Will Jow Forums ever forget Alex Jones watched tranny porn?

Or will the Jow Forums hivemind end up claiming this was a false flag? like every shooting in america? and the moon landing? and a spherical earth? and vaccines? and climate change?

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Why do retards think this matters. Alex is pure entertainment, this only makes him more entertaining.

you seem angry about something


I'm confused as to why this is supposed to upset me.

OP sounds like a newfag, and a racist. Or transits or whatever they call their pariahs in the left.

Oh yea. OP's a bigot.

>spam trannyporn to alex jones
>he opens a link
>haha, gotcha
and here we are

Oh look another Share Blue forced meme made by a minimum wage employee. I wonder why your bluewave has failed?

ps. its hilarious that you implying trans is a bad thing, way to undermine your message kid.



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But no one was doing that.

>alex jones is a bigot! he doesnt accept gay people!
>alex jones is a pervert! he watches transexual porn!
Which one is it. Also who cares what people slam their dicks to?...

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This webm disgusts me more than it arouses me


lmao idc sissies are god's gift to high testosterone men in war scenarios where you will not see a woman for months on end. They have no place in modern society today, which is probably why they feel so useless and ashamed.

Why does this matter? You strike me as a homophobe

feed me mommy

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that just proves the theory that you're gay

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Try harder

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>what is a halfwit faggot sperg supposed to do?
It is driving lefties crazy. They want to try to use the allegations against him but the very accusations go against their core mantras. I am hoping this was actually planned by Alex's team and not pure accident. Not that I against faggot sex or trannies, which I am, but that it is an elegant troll of the left if so.

>he kept it in tab history
really makes you think

How could you possibly know whether that is true or not? What kind of spam do I get most, excluding crappy cheap drug spam?

wtf why is that shenigger ejaculating from her boobs

Why do you care about one man's apparent taste in porn? It won't drive people away and it won't give him new fans. It's shill desperation trying to make a lulzy fucked up thing into a scandal. The shills themselves are the ones getting worked up about it

lol wtf

Jones is a civic nationalist, that's much worse than watching tranny porn.


Milk truk jus arrive

I knew a guy who loved that. I do not get it at all.

Totally agree, the amount of leftists calling him a faggot is hilarious. It's like a parallel smuggy universe. Everybody calling everybody else a faggot, except they literally are faggots, and who gives a fuck about being called a faggot by a real faggot? No one because its meaningless.

I know there are a lot of hardcore gay haters on here, but it seems like the majority could just want them to stay in the fucking closet because homosexuality as a lifestyle is abhorrent and their outright degeneracy kills societies. Other than that I'm not sure why anyone cares who fucks who or what.

probably tastes good, I would drink the milk those udders