heavily assimilated.
Jeremiah Flores
Anyone else find Insane Naked Feminist hot in a weird way?
I'd definitely do her
Joshua Murphy
Even as a civic nationalist, I don't buy one generation integration, and mass immigration causes demographic quakes.
Stop short-sighted social engineering with mass immigration.
Jose Sanchez
Who's the naked bitch?
Chase Peterson
Had to bust one just to spite her, at any rate.
Parker Carter
This. If "PoC"s can cheer Africa for the Africans and white people don't belong there, we're going to roll like a tide cleansing anyone darker than an italian off this continent.
Michael Garcia
She's a jew.
Julian Mitchell
Wtf I love living in a wog-infested shithole now
Logan Hill
Immigrant kids aren't British no mo' unless the parents are British
Hudson Cox
>I'm not arabian, I'm just a southern Italian You're only ganna get rid of nigs that way
Robert Jenkins
If you change the definition of "British" to literally any human who is born in the British Isles then of course they are "British". However, do not conflate being a citizen of the state of Britain to sharing an identity with the descendants of the original Bretons, the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Normans.
Mason Young
a better question is- why do shitskins flood countries that were once white and not the other way around? It shows white people build better societies.
Easton Barnes
casual public nudity/sex where society just ignores and accepts it is my fetish
Hudson Reed
>I was speaking to my friend about how 82% of UK population growth 2001-2016 was due to immigration.